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Canadian-American Relations

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1 Canadian-American Relations

2 Brian Mulroney pro-American (closer relationship with the Americans)
new defence agreements with the United States signing free trade agreements with the United States convincing the United States to pass a law controlling acid rain.

3 Canadarm The Canadarm is a 15-metre long robotic arm used to lift heavy loads in space that was developed by Canadians.

4 Importance $600 million in export sales for Canada
an invention of great importance in many space missions. Canadians gained worldwide recognition for their expertise in robotics Canadian scientists and engineers have been given opportunities to further develop their skills

5 American Strategic Defense Initiative
SDI was to create a defensive “umbrella” over the United States in order to protect against incoming missiles. Mulroney did not think defense was an important enough issue at the time, the project was too costly, public support was lacking

6 Pacific Salmon Treaty dissolved in 1997
As a result, Canada and the United States was each free to set its own limits on the fishing of salmon caused several tense exchanges such as the seizure of American fishing boats and the blockade of an Alaskan ferry.

7 1999, what did the new Pacific Salmon Treaty decree?
 U.S. was to establish a $140 million fund to protect and rebuild salmon spawning grounds that Canada would allow chinook and coho fish to return to Oregon and Washington to spawn the U.S. would cut back on Fraser River sockeye.

8 Why a controversy important part of both economies
1990s fishermen began to notice that the numbers of salmon were dropping due to “overfishing” and damage caused by environmental problems. Both sides had to agree on quotas and accepted fishing practices.

9 global initiatives on which Canada and the United States disagree
A global treaty banning the use of landmines The Kyoto Accord, which calls for a 5.2% reduction of all emissions that cause global warming

10 How did President Bush respond to the terrorist attacks on 9/11?
initiated Operation Enduring Freedom and began a war against global terrorism

11 NATO’s response invoking Article V of the Washington Treaty, which states that an attack on one member will be regarded as an attack on all. Thirteen members of NATO contributed to Operation Enduring Freedom.

12 Canada’s repsonse Operation Support
an increase in Canada’s level of emergency preparedness, placement of CF-18 fighter aircraft at strategic locations throughout the country. Operation Apollo This was a military operation in support of America’s Operation Enduring Freedom.

13 Sanctions against Iraq
Bush declared that Iraq was also part of the “Axis of Evil” to draw attention away from a poor economic performance at home to gain control of Iraqi oil fields by putting a U.S. friendly government in power to remove a totalitarian regime to seek out weapons of mass destruction

14 Canada’s response to Iraq
Prime Minister Jean Chretien said that Canada would only join military action against Iraq if approved by the UN Security Council. Canada has committed $100 million in humanitarian assistance to Iraq

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