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Fuel Issues. Biofuels Z3qI Z3qI.

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Presentation on theme: "Fuel Issues. Biofuels Z3qI Z3qI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fuel Issues

2 Biofuels Z3qI Z3qI

3 Learning Objectives Define fuels and describe them as either renewable or non-renewable.

4 Fossil Fuels ZIPrM&list=PLseK4IDtQkutVZo6NEfqjUc9g4FK TJiuU ZIPrM&list=PLseK4IDtQkutVZo6NEfqjUc9g4FK TJiuU Page 222 of your SciPad, answer the fossil fuel questions

5 Discussion Why is burning fuel a problem?

6 Consequences of burning fuel Fossil fuels are running out Since the industrial revolution there has been increasing levels of CO 2 in the air Most of the worlds pollution is a result of human activity and an increasing number of vehicles on the road Many people believe we should move from fossil based fuels to hydrogen fuels

7 Fuel Cell Vehicles Watch the video Fill in the sheet

8 Hydrogen – powered vehicles Produce no pollutants 2H 2 + O 2  2H 2 O Could fight global warming

9 Problems with Hydrogen Safety and storage must be solved Supply and demand, getting hydrogen to the car If electrolysis is used to get the hydrogen, we are still burning fossil fuels

10 How a Fuel Cell works Answer the 5 questions in the box on your fuel cells sheet

11 Fuel Cell Key Points A more efficient use of energy from oxidising hydrogen is in a fuel cell Cells are fed oxygen and hydrogen produce water Most energy in this reaction is transferred to electrical energy This electrical energy can run a vehicle, however a constant supply of hydrogen would still be needed.

12 Fuel Cell Challenge This product/ fuel will not work mainstream unless it can match: – Performance – Convenience – Price Of diesel and petrol vehicles

13 Tasks Answer the questions at the top of page 222 of your SciPad Summary Question Hydrogen can be used as an alternative fuel to burn in engines in cars. It can also power electrical cars that run on cells. In both these uses, hydrogen reacts with to form. This helps to reduce levels of in the atmosphere. Water pollution fuel oxygen combustion Combustion Fuel OxygenWater Pollution HOMEWORK Next weebly question due Monday. 10 Minutes

14 Next Lesson Describing the process of combustion.

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