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B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure Consumers Energy Mark Ortiz March 9, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure Consumers Energy Mark Ortiz March 9, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure Consumers Energy Mark Ortiz March 9, 2011

2 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure Interoperability – Why the Utility Cares  Rapid and evolving technology of the Smart Grid –Need solutions that could evolve over time without costly rip and replacement or costly upgrades  Requires Integration – LOTS of integration –Onslaught of new applications and technologies  AMI, MDMS, HAN, DR, ADE, etc.  Challenges in a complex IT environment –Many custom systems, legacy system and technologies –Typically departmentally controlled – within “silos”  Need ability to govern, manage, and share resources »Both Intra-Enterprise and Inter-Enterprise systems/applications © 2008 Consumers Energy Company

3 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 2 Main Goals  Common business processes  Common architecture principles and patterns  Common information model  Common integration services (functional & informational)  Tested interoperability between systems

4 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 3 Service Definition Process  Step 1 – Business Process Analysis  Step 2 – Integration Requirements Detailed in Sequence Diagrams  Step 3 – Service and Operation Pattern Applied  Step 4 – Service and Information Object Identification and Harmonization  Step 5 – Service Definition (Artifacts Generation & Testing)

5 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 4 Service Definition Process

6 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 5 Key Architecture Considerations  Decoupling of end-point connections and business semantics  Guaranteed delivery  Managed integration  End point compliance to common business semantics and syntax for information exchange to the public (enterprise)  End point compliance to service patterns (interaction patterns, naming and structure patterns, and message exchange patterns)  Minimal business logic and transformation within the integration layer  Leverage IEC TC57 WG14 Interfaces

7 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 6 Step 1) Business Process Analysis CreatedMeterReading (Send) CreatedMeterReading (Receive)

8 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 7 Step 2) Integration Requirements Detailed in Sequence Diagrams 2) Integration with ESB WS

9 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 8 Step 3) Service & Operation Pattern Applied  Service name: –Follows + (such as “SendMeterReading”/”ReceiveMeterReading” )  Operation name: – + (such as CreatedMeterReading)

10 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 9 Controlled Vocabulary (i.e. wiki, data dictionary, etc.) XML Schema Existing Terminology and Metadata UML Model Driven Process - Based on an Enterprise Semantic Model

11 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 10 Web Service Definition  Services defined in Web Service Description Language (WSDL).  WSDL documents generated based on a standard template  XSD decoupled from WSDL document (imported) for better maintenance and version control

12 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure Standards Development Proprietary and Confidential 11  Industry Working Groups –OpenSG  Chair OpenAMI-Ent,Ent-Conformance –SGIP Testing and Certification Committee  Recent standards development and feedback –IEC TC57 WG14  Meter Reading & Control Part 9 - 2.0  IEC 61968 Part 1 and 1-2 –ZigBee Smart Energy Profile 2.0 –NAESB  Smart Services Learning Center –Virtual Smart Grid for End-to-End assessment and validation Industry Working Groups SSLC Vision Center Standards Development Organizations © 2008 Consumers Energy Company

13 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure Interoperability - The IEC CIM is the Basis for a Common Systems Language for the Smart Grid  The same dictionary is used for multiple forms of system communication: –OpenAMI-Ent –OpenADE –OpenADR –SEP2.0 –Etc. 12 MDM/MDUS Work & Asset Management Billing Customer Information Outage Management Enterprise Applications One Dictionary Supports Many Forms of Communication CIM Enterprise Applications Automated Data Exchange OpenHAN, SEP2.0, Demand Response © 2008 Consumers Energy Company

14 Business Technology Solutions B usiness T echnology S olutions AMI – Advanced Metering Infrastructure 13 Questions & Comments

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