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S CIENCE S CAPE 2011 By: JayLynn M, La’ish R, Lara M, and Attia G.

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Presentation on theme: "S CIENCE S CAPE 2011 By: JayLynn M, La’ish R, Lara M, and Attia G."— Presentation transcript:

1 S CIENCE S CAPE 2011 By: JayLynn M, La’ish R, Lara M, and Attia G

2 INTRODUCTION Hi, our names are JayLynn, La’ish, Abby, Attia, and Lara. We are ages 12-14. We are going to into 7 th, 8 th, and 9 th grade. We will be explaining our experiences with airplane building and our visit to the Black Cultural Center. These labs encouraged learning and interesting sights. We were learning about airplanes and culture.

3 A IRPLANE B UILD : M ETHODS In the airplane build lab we did lots of things. There was a lot of measuring cutting, and arguing. We had a very select amount of materials and equipment, Including glue, wood, plastic, and exacto-knives. Everyone in the group had a role to play in order to create a successful airplane.

4 A IRPLANE B UILDING : R ESULTS Once we had a completed airplane we tested it indoors to see whose could go the farthest for the longest amount of time. In the end about one airplane successfully flew, and about 10 broken airplanes to mourn. We saw a lot of efforts go into the airplanes. But everyone did try and gave it there best.

5 A IRPLANE B UILDING : L AB C ONCLUSIONS We learned about lift, mass, thrust, drag, and how to work together. A lot of groups had the same results; being broken airplanes, but one group did leave with a successful plane. There was a lot of different problems on different planes, but the main problems was broken parts and peeling plastic. We all learned that even though you try hard, you may not always succeed at first, but if you try again you will see progress.

6 B LACK C ULTURAL CENTER At the BCC we learned about African- American history and African culture. We saw beautiful sculptures and paintings that exposed us to the unknown. We learned a lot and had a great time.

7 F INAL T HOUGHTS This camp was really fun and we would all want to come back next year! We would like to thank our parents, counselors, teachers, directors, and everyone who helped. You all made this possible for us and we appreciate it!


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