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100 200 400 300 400 Reference Books Internet Lingo Parts of a book Grab bag 300 200 400 200 100 500 100.

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3 100 200 400 300 400 Reference Books Internet Lingo Parts of a book Grab bag 300 200 400 200 100 500 100

4 Row 1, Col 1 This is where I would look to find the meaning of a word. Dictionary

5 1,2 What does www stand for? World Wide Web

6 1,3 What is the word for when the book was published? Copyright

7 1,4 What is the computer program called that you use to find a book at Stripling? Media Catalog or Destiny Quest

8 2,1 My teacher said I used the word “awesome”too many times in my paper. What book can I use to find a synonym for the word? Thesaurus

9 2,2 What is an example of a search engine? Google, Yahoo, Yahooligans

10 2,3 What is the name of the page that has the title, author, and publisher? Title Page

11 2,4 We have encyclopedias in the Reference section of the library. Where else can you find encyclopedias? (Hint: it’s not in book form) Internet

12 3,1 I want to find a map of Puerto Rico. What type of book should I use? An atlas

13 3,2 When I find something on the Internet, I know it’s always good information. True or False? False

14 3,3 What does the glossary have in it? It’s in the back of the book and has an alphabetical list of some of the words in the book with their definitions.

15 3,4 What is an antonym? It’s the opposite of a word

16 4,1 I need to do a report on the Civil War. What is the name of the set of reference books I will use? Encyclopedia

17 4,2 Why can’t you copy and paste written information from the Internet into your report? That would be plagiarism 

18 4,3 What is another word for the company that makes the book? Publisher

19 4,4 If the media catalog tells you a book’s address is 791.43 ALE what section of the library do you go to? Non-fiction

20 5,1 I need to find a list of birthstones. What type of book can I use to look up lists? Almanac

21 5,2 What are some ways that you can tell if an Internet site is a good one to use for a school report? Look for when it was updated, look to see who created the web site, check for ads (a lot of these is usually not a good sign), see if the photos look real, check to see what links it takes you to.

22 5,3 This is in the back of the book, is alphabetical, and gives page numbers for certain subjects. Index

23 5,4 What is another name for an Internet address? (If a student gets this correct on their own, I will give him/her a free book) URL (uniform resource locator)

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