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Collections & Scholarly Resources Coordinator

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Presentation on theme: "Collections & Scholarly Resources Coordinator"— Presentation transcript:

1 Collections & Scholarly Resources Coordinator
Open Journal Systems (OJS) An Open-Source Software for Publishing Electronic Journals, Newsletters, & Serials Stephen Dew Collections & Scholarly Resources Coordinator UNCG Libraries

2 OJS & PKP OJS is a journal management and publishing system that was developed by the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) PKP is a partnership involving Simon Fraser University, University of British Columbia, & Stanford University Supported by a number of grants, PKP is dedicated to developing new technologies that can be used to improve the reach & value of scholarly research

3 OJS & PKP OJS was designed specifically to assist faculty and researchers in publishing peer-reviewed open-access journals OJS supports journal management through every stage of the peer-review & editorial process, from submission of manuscripts to the final publication of each issue. OJS made freely available


5 UNCG & OJS During the last two years, a few faculty members communicated with the Libraries about help publishing e-journals In the spring 2010, Libraries acquired OJS and began planning to publish first journal – Journal of Black Masculinity Set up Web site for UNCG OJS journals:








13 OJS Roles Manager Subscription Manager Editors Section Editors
Peer Reviewers Copyeditors, Layout Editors, & Proofreaders Authors Readers

14 Journal Manager Sets up journal, establishing publishing options, policies, template forms and s, etc. Assigns User Roles




18 Manager’s Set Up Options

19 Manager Assigns User Roles
Editors Section Editors (Book Reviews, Articles, etc.) Peer Reviewers Copyeditors Layout Editors Proofreaders Subscription Managers

20 Editors Review all submissions for appropriateness
Assign manuscripts to section editors or peer reviewers Oversee editorial process and make final editorial decisions on manuscripts Assemble and publish issues

21 Section Editors Assign peer reviewers for works submitted to the section Make editorial decisions for section, in consultation with the Editor









30 Purpose of OJS OJS is a journal management and publishing system that was designed to assist faculty and researchers in publishing peer-reviewed open-access journals at every stage of the process, from submission to the final publication.

31 Flexibility of OJS Also supports non-peer-reviewed publications, especially professional newsletters and technical reports Also supports subscription-based publications A large number of individuals can be involved in a wide variety of roles (peer-reviewed journals) A very limited number could be involved, even 1 or 2 (newsletters, technical report series, etc.)


33 Other UNCG OJS Publications Currently in Process of Development
The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy Women & Girls in Sport International Journal of Nurse Practitioner Educators Journal of Learning Spaces Richard Hogarth Society Newsletter UNCG Technical Reports

34 Marketing OJS to Faculty
Faculty Forum Scheduled for October 19 Postcards sent to all faculty Posters set up in EUC Campus Weekly article


36 With OJS at UNCG Libraries, we are now in the publishing industry.

37 Wiley and Elsevier, Beware!

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