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1 The Diffraction Phenomena in Atoms and Molecules.

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Presentation on theme: "1 The Diffraction Phenomena in Atoms and Molecules."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 The Diffraction Phenomena in Atoms and Molecules

2 2 Electromagnetic Radiation  Diffraction sin  = n /d  The Compton Effect p photon = h/ p photon = h/  The Photoelectric Effect E photon = h E photon = h Wave Phenomena Particle Phenomena

3 3 Matter: Electrons, Atoms, Molecules The Problem:  Momentum p = mv  Kinetic Energy ? E k = mv 2 /2 Wave Phenomena Particle Phenomena

4 4 The Phenomenon Electron Diffraction from a Crystal Davison-Gremer 1927 When a beam of electrons, accelerated in low tensions, hits a Ni crystal, it creates a diffraction pattern

5 5 Electron and Molecule Diffraction from a Crystal A beam of particles (He, H 2 ) hitting a LiF crystal splits into several rays 20 o 15 o 10 o 5 o 0 o 5 o 10 o 15 o 20 o He 100 o K He 300 o K The Phenomenon Stern 1930

6 6 Diffraction of Atoms and Molecules from a Crystal The crystal is a grating for diffraction: the distance between the atoms is of the same order of magnitude as the wavelength. The Model sin  = n /d  1/mv

7 7 When the beam of particles is passed through a “chopper”, as the angular velocity of the “chopper” increases, the angle of distraction decreases. The Phenomenon The Velocity Effect

8 8 Time of Flight: Particles moving in various velocities arrive at various times, and therefore encounter different opening angles. The Model

9 9 Wave Packets Needed: a model, capable of describing diffraction phenomena while maintaining locality in time and space. The Model

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