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Stress: Its Meaning, Impact, and Sources Dr. Alan H. Teich Chap 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress: Its Meaning, Impact, and Sources Dr. Alan H. Teich Chap 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress: Its Meaning, Impact, and Sources Dr. Alan H. Teich Chap 3

2 What is Stress? n Stress: u A Stimulus u A Response u A Process u A Perception F “Nothing is stressful unless you perceived it to be so.”

3 Components of the definition of stress n Resources n Demands n Discrepancy n Transactions

4 Lazarus: Cognitive Appraisal n Primary Appraisal n Secondary Appraisal

5 Factors Affecting Appraisals n Personal factors u Life transitions n Situational factors u Ambiguity n Predictability n Controllability u Primary u Secondary

6 Biopsychosocial Aspects of Stress n Biological u SNS Reactivity: fight or flight response u General Adaptation Syndrome (Selye, 1956) F Stages Alarm Reaction Stage of Resistance Stage of Exhaustion

7 General Adaptation Syndrome Stress resistance Phase 1 Alarm reaction (mobilize resources) Phase 2 Resistance (cope with stressor) Phase 3 Exhaustion (reserves depleted) The body’s resistance to stress can last only so long before exhaustion sets in Stressor occurs

8 Psychosocial Aspects of Stress n Cognitions n Emotions n Social Behaviors n Gender n Culture

9 Sources of Stress n Within the person u Health u Conflicts F Approach/approach F Avoidance/avoidance F Approach/avoidance n Family u Children u Separation and Divorce u Illness, Disability, & Death n Job n Environment

10 Measuring Stress n Physiological Measures u Polygraph u Hormones n Life Events u Holmes & Rahe: Social Readjustment Rating Scale n Daily Hassles

11 Good Stress - Bad Stress n Selye u Distress u Eustress n Moderate levels of Stress: “Optimal” u Yerkes-Dodson Inverted U function

12 Low stress Moderate Stress (Optimal ) High stress Inverted U Function Level of performance

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