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Safety in Cosmetology Julie Mead Work - based learning coordinator.

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1 Safety in Cosmetology Julie Mead Work - based learning coordinator

2 2 Training Tasks for Cosmetology  Speaking with clients  Filling out client record cards  Haircutting  Permanent waving  Formulating hair color  High lightening  Scalp treatments  Facials  Paraffin wax treatments  Waxing  Hairstyling  Braiding  Extensions

3 3 Pre-Test  5 True/False Questions 1. To protect yourself you may wear T F jeans and a sweatshirt. jeans and a sweatshirt. 2. You must let someone else check the T F equipment daily. equipment daily. 3. Safety is the first consideration T F 4. Fire extinguishers should be in a T F visible location. visible location. 5. Infectious diseases will not harm T F cosmetologists cosmetologists Keep looking

4 4 Appropriate Clothes  When working in school, or a salon, wear a uniform for safety precautions.  Black pants  White shirt  No danglimg jewelry, or visible piercing.  Lab coat  Protects clothing, and skin.  Hosiery, or socks  Comfortable, black or white shoes

5 5 Safety  The following are essential items to prevent injury.  Goggles  Gloves  Mask  Razor guard  Finger mitts

6 6 Implements  It is important to know how to properly handle and use implements in our profession. Blow dryer Clippers Curling irons Thermal irons Scissors Razor Manicure Implements Thinning shears Tweezers

7 7 Using Electricity  Direct currents -Alternating current -Volts Kilowatts. Kilowatts.  Protection of client is the primary concern.  Inspect electrical equipment, to determine if safe.  Keep wires out of traffic way  Disconnect appliances when finished. NO

8 8 Floors, Doors, Exits  Know your way out, and where the alarm is.  FIRE EXITS  Have emergency exit signs posted.  Clean spills on floor immediately

9 9 Chemical Hazards  Perm solution  Hair color  Developer  Acrylic nail product  Nail polish/remover  Sterilizers  disinfectants  Remember MSDS for all products.

10 10 Ergonomics In Cosmetology 1. Keep neck and back straight. 2. Keeps arms at your side. 3. Adjust work height 4. Use tools properly Back straight Leaning to much Avoid raising elbows Arms at side Avoid bending Stand upright, adjust chair Avoid awkward Wrist position Cut palm to palm Use correct size scissors Proper methods Will help eliminate Injury.

11 11 Infectious diseases  Types of bacteria  Bacterial growth and reproduction  Bacterial infections  Infectious agents  Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome CocciBacilliSpirilla Three classifications of bacteria

12 12 Fire  Where are the fire extinguishers?  Visible, Easily reached, follow the sign:  Located in the:  Supply room  Under sink  Back room near chemicals  How to use them: Remember the Acronym PASS  P......Pull the Pin.  A......Aim the extinguisher nozzle at the base of the flames.  S......Squeeze trigger while holding the extinguisher upright.  S......Sweep the extinguisher from side to side, covering the area of the fire with the extinguishing agent. Call 911

13 13 Robbery, Bomb Scares  It can happen at any place, and any time.  Have a plan of action: (robbery)  You are not replaceable, give them the cash.  Reassure the robber that they will cooperate in every way.  Stay as calm as possible.  Spend time making mental notes on the criminal's build, hair color, complexion, voice, what he or she is wearing, and anything that would make it possible to identify him or her.  Bomb Scare.  Call police  Get out.

14 14 Angry/threatening Customers 1. At the beginning of the interaction, listen. Don't talk. 2. Don't come to any quick conclusions. Wait until you have the customer's entire story, so they feel you've heard them out in full. story, so they feel you've heard them out in full. 3. To prove you were listening closely, paraphrase the customer's statements. 3. To prove you were listening closely, paraphrase the customer's statements. 4. concentrate on the customer's message instead of their anger. 4. concentrate on the customer's message instead of their anger. 5. Remember that your objective is to show the customer you want to help. 5. Remember that your objective is to show the customer you want to help. 6. If you come to an agreement indicating that the customer is wrong, try to avoid 6. If you come to an agreement indicating that the customer is wrong, try to avoid making the situation embarrassing for her. making the situation embarrassing for her. 7. Above all, always, always, always apologize, even if you know you did nothing 7. Above all, always, always, always apologize, even if you know you did nothing wrong. wrong. Always do your best to avoid turning a minor disagreement into a major argument. If the customer comes in angry, do what you can to make sure he leaves placated. Instead of this Focus on this

15 15 HOW and to WHOM DO YOU REPORT AN INJURY  1. Follow established safety rules.  2. Report unsafe conditions or actions to your supervisor, as soon as you become aware supervisor, as soon as you become aware of them. of them.  3. Report all injuries to your supervisor promptly regardless of the severity of injury. promptly regardless of the severity of injury.  4. Report all-near-miss accidents to your supervisor promptly. supervisor promptly. If this happens, Do the right thing.

16 16 HOW and to WHOM DO YOU REPORT AN INJURY  5. Always use equipment in good working condition. condition.  6. Encourage co-workers by your words and behavior to use safe work practices on the behavior to use safe work practices on the job. job.  8. Make suggestions to your supervisor about changes to work practices or equipment that changes to work practices or equipment that you believe will improve employee safety. you believe will improve employee safety. See this? Against the law!

17 17 Post Test  1. Uniforms are not necessary when working in a salon. T F a salon. T F  2. The P in the acronym for extinguishers means pass out. T F extinguishers means pass out. T F  3. In an emergency situation a plan is not necessary. necessary. T F T F  4. Protection of the client is our primary concern.T F concern.T F 5. If you become a victim of a robbery, give them the cash. T F cash. T F

18 18 Post Test  6. When dealing with a angry customer listen, don’t talk.T F listen, don’t talk.T F  7. Apologize even if you did nothing wrong.T F wrong.T F  8. Near miss accidents do not need reporting. T F reporting. T F  9. Fire extinguishers need to be out of site.T F site.T F  10. We need to know infectious diseases T F

19 19 Pre-Test answers  5 True/False Questions 1. To protect yourself you may wear False jeans and a sweatshirt. jeans and a sweatshirt. 2. You must let someone else check the False equipment daily. equipment daily. 3. Safety is the first consideration True 4. Fire extinguishers should be in a True visible location. visible location. 5. Infectious diseases will not harm False cosmetologists cosmetologists

20 20 Post test answers  1. Uniforms are not necessary when working in a salon. False a salon. False  2. The P in the acronym for extinguishers means pass out. False extinguishers means pass out. False  3. In an emergency situation a plan is not necessary. necessary. False False  4. Protection of the client is our primary concern. True concern. True 5. If you become a victim of a robbery, give them the cash. True cash. True

21 21 Post test answers  6. When dealing with a angry customer listen, don’t talk.True listen, don’t talk.True  7. Apologize even if you did nothing wrong.True wrong.True  8. Near miss accidents do not need reporting. False reporting. False  9. Fire extinguishers need to be out of site. False site. False  10. We need to know infectious diseases True True

22 22 Safety Web Resources  Smithfam, Internet marketing support   Work smarter, Not harder  osmpost.pdf osmpost.pdf osmpost.pdf  History of razors  zor.htm

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