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ADE – July 2014. Step 1 Print hard copy of BOTH sets of instructions This presentation is for informational purposes only and does not take the place.

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Presentation on theme: "ADE – July 2014. Step 1 Print hard copy of BOTH sets of instructions This presentation is for informational purposes only and does not take the place."— Presentation transcript:

1 ADE – July 2014

2 Step 1 Print hard copy of BOTH sets of instructions This presentation is for informational purposes only and does not take the place of 7 CFR 210.14 or 210.15 Step 2 Gather required data detailed on next slide

3 2010 October - Lunch Totals School or location# of paid lunchesprice Middle School10012.50 High School8952.75 Grade School20102.25 2013 October - Lunch Totals School or location# of paid lunchesprice Middle School21752.50 High School10402.75 Grade School17522.35 2012-13 Total Lunches for the School Year School or location# of paid lunches All4,000 Non-Federal source funds contributed in SY 2011-12, SY 12-13, SY13-14 Total$1.00

4 Open the 2014-15 PLE Tool MS Excel file Start on second tab titled “Unrounded Requirement Finder” Go to second large box titled “Complete if you do NOT know your SY2013-2014 Unrounded Price Requirement” Follow the link “if you do not know your SY2010-2011 Weighted Average Price CLICK HERE” The link will take you to the last tab titled “SY 10-11 Price Calculator

5 (A) Enter 2010 lunch counts and pricing from OCTOBER of 2010 to determine your SY2010-11 weighted average price This data should have been previously collected

6 Note your SY2010-11 weighted average price Follow the link at the bottom of the page titled “Click to go back to Unrounded Requirement Finder”

7 (B) In the second large box go to the orange cell titled SY 2010-11 Weighted Average Price and enter the SY2010- 11 weighted average price you just calculated

8 (C) Go to first box above and enter “Price 2” from the yellow box into the orange box above Note this price is automatically calculated for you

9 Follow the link at the bottom of the page titled “Click here to go to the SY2014-15 Price Calculator”

10 (D) Enter data from OCTOBER 2013 This data should have been previously collected Note the SY 2013-14 weighted average price Note that you can also use the SY 13-14 Price Calculator tab

11 Review data to determine price increase in the blue, grey and green boxes Choose which price increase you may want to implement… your new 2014-15 price Move to box titled “Step 3 (Optional) – Pricing Estimation Calculator”

12 Manually input different pricing to equal the price requirement chosen above It should be noted that if you do not increase pricing when recommended by the PLE Tool, then the recommended increase will automatically be added to next year’s pricing tool for the 2015-16 school year

13 Use the following tools to help determine other non- Federal contributions that may be used based on current pricing or a combination split of raising prices and using non- Federal funds At this point, you may want to finalize what price increase you will implement $.05,.10, etc.?

14 Go to the tab titled “SY14- 15 Non-Federal Calculator” (E) In the box titled “Current Weighted Average Paid Price” enter the 2013-14 weighted average price from the previous tab (SY14-15 Price Calculator) ….or from the second to last tab….it’s the same price

15 (F) In the orange cell in the box below enter the “annual number of paid lunches for SY 2012-2013” This data should have been previously collected

16 (G) In the next box below enter in the orange cell enter the “amount of non-Federal source funds contributed for SY 2011-12, SY2012-13, and SY 2013-14 Please note the tool will calculate any remaining balance needed in SY 2014-15 Go to tab titled “SY14-15 Split Calculator”

17 (H) Enter into the “SY2013-14 Weighted Average Price Calculator” the number of lunches and pricing from OCTOBER 2013 in the orange cells This data should have been previously collected

18 (I) In the “New Price” box below enter the new price you will charge in SY 2014-15 Note – This should be the price previously determined on the SY14-15 Price Calculator” tab (step D). If you choose to use the “required price for SY2014-15 with 10 cents cap” then any remaining increase will carry over into the 2015-16 school year

19 (J) In the box below in the orange cell “Enter annual number of paid lunches for SY 2012-2013” This data should have been previously collected (K) In the box below in the orange cell “Enter amount of Non- Federal Source Funds Contributed”

20 Note that the amount of non- Federal funds is based on the “New Price” for SY2014-15 entered in the orange box above If you charge the new required price then the tool will most likely show that no non-Federal funds will be required Also note that any non-Federal funds NOT contributed in SY2014-15 will be carried over into the new 2015-16 school year

21 The last remaining tab titled “SY2014-2015 Report” is optional but provides you with an update based on the data entered into the other tabs in the tool The data on this tab can serve as a starting point for the following year


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