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Relative Clause ÖZCAN KALAYLI 1090610170. Relative(adjective)clause ► A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun. subordinate clausenounsubordinate.

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Presentation on theme: "Relative Clause ÖZCAN KALAYLI 1090610170. Relative(adjective)clause ► A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun. subordinate clausenounsubordinate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Relative Clause ÖZCAN KALAYLI 1090610170

2 Relative(adjective)clause ► A relative clause is a subordinate clause that modifies a noun. subordinate clausenounsubordinate clausenoun

3 Relatives for Subjects ► ► Who: It is used for persons. ► ► Which: It is used for liveless creatures or animals. ► ► That: It is used instead of both who and which.

4 Let’s do practice  The man walks slowly.  He used to be an athlete.  And now combine these sentences with Relative clause.  The man who/that walks slowly used to be an athlete

5 ► I saw a black cat. ► Black cat is believed to bring bad luck. ► Let’s combine them with which/that. ► I saw a black cat which/that is believed to bring bad luck.

6 Relatives for Objects ► Who, whom, that, ¤ (boş): They are used for persons as object

7  That is the man.  We saw him at the meeting.  Combine them with Relative clause.  That is the man Who, whom, that, ¤ We saw at the meeting.

8 ► ► Which, that, ¤ (boş): They are used for liveless or aimals as object.

9 ► The book was very expensive. ► We bought it. ► The book We bought was very expensive. ► The book Which, that, ¤ We bought was very expensive.

10 Time Clause ► When,(prep.)+which,that: They are used for time expressions like day,year time,etc. ► (Prep): prepositions like on,in,at.

11 The example of Time ► I will never forget the day. ► I met her on that day. ► I will never forget the day when,on which,that I met her.

12 Place Clause ► Where,(prep.)+which,that: They are used for place expressions like there.

13 The example of Place ► I want to live in a city. ► there is a lot of sunshine there. ► I want to live in a city where,in which,that there is a lot of sunshine.

14 WHOSE ► Whose:It is used for both persons and animals when there are possesive pronouns in the sentence.

15 Example ► Can you repair the table? ► Its legs are broken. ► Can you repair the table whose legs are broken.

16 OF WHICH ► Of which:It is rarely used for animals when there are possesive pronouns in the sentence.

17 ► Can you repair the table? ► Its legs are broken. ► Can you repair the table legs of which are broken.

18 WHY ► When: It is used if we say reason after words like reason,explanation.

19 Example ► I can’t explain the reason. ► We cancelled the meeting. ► I can’t explain the reason why We cancelled the meeting.

20 Expressions of Quantity ► Relative clause may include words used with ‘of’ such as most of, none of, two of, half of, both of, neither of, each of, etc. ► These words can only be used with “whom, which, whose”.

21 ► In my English class there are 10 students. ► Most of them are from İzmir. ► In my English class there are 10 students Most of whom are from İzmir.

22 ► I bought five books. ► Two of them are about music. ► I bought five books, two of which are about music.

23 ► They talked about Mary. ► One of her problems was coming to class late.  They talked about Mary, one of whose problems was coming to class late.

24 ► Relative Clause sometimes subordinates a whole sentence but not a word. ► In this situation Comma(,) + which are used for subordinate sentence

25 ► Şule failed the test. ► That shocked all of us. ► Şule failed the test,which shocked all of us.

26 Reduction of Relative Clauses ► We can turn relative clause from sentence into a clause by reducing the relative word.

27  The boy who is running towards us is my son.  Now we can write it :  The boy running towards us is my son.

28 ► Attention: ► If you want to do reduction, that who and which should subordinate subject, or you cannot do reduction.

29 ► The boy who you met yesterday is my son. ► (You cannot do reduction in this sentence.) ► So subjects should be same in reduction.

30 ► Thanks for your watching Özcan Kalaylı Özcan Kalaylı

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