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Objectives Activity Visual Aid #1

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Presentation on theme: "Objectives Activity Visual Aid #1"— Presentation transcript:

1 Objectives Activity Visual Aid #1 The “Smokey Eye” Effect: A Tutorial on Creating the “Smokey Eye” Effect with Makeup Step-by-Step Guide Visual Aid #2

2 Objectives The student will be introduced to and become familiar with the steps necessary to create the “smokey eye” effect with makeup by the end of this tutorial. The student will be able to complete the “smokey eye” effect on themselves, or another, upon completing the interactive step-by-step guide within this tutorial.

3 The “Smokey Eye” Effect: Visual Aid
Play the video below for the example of one way to use this makeup technique. Click black box to view video.

4 The “Smokey Eye” Effect: Visual Aid
Play the video below for another example of a way to use this makeup technique. Click black box to view video.

5 The “Smokey Eye” Effect: Step-by-Step
Prime the eye lid and brow bone area with a concealer product that matches your skin tone. Continue to Step 2

6 The “Smokey Eye” Effect: Step-by-Step
Choose a medium/dark eye shadow. Using a standard eye shadow makeup brush, apply this shadow from the upper lash line in an upward motion, covering the entire eyelid area. Using a smaller eye shadow brush, repeat this step on the lower lid. Apply this shadow right underneath your eye, in a thin line close to the lash line. Continue to Step 3

7 The “Smokey Eye” Effect: Step-by-Step
Using the same medium/dark eye shadow and eye shadow makeup brush, apply this shadow into the socket area, working it into the crease of your eye (the crease can be located easiest when the eye is open). Darken shadow in crease line to desired depth. Continue to Step 4

8 The “Smokey Eye” Effect: Step-by-Step
Apply a “highlighter” (any lighter color desired, such as white, silver gold, etc.) with a small eye shadow brush just under the brow bone to blend with the dark shadow applied to the other areas of the eye. Also apply this shadow to the inner corner of your eye, just around the tear duct to brighten the look of your eyes. Continue to Step 5

9 The “Smokey Eye” Effect: Step-by-Step
Apply eyeliner of your choice, concerning type (liquid, pencil, gel) and color (typically black, gray, brown), on your upper eyelid as close to the lash line as possible. Perfection is not necessary, as you should blend this line upward into the eyelid with a cotton swab. Repeat step on lower lid, staying as close to the lash line as possible. Short strokes are best to achieve the best result. Continue to Step 6

10 The “Smokey Eye” Effect: Step-by-Step
Apply mascara of your choice (a lengthening mascara is recommended) to the upper and lower lashes. This is the final touch on the “smokey eye” effect you are trying to achieve. Review All Steps

11 The “Smokey Eye” Effect: Activity
Eyeliner Which product is used first? Medium/Dark Eye Shadow Concealer

12 Which Product is Used First?
Eyeliner is incorrect. This product is not used until the last steps of the process. Try Again

13 Which Product is Used First?
Medium/dark eye shadow is incorrect, but not far off! This product is used in upcoming steps, but not the first. Try Again

14 Which Product is Used First?
Concealer is correct! It is important to prime the eye area for the makeup that will be applied in the rest of the steps. This product helps the rest of the makeup stay on longer, keeping the dramatic feel of the “look” in place.

15 Which Product is Next? Medium/Dark Eye Shadow The first step of applying the concealer is finished, what product is used in the second step? Mascara Eyeliner

16 What Product is Used Second?
Medium/dark eye shadow is correct! This product is used in the second and third steps, applied to both the eye lid and the crease of the eye.

17 What Product is Used Second?
Mascara is incorrect. This product is used as one of the final touches with this makeup technique. Try Again

18 What Product is Used Second?
Eyeliner is incorrect. This product is not used until the last steps of the process. Try Again

19 Which Product Should You Use?
Concealer The steps involving the application of medium/dark eye shadow are complete. What product should be applied next? Eyeliner Mascara

20 What Product Should be Applied Next?
Concealer is incorrect. This product was used in the first step of the process. Try Again

21 What Product Should be Applied Next?
Eyeliner is correct! After applying the medium/dark eyeshadow, the next step is to line the eyes as close to the lash line, smudging it into the lids.

22 What Product Should be Applied Next?
Mascara is incorrect. It is easy to confuse this product concerning the order of the steps, make sure to remember mascara is the finishing touch. Try Again

23 What is the Last Product Used?
Mascara What product does the final step involve? Medium/Dark Eye Shadow

24 What Product does the Final Step Involve?
Mascara is correct! This is the final product used, completing the “smokey eye” effect with makeup.

25 What Product does the Final Step Involve?
Medium/dark eye shadow is incorrect. This product was used during previous steps of the process. Try Again

26 The Process is Complete!
Thank you for using this “smokey eye” effect with makeup tutorial. Finish

27 Disclaimer This presentation may contain material protected under copyright law. This material was obtained and used following a reasoned analysis of the Fair Use exemption for educators. This presentation may not be reproduced.

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