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Early Civilizations Chapter 2 and 3
City-states of Ancient Sumer
Fertile Crescent – region of the middle east between and around the Tigris and Euphrates rivers It has very rich soils and golden wheat fields Mesopotamia – “between the rivers”
Ancient Sumer World’s first civilization The Epic of Gilgamesh
Poem of a great flood that destroys the world Flooding control Use of dikes and ditches Construction Lacked stone and wood Use clay to make bricks Ur and Uruk
Ancient Sumer cont. Rich from Trade Invented the wheel?
Egyptian and Indian goods
Sumerian Civilization
Multiple city-states and war = hereditary rule by war leaders Gov’t Maintains city walls and irrigation system Led armies Enforced laws Employed scribes Led religious ceremonies
Sumerian Civilization
Social Structure Hierarchy – system of ranking groups Top Class: ruling family, leading officials, high priests Small middle class: lesser priests, scribes, merchants, artisans Lower class: Peasants Slaves from warfare or sale Role of Women Goddesses were highly honored Never had legal rights Some ruler’s wives had supervisory positions Read, write, & play music
Sumerian Civilization
Religion Polytheistic ?? Thought the gods acted like humans Responsible for truth, justice, violence, & suffering Ziggurat – a large, stepped platform thought to have been topped by a temple dedicated to the city’s chief god or goddess Sumerian Afterlife: after dying, you live in a grim underworld with no escape and only dust to eat 7TH HOUR
Sumerian Civilization
Writing Invented by Sumerians Cuneiform: wedge-shaped marks on clay tablets Began as pictographs and later became complex symbols Used for econ., myths, prayers, laws, and business contracts Scribe school Not talking Poor writing was not tolerated Caned as a punishment Could gain high positions
Sumerian Legacy Cuneiform was used by Akkadians, Babylonians, & Assyrians Astronomy, mathematics, number system based on 6, 60 minutes, 360º Babylonians used Sumerian math to form algebra & geometry, accurate calendars, and prediction of eclipses 5th hour next slide
Mesopotamian Empires 2300 B.C. Sargon, ruler of Akkad
Invaded & conquered Sumer Builds first known empire Appointed local rulers
Mesopotamian Empires 1790 B.C. Hammurabi, king of Babylon
Conquered ancient Sumer after the death of Sargon Hammurabi’s Code – publication of laws 300 laws on stone pillars Codify: arrange and set down in writing Civil law: private rights and matters E.g. business contracts, property inheritance, taxes, marriage, divorce Criminal law: deals with offenses against other such as robbery, assault, or murder “eye for an eye”
Mesopotamian Empires Hammurabi’s improvements: Better irrigation
Well-trained army Repaired temples Encouraged religion by promoting Marduk, the patron god of Babylon
Mesopotamian Empires Hittites – 1400 B.C. Assyrians
Introduced ironworking Assyrians Known for their skill as warriors Rich society First to develop laws regulating royal families Established one of the first libraries
Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon Reforms the Babylon empire
Rebuilds the city of Babylon Built a defensive moat and wall 9 gates to enter the city in honor of the main Gods and Goddesses Built the hanging gardens
Persians 539 B.C. Conquered Babylon Darius Largest empire EVER!!!!!
Set up a bureaucracy Divided empire into two satrapy Governor for each Each paid taxes based on what they had Supervision of governors
Darius cont. Written laws Built roads
Set up standards of weights and measures Encouraged the use of coins Barter economy : exchange one set of goods or services for another Money economy: goods and services are paid for through the exchange of a token
Zoroaster Persian intellectual
Taught that a single god named Ahura Mazda was in control of the world Also taught that Ahriman, the prince of lies and evil was fighting for Ahura Mazda’s power Stressed a final judgement day
Phoenicians Sailors and traders in the Mediterranean
Made glass, “Tyrian purple” Set up colonies Colony: a territory settled & ruled by people from another land “carriers of civilization” Alphabet – symbols representative of certain sounds 22 Consonants Greeks add vowels 3rd
Egyptian Empire about 1450 B.C
Geography of the Ancient Nile Valley
“Egypt is wholly the gift of the Nile.” – Herodotus People settled and established farming villages along the Nile. Egyptians depended on annual floods to soak the land and deposit a layer of silt, or rich soil. Egyptians had to cooperate to control the Nile, building dikes, reservoirs, and irrigation ditches. Rulers used the Nile to link and unite Upper and Lower Egypt. The Nile served as a trade route connecting Egypt to Africa, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean world.
Three Kingdoms of Ancient Egypt
MIDDLE KINGDOM NEW KINGDOM OLD KINGDOM Powerful pharaohs created a large empire that reached the Euphrates River. Hatshepsut- Queen of the New Kingdom who declared herself pharoah Ramses II-Pharaoh who spread Egyptian rule northward to Syria, conquered Nubia, and wanted to be remembered above all others. Pharaohs organized a strong central state, were absolute rulers, and were considered gods. Egyptians built pyramids at Giza. Large drainage project created arable farmland. Traders had contacts with Middle East and Crete. 5th hour
3 periods of Egypt Egypt is divided into 3 periods:
The Old, Middle, New Kingdoms During this time power was passed down through different dynasties or ruling families.
Ramses II
Egypt and Nubia For centuries, Egypt traded or fought with Nubia.
During the New Kingdom, Egypt conquered Nubia. Nubians served in Egyptian armies and influenced Egyptian culture. Egyptian art from this period shows Nubian soldiers, musicians, or prisoners. When Egypt declined, Nubia conquered Egypt. Nubians did not see themselves as conquerors. They respected Egyptian traditions.
Egyptian Religious Beliefs
Belief that many gods and goddesses ruled the world and the afterlife. They were polytheistic Amon-Re was the sun god Osiris was the god of the underworld and of the Nile The pharaoh was believed to be a god as well as a monarch. Belief in eternal life after death Relied on the Book of the Dead to help them through the afterworld Practiced mummification, the preservation of the body for use in the next life.
Egyptian afterlife Heart gets weighed against the feather of truth. If heart is lighter than the feather go to Happy field of food. If heart weighs more than the feather. Get heart eaten by the crocodile eater of the dead 4th
Tutankhamen Only tomb that we have found intact was the tomb of King Tutankhamen. It was found in 1922. This reveals to us how great the riches of these tombs must have been.
King Tut
King Tut
Ancient Egypt: A Center of Learning & Culture
Advances in the Arts Advances in Learning Developed a form of picture writing called hieroglyphics. They were written on papyrus-plant used to make a paper like material. Know Hieroglyphics through the Rosetta Stone. Doctors diagnosed and cured illnesses, performed surgery, and developed medicines still used today. Developed 12-month calendar on which modern calendar is based. Developed practical geometry. Skilled in design and engineering. Statues, paintings, and writings tell us about ancient Egyptian values and attitudes. Developed painting style that remained unchanged for thousands of years. Wrote hymns and prayers to the gods, proverbs, love poems, stories of victory in battle, and folk tales. Built pyramids and other great buildings, such as temple of Ramses II.
Rosetta Stone
Class System in Ancient Egypt
PHARAOH Earthly leader; considered a god HIGH PRIESTS AND PRIESTESSES Served gods and goddesses NOBLES Fought pharaoh’s wars MERCHANTS, SCRIBES, AND ARTISANS Made furniture, jewelry, and fabrics for pharaohs and nobles, and provided for other needs PEASANT FARMERS AND SLAVES Worked in the fields and served the pharaoh
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