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P AUL B UTRICO POE, Block 4 A/C. O VERVIEW OF THE F IELD A sect of engineering dealing with the industrial application of chemistry. Broken up into several.

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Presentation on theme: "P AUL B UTRICO POE, Block 4 A/C. O VERVIEW OF THE F IELD A sect of engineering dealing with the industrial application of chemistry. Broken up into several."— Presentation transcript:


2 O VERVIEW OF THE F IELD A sect of engineering dealing with the industrial application of chemistry. Broken up into several subfields Catalyst and Reaction Engineering Computing Systems Technology Fuels and Petrochemicals Forest Bioproducts Nuclear Engineering Pharmaceutical Engineering Bio Engineering

3 C ATALYST AND R EACTION E NGINEERING Study how chemical reactions can be used to transform raw materials into useful substances. Spend large amount of time using chemical reactors. Use knowledge of kinematics of reactions and how catalysts influence the rate of reactions to solve problems, conduct experiments, and to try and discover useful applications of the products created. The ultimate goal for engineers in this subfield is to use chemical reactions to produce usable energy. Average Salary: $96,000

4 C OMPUTING S YSTEMS T ECHNOLOGY Utilize computers and mathematics, and apply this knowledge to chemical engineering problems. problems deal with process design, process control, operations, and applied mathematics. Use the help of computers to complete process such as simulating experiments, modeling, synthesis, controlling and monitoring experiments, and the study and management of abnormal events.

5 F UELS AND P ETROCHEMICALS Petrochemicals: Petrochemicals: chemicals obtained from petroleum and natural gas. Where and how to drill for oil. involved in the process of foods, creation of clothes, and the recycling of materials. Daily Tasks Design/ operation of petrochemical plants. Design/ management of environmental controlling systems. Determination of cost-effective processes of production. Average Salary: $96,000

6 F OREST B IOPRODUCTS Push boundaries on chemically engineered products made from forest resources and other lignocellulosic materials. Most known for the development of “green” products. Development of biofuels, bioenergy, biodegradable plastics, environmentally-benign adhesives, building materials, paper, and chemicals. Starting Salary: $55,000-$75,000

7 N UCLEAR E NGINEERING Develop and research the systems, processes, and instruments to obtain benefits from nuclear radiation and energy. Tasks: Design, opertate, and maintain, power plants. Design/ development of nuclear equipment. Gather data on nuclear accidents. Test leftover nuclear material to make sure that it can be safely disposed of.

8 N UCLEAR E NGINEERING ( CONTINUED ) Uses: Energy/ Power Medical Average Salary: $99,920* *2010

9 P HARMACEUTICAL E NGINEERING Takes part in the conception, design, scale-up, manufacturing, labeling, and package processing, in the processes of combining biological and chemical materials. Must abide by FDA regulations and must implement quality control, validation assurance (VA), and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). Average Salary: $79,890

10 B IO E NGINEERING Similar to pharmaceutical engineers in regards to medicine. Develop/ manufacture devices, instruments, software, and procedures to solve clinical problems. Recent achievements made by bioengineers include, artificial hearts, limbs, and joints, miniature devices for detecting and injection insulin, and laser systems used in corrective eye surgery. Starting Salary: $54,158

11 J OBS Jobs for chemical Engineer’s are steadily increasing, especially in the fields of Bioproducts, Nuclear Engineering, Pharmaceutical Engineering, and Bio Engineering. Average Salary after 1 year: $51,710-$66,286 Average Salary after 20 or more years: $83,304- $126,418

12 T OP S CHOOLS 1. California Institute of Technology 2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology 3. University of California Berkely 4. University of Minnesota Twin Cities 5. Stanford University

13 M Y T OP S CHOOLS University of Delaware (10) Penn State (21) University of Florida (23) UMass Amherst (29) Virginia Tech (33)

14 I NTERVIEW Duane Dostie AMRI Global Albany, NY

15 tags-and-terms.html http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/chemical%20engineering http://www. ucl. ac. uk/chemeng/research/catalysis-reaction http://web. mit. edu/cheme/research/areas/catalysis. html http://www. aiche. org http://wiki. answers. com/Q/What_is_petrochemical_engineering http://www. aiche-fpd. org/index. cfm?fuseaction=browse&id=9986&pageid=1 http://www. aiche. org/community/divisions-forums/fp http://www. aiche. org/community/divisions-forums/fbp http://www. forest-products. org/ http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-a-chemical-reactor. htm http://www. journals. elsevier. com/computers-and-chemical-engineering/ http://www. degreesfinder. com/online/engineering/petrochemical-engineering-degree/ (1) http://www. bbe. umn. edu/Education/UndergraduateProgram/BioproductsEngineering/careers/index. htmhttp://www. bbe. umn. edu/Education/UndergraduateProgram/BioproductsEngineering/careers/index. htm http://www. bbe. umn. edu/Education/UndergraduateProgram/BioproductsEngineering/index. htm (2) http://www. bls. gov/ooh/architecture-and-engineering/mobile/nuclear-engineers. htmhttp://www. bls. gov/ooh/architecture-and-engineering/mobile/nuclear-engineers. htm (3) http://www. lsu. edu/studentorgs/ispe/Welcome_files/PHARMACEUTICAL%20ENGINEERING. pdfhttp://www. lsu. edu/studentorgs/ispe/Welcome_files/PHARMACEUTICAL%20ENGINEERING. pdf http://louisville. edu/speed/downloads/DeptSellSheet_Bio. pdf http://www. bionewsonline. com/k/what_is_bioengineering. htm

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