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Presentation on theme: "GRIT, GRATITUDE, and GUMPTION"— Presentation transcript:

“Sneak Peek Outline” of Full Presentation (and brief look at the jam-packed presentation to come!) GRIT, GRATITUDE, and GUMPTION Instilling the character traits that promote learning and life success

2 Character Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved. ---Helen Keller

3 OBJECTIVES Definitions, research, and impact on well being
Our own self-awareness Application/techniques in the acquisition of the traits Review lesson plans attendees can take with them to use to support the development of grit, gratitude and gumption in their students

4 Vocabulary Grit Wisdom, Gratitude Volition, Gumption Courage Character
Hope, vision, passion Executive Functioning Skills/Non cognitive traits Resilience Tenacity/persevere Mindset

5 Gratitude is Often learn true gratitude from the ones we pity. A homeless child (grateful for friends, shelter) Ill person (for health)

6 Research based evidence of the impact of gratitude on learning and life success…



9 Grit Scale

10 The relationship between grit and achievement.

11 Six Steps of Teaching for Grit
Establish the environment Set the expectations Teach the vocabulary Create the frustration Monitor the experience Reflect and learn

12 Gumption

13 Relationship between Grit, Gratitude, and Gumption and
Overall student learning, academic success, and overall well-being

14 Mindset(preface to the book)

15 Students don’t know their potential We must believe it is there; we must then see it and reflect it back to them (Mary Brown)

16 “Becoming is better than being”
Fixed mindset – they forget the “yet”

17 Lesson Plans Grit Gratitude Gumption

18 Questions and Comments

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