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Chemical Engineering By: Carlos Kuilan. Everyday life of a chemical engineer Lower levels of chemical engineering play with chemicals and create items.

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Presentation on theme: "Chemical Engineering By: Carlos Kuilan. Everyday life of a chemical engineer Lower levels of chemical engineering play with chemicals and create items."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chemical Engineering By: Carlos Kuilan

2 Everyday life of a chemical engineer Lower levels of chemical engineering play with chemicals and create items Chemists are the base of chemical engineering. Most chemical engineers start out as chemists

3 As a chemist they go through a very long and intense education After their education they end up getting around $50,000 for a starting salary. Then when they become a chemical engineer they gain more of a salary. Engineers end up with about the same starting salary.($50,000)

4 After their first year the salary get to be about $60,000. Then later after about 20 years being a chemical engineer. The salary becomes a little over $100,000. The chemical engineer when they become a higher level engineer, a person working as one will then become a supervisor, and will just manage costs and look over the designs of the product the engineers make.

5 Education A Chemical engineer has to go through a lot of schooling. They take courses such as the one at MIT It is a long rigorous course that deals with a ton of math, and probably a lot of studying.

6 Created items Some of the things that chemical engineers have made are things such as, memory foam,or metal. Plus one way or the other a chemical engineer had something to do with any consumer object you may find.

7 A cell for example is made up of everything that a chemical engineer had something to do with. The chips in the cell phone are made from polyester, or another kind of plastic.

8 Chemical engineering has helped countless lives and will save more too. An origami stent is a new technology that is being developed for clogged veins. It is sent into the blood stream and then opens up like an outer shell to open up the vein.

9 Chemical engineers also deal with nanotechnology such as computer chips or something being developed that will send little robots into the body and fight off diseases.

10 Conclusion So a chemical engineer is a big part of life. They make our lives easier They create most of our things that we play with And chemical engineering is a profession that many people like and enjoy all the work they do to get to that level.

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