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Unit 1: All Aboard!. Train is Coming *Train is coming, Train is coming, Train is coming to our town. (2x) **I can hear that whistle blowing. I can hear.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 1: All Aboard!. Train is Coming *Train is coming, Train is coming, Train is coming to our town. (2x) **I can hear that whistle blowing. I can hear."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 1: All Aboard!

2 Train is Coming *Train is coming, Train is coming, Train is coming to our town. (2x) **I can hear that whistle blowing. I can hear that whistle’s sound. I can hear that whistle blowing and the train is passing by. (Repeat) It goes “clack-clack-clackity- clack-clack” “clack-clack-clackity-clack-clack” “clack-clack-clackity-clack- clack-clackity-clack” “clack-clack-clackity-clack-clack” “clack-clack-clackity-clack” (Repeat **) (Repeat *)

3 locomotives

4 smokestacks

5 tickets

6 depot

7 platform

8 satchels

9 conductor


11 lurching

12 jolting

13 boarded

14 locomotives smokestacks tickets depot platform satchels conductor lurching jolting boarded

15 locomotives They make the train move.

16 smokestacks Another word for funnels.

17 ticket A paper showing that a fare has been paid.

18 depot A bus or train station

19 platform a raised floor

20 satchel small bag used for carrying things

21 conductor a person in charge on a bus or train

22 lurching moving from side to side

23 jolting moving up and down with sudden starts and stops

24 boarded went up or rode into something


26 platform

27 boarded

28 satchels

29 conductor

30 lurching

31 locomotives

32 smokestacks

33 tickets

34 depot

35 conductor

36 jolting

37 Let’s use the words in sentences.

38 locomotives

39 satchel

40 conductor

41 depot

42 smokestacks

43 lurching

44 jolting

45 ticket

46 boarded

47 platform

48 locomotives smokestack tickets platformsatchel conductor lurching jolting boarded depot

49 Spell the word correctly.

50 cteiktstickets

51 cmvesiotoollocomotives

52 rcuhgnillurching

53 cncdtruooconductor

54 jtiongljolting

55 otepddepot

56 tflorampplatform

57 ardbedoboarded

58 cakskotsesmsmokestacks

59 shtelcasatchel

60 Complete the meaning of the words.

61 boarded went up or rode into something

62 locomotives part of a train that make it move.

63 depot A bus or train station

64 ticket A paper showing that a fare has been paid.

65 platform a raised floor

66 jolting moving up and down with sudden starts and stops

67 satchel small bag used for carrying things

68 smokestacks Another word for funnels.

69 lurching moving from side to side

70 conductor a person in charge on a bus or train

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