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And how they are used. Hubs send data to all of the devices that are plugged into them. They have no ability to send packets to the correct ports. Cost~$35.

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Presentation on theme: "And how they are used. Hubs send data to all of the devices that are plugged into them. They have no ability to send packets to the correct ports. Cost~$35."— Presentation transcript:

1 And how they are used

2 Hubs send data to all of the devices that are plugged into them. They have no ability to send packets to the correct ports. Cost~$35 to over $500


4 Switches are a step above Hubs. This is because a switch does not flood all exit ports with the same data. Just the port that needs the message will receive the message. Cost $15 to well over $3,500


6 Routers are smarter switches. They can be configured for better traffic flow. They work at the Layer 3 of the OSI model. Routers use the IP address destination to determine which port it will send out the packets. Routers have fewer ports than switches. Cost $35 to over $1,000


8 Bridges use MAC addresses to forward traffic. They can be used to bring together two dissimilar LANs. Bridges are very similar to Hubs and Switches. Cost $30 to ~$3,000


10 Gateways connect your LAN to the outside world. This process can be handled by servers that could also acting in other rolls as well. Cost $45 to over $1,600


12 Firewalls can either be software or hardware. This could be software on a router, or even on a computer. They could also be a separate device in the server room. These devices help to keep out unwanted intruders. Cost $30-$4000+

13 The brick wall is the “firewall” in this picture. This is one point at which a firewall can be installed.

14 WAPs are devices on a network that enables the user to connect with the network with no cables. These can be easily installed. However, the security is not as strong as a wired network. Cost: <$100-$5000+



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