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Inter Ministerial group for Arsenic Mitigation Main activities for central ministries/institutions and state governments.

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Presentation on theme: "Inter Ministerial group for Arsenic Mitigation Main activities for central ministries/institutions and state governments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inter Ministerial group for Arsenic Mitigation Main activities for central ministries/institutions and state governments

2 DWS & S  Master plan for alternative sources of DWS, State wise, separately for 0.01mg/l & 0.05mg/l  Non-functional arsenic removal facilities repaired on a sustainable basis  Field testing kits available  Water quality testing labs available and accredited; linked to research institutions – standardize testing protocols  Capacity building in handling of arsenic removal facilities  Social sensitization

3 MoH&FW  State wise epidemiological studies of impact through  arsenic affected water  crops grown with arsenic affected water  District wise appropriate treatment facilities  Training of medical and para medical staff

4 MoEF&CC Sludge treatment Arsenic affected areas

5 DAC Affect on crops as well as consequential effect on health of such crops Promotion of Arsenic resistant crops

6 CGWB Mapping of areas 0.01mg/l and 0.05/l contamination Appropriate sealing to arrest inter-aquifer arsenic contamination Rainwater harvesting for arsenic contaminated aquifers Facilitate capacity building of state level officials Alternative arsenic free tubewells

7 NIH  In situ arsenic removal  Studies on genesis of arsenic occurrence in Ganga Brahmaputra basis  Socio economic and socio-cultural impact of arsenic contamination – compendium of works done; technology initiatives, agri - and health impacts  Material for public awareness / school curriculum - Dedicated web site – get Reponses & address queries  Collaborate with other scientific institutions

8 State Governments State level task force Organize alternative sources of water supply in collaboration with MoDWS&S and UDD Maintenance of arsenic removal plants/PPP Sludge disposal Involve agri-universities social science institutes/ICAR bodies School level curriculum for awareness creation

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