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Guide to Germany’s Winter Olympics

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1 Guide to Germany’s Winter Olympics

2 Germany is the fifth largest country in the Olympics behind USA, Canada, Russia, and Switzerland

3 Map of Germany

4 Germany’s rival Germany ha s a soccer rival with England in the Summer Olympics.

5 Winter Olympics Germany does all the Winter Olympics.
Including speed skating and Nordic combined

6 Fun facts Germany is Europe's largest economy.
There are bread museums. 2% of Germans do not own cell phones Gummy bears were invented by a German Berlin is 9 times bigger than Paris. Germany has 400 zoos. There are 400 castles in Germany

7 More fun facts Germany is known as the Holy Roman Empire
German is the official language of 5 countries Berlin has the largest train station in Europe German is spoken by more than 100million people world wide

8 A funny word This is the longest word in German
Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbauunterbeamtengesellschaft (79 letters). Try saying that five times fast. lol

9 J.F.K speaking German Legend has it that when JFK went to Germany he said Ich bin ein Berliner which means I am a jelly donut.

10 Sites Wikipedia.org_german_football_rivalry

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