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Practical molecular biology PD Dr. Alexei Gratchev Prof. Dr. Julia Kzhyshkowska Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kaminski.

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Presentation on theme: "Practical molecular biology PD Dr. Alexei Gratchev Prof. Dr. Julia Kzhyshkowska Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kaminski."— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical molecular biology PD Dr. Alexei Gratchev Prof. Dr. Julia Kzhyshkowska Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Kaminski

2 Course structure  08.10Plasmids, restriction enzymes, analytics  09.10Genomic DNA, RNA  10.10PCR, real-time (quantitative) PCR  11.10Protein analysis IHC  12.10Flow cytometry (FACS)

3 Nomenclature  FACS – Fluorescence Assisted Cell Sorting  FACS analysis  Flow cytometry  Flow cytofluorometry

4 Applications  Medicine  Immunophenotyping of blood cells  Diagnostic of various hematologic diseases  Transplantation  Research  Cell cycle analysis  Expression analysis  Phagocytosis, endocytosis  Cytokine production analysis

5 History  1950-1960 Cytophotometry. UMSP-1 (Zeiss) 5-10 min/cell  1969 Pulse cytophotometry. ICP-11 (Phywe, Göttingen) (in 1976 purchased by Ortho-diagnostics (USA) and later disappeared from the market)  Mercury lamp excitation (480-500nm)  2 fluorescent parameters PMT detectors (no scatter detectors)  >1000 cells/sec  1970 Cytofluorograph (Ortho-Diagnostics)  Argon laser (488 nm) as a light source  1976 Dual laser instrument (DKFZ, Heidelberg)  1986 First sorter (PARTEC, Münster)  1990-1993 Cell sizing option (Bruker-Odam, France)

6 Principle of flow cytometry Hydrodynamic focusing of the cells in the focused laser beam

7 Optical scheme of a flow cytometer

8 4 colour flow cytometer

9 Optical system of BD FACSAria II

10 2 laser flow cell

11 Fluorophores

12 Parameters collected  FSC – Forward scatter (correlates with the cell size)  SSC –Sideward scatter (correlates with the cell granulation)  FL – Fluorescence signal (min 3, max 12 channels)  Concentration of cells (only with some flow cytometers)  Size of the cell (only with some flow cytometers)

13 Flow cytometry results

14 Compensation problem

15 4 colour compensation

16 Compensation  Measure cells labelled with single antibody  Determine the percentage of the signal in wrong detector  Generate compensation matrix  Modern cytometers perform compensation automatically

17 Experiment planning  Antibody has to be highly specific  Antibody has to be tittered  Select correct fluorophores (low expression – bright fluorescence, high expression – weak fluorescence)  Think about the abundance of the cell population you want to analyse

18 Controls  Non stained cells  Cells stained with single antibodies/dyes (for compensation purpose)  Cells stained with unspecific isotype control – unspecific antibodies of the same isotype as your test antibodies, labeled with the same fluorophore with the same efficiency

19 Cell staining  Prepare cell suspension  Add antibody  Incubate  Wash  Measure

20 Experiment today a)2 µl CD14 FITC Ab b)2 µl CD16 APC Ab c)2 µl CD14 FITC Ab + CD16 APC Ab d)2 µl Isotype FITC e)2 µl Isotype APC f)2 µl Isotype FITC + 2 µl Isotype APC g)Non-labelled cells

21 Questions?

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