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Science Data Products – HMI Magnetic Field Images Pipeline 45-second Magnetic line-of-sight velocity on full disk Continuum intensity on full disk Vlos.

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1 Science Data Products – HMI Magnetic Field Images Pipeline 45-second Magnetic line-of-sight velocity on full disk Continuum intensity on full disk Vlos on full disk 12-minute Inverted vector B on full disk Disambiguated B on selected patches 3-hour Disambiguated vector field on full disk On Demand 3-second level 1.5 filtergrams (limited number) 3-minute (180-second) spatially binned disambiguated vector field in patches 6-minute (360-second) disambiguated patches 12-minute full disk disambiguated vector field On Request 90-second disambiguated patches 90-second IQUV Anything else HINODE Spectropolarimetric Magnetic Field Inverted with HMI-like Algorithm by S. Tomczyk & J. Borrero (HAO) The three panels show Inclination, Azimuth & Magnetic Field Strength as observed May 7, 2007 0180-180180 03097 The Helioseismic & Magnetic Imager Magnetic Pipeline J. Todd Hoeksema for the HMI Magnetic Team SPD 2009: 17.01 Magnetic Field Model Products Produced as Standard On-demand, and On-request products Automated Identification of AR Patches and other features PFSS Model – Various resolutions NLFFF Model – AR patches, daily MHD Models – Daily low-resolution – Monthly major events in hi-res Open Field Foot Point Maps Surface Flow Maps – ILCT, FLCT DAVE4VM Magnetic Processing Scheduling There are four classes of Magnetic Field data processing Quick Look Routine processing on data available within minutes of observation Standard Routinely completed for all data on regular cadence (e.g. Vector B) On Demand Completed for small fraction of data when interesting things happen or whenever requested by a qualified user (HiRes MHD time series for a big flare & CME campaign On Request Products, such as high-resolution time series of MDH model solutions, will be generated as resources allow. Completed when system resources allow HMI Vector Field Pipeline & Products Calibration and Correction of Filtergrams Magnetic Observables HMI Data Increase s/n:  Standard HMI resolution  Rebinned data (retains temporal resolution)  Averaged data (retains spatial resolution) Vector Magnetic Field Maps 180 Degree Ambiguity Solver  Fast (potential or lfff);  Slower but better. Full disk vector magnetic field:  In image coordinates  In spherical coordinates Vector magnetic field in active regions:  In heliographic coordinates  In image coordinates Synoptic maps of vector field (B_r, B_theta, B_phi):  Standard synoptic charts;  Synoptic frames;  Daily update synoptic maps. Field Inversion (10m) Stokes I, Q, U, and V; Vector Magnetograms (|B|, inclination, azimuth, …) Filtergrams HMI Space Weather and Quick-Look Browsing Products Generally HMI space weather and quick-look browsing products are computed in near real time from quick look SDO data. They may be used for space weather forecasting or real time monitoring and display. They should not be used for scientific analysis, except perhaps to compare the quality of preliminary and definitive products. HMI space weather and quick-look products will be coordinated with the Heliophysics Events Knowledge Base. These data products will complement the AIA Quick Look Browse Products DRAFT LIST – This list is preliminary and is not a commitment. Each product must have a prospective user. Comments welcome! Magnetic Products Full Disk Line-of-sight magnetograms (Blos) - 90-sec; 1K*1K resolution Vector magnetogram, inverted & disambiguated - 12 hour Movie of Blos - 12-day history, updated each 90 seconds Active Region Patches (ARPs) Identification of active region patches - 12 minute Vector magnetic field in major ARPs, disambiguated - 12 minute Time series of major ARP indices (since appearance, updated every 12 min Location, orientation, separation, total flux, net flux, delta-B, helicity, non-potentiality, complexity, field gradient, other Alerts based on indices Increased time resolution during alerts Blos at full spatial resolution in ARPs - updated each 90 seconds Synoptic Maps Synchronic Frame - radial field estimate - 96-minute, reduced resolution Evolved Carrington/Synchronic map - 6 hour Far Side Products Far side active region map - daily Movie of global sun activity - 54-day, updated daily Other Products Full-disk Velocity - snapshot every 12 minutes Full-disk Intensity - 12 minute Full-disk Line Depth - 12 minute Full-disk and ARP Overlays of AIA and HMI Blos - 90-sec update, movie Alerts & Indices - 12 minute Irradiance, mean field, ARP intensity/flare detection Movies of ARPs in Intensity (updated hourly) Horizontal Flow from LCT in ARPs (daily) Coronal Field Models (daily, weekly) Global - PFSS, Hybrid - HCCSSS, MHD ARPs/Local - PF, NLFFF, MHD Field line maps, source surface maps, AIA overlays, MHD quantities Magnetic field global harmonic coefficients - daily 1 AU Predictions - WSA velocity, polarity, field strength, etc (daily) Coronal Holes - open foot points (daily) Polar Field Estimate (monthly) Note: Not all products are produced by HMI. ABSTRACT The Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI) will provide frequent full-disk magnetic field data after launch of the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), currently scheduled NET November, 2009. 16 megapixel line-of-sight magnetograms (Blos) will be recorded every 45 seconds. A full set of polarized filtergrams needed to determine the vector magnetic field requires 90 seconds. Quick-look data will be available within a few minutes of observation. Quick-look space weather and browse products must have identified users, and the list currently includes full disk magnetograms, feature identification and movies, 12- minute disambiguated vector fields in active region patches, time evolution of AR indices, synoptic synchronic frames, potential and MHD model results, and 1 AU predictions. A more complete set of definitive science data products will be offered about a day later and come in three types. ‘’Pipeline products,’’ such as full disk vector magnetograms, will be computed for all data on an appropriate cadence. A larger menu of ‘’On Demand’’ products, such as Non-Linear Force Free Field snapshots of an evolving active region, will be produced whenever a user wants them. Less commonly needed ‘’On Request’’ products that require significant project resources, such as a high resolution MHD simulation of the global corona, will be created subject to availability of resources. Further information can be found at the SDO Joint Science Operations Center web page,

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