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Using Mobile Devices in the Classroom Educational Technology Department.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Mobile Devices in the Classroom Educational Technology Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Mobile Devices in the Classroom Educational Technology Department

2 Objectives  Why incorporate mobile devices?  Classroom Management Tips  Resources  Helpful hints

3 Why incorporate mobile devices?  2/3 of children age 4-7 have used an iPhone or iTouch  17% of high school seniors entering college own a mobile device (tablet)  Many teens have a cell phone at school but not used in class. Kids are powering down at school. “Mobiles represent an untapped resource for reaching students and for bridging the gap between the learning that happens in school and learning that happens out in the world.”

4 Why incorporate mobile devices?  Digital learners prefer processing pictures, sound, color and video before text.  Digital learners prefer parallel processing and multitasking.  Digital learners prefer instant gratification. “Mobiles represent an untapped resource for reaching students and for bridging the gap between the learning that happens in school and learning that happens out in the world.”

5 Why incorporate mobile devices?  Digital generation has a need for speed!  Digital learners prefer learning “just- in-time.”  Digital learners prefer learning that is relevant, active, instantly useful, and fun. “Students expect a learning environment that accommodates a mobile lifestyle, integrates today’s digital tools, adapts to individual learning styles, & encourages collaboration and teamwork.” Have you been paying attention?

6 Guidelines Digital Citizenship video for teachers Digital Citizenship pg. in the Student Handbook

7 Classroom Management Tips  “Screen up” & “Screen down”  Happy Hands  Place device in a designated location on the desk when not in use  Recording procedures  Settings

8 Classroom Management Tips  Pair students up  Group students  Allow students to share classroom computer(s)  Check out device(s) from the library

9 Resources “Are we preparing students for their future or our past?.” –Ian Jukes



12 R Quick Response Codes Create authentic, engaging opportunities for learning outside school Lead Historical Tours Create Scavenger Hunts Offer Homework Help Tie math to real life Link to DE Streaming video Google form for feedback

13 QR Codes in the Classroom Make displays interactive Promote a book Meet an author Scaffold student learning Check answers Provide links to missed work QR Code Question-of-the-Week

14 Scan!

15 QR Codes in the Classroom Get students up and moving Create stories with different endings - student selects which ending they desire to read Connect to examples for lesson assistance

16 Formal Assessment Tools  Poll Everywhere  Today's Meet  Socrative  Survey Monkey / /

17 Student resources Cell phone applications Uses Audio recorderPodcasting, Journaling Voice recorderCommercials, storytelling, how-to’s, documenting experiments, field trips… CameraFinding real-life examples, documenting experiments/field trips… Note PadClass notes, stories, journals… Media PlayerListen to teacher/student podcasts, audiobooks, videos… InternetLibrary database resources, Gaggle, Edmodo, Blogs, Wikis & more…

18 Student resources Notes Calendars Sharing ideas & drafts Presentations

19 Modeling for students  Record lectures & post to website.  Use your cell phone as a camera to capture student work, events, and load them.  Use your cell phone & library databases to conduct research.  Strengthen home/school connection

20 Helpful Hints  Start small!  Work with the students and model appropriate use with a cell phone.  Make sure you have a solid plan for consequences of inappropriate use and follow through!  Have fun!

21 A Vision of K-12 Students



24 Resources Cell Phones in the Classroom: A Practical Guide for Educators 2010 Horizon Report: The K12 Edition “QR Codes 101,” Learning & Leading with Technology: June/July 2012 “Taming the Chaos,” Learning & Leading with Technology: November 2010

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