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HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED The Book of ROMANS PROFILE Written: Winter A.D. 56/57 Author: Paul Audience: Christians in Rome Theme: the message Over the.

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Presentation on theme: "HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED The Book of ROMANS PROFILE Written: Winter A.D. 56/57 Author: Paul Audience: Christians in Rome Theme: the message Over the."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED The Book of ROMANS PROFILE Written: Winter A.D. 56/57 Author: Paul Audience: Christians in Rome Theme: the message Over the next three weeks we continue our New Testament survey looking at the Book of Romans, which is Paul’s write up on the Gospel message: 1 st week is man’s greatest problem 2 nd week is God’s greatest solution 3 rd week is believers’ greatest responsibility

2 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED Group time Man’s greatest problem When you watched the TV or surfed the internet, what were some of the major problems happening around the world this week? Read the newspaper article given called “Lost souls in Seoul” by Lee Tee Jong. After reading the article, take 5 minutes to responses the following questions on your own then discuss your responses in small groups. The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME THREE 1.What shocked you most in this article? 2.What does the writer say is the reason for the problems faced by teens in Seoul? Do you agree? Why or why not? More questions on “Lost souls in Seoul” next page …

3 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED Group time Questions for “Lost souls in Seoul” continued … The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME THREE 3.Do you think the situation in Singapore is the same, better or worse in Singapore? Why or why not? My notes from group discussion time on “Lost souls in Seoul”

4 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED Group time The greatest problem: SIN What is sin? How does it affect people? Read Romans 1:18. What does this verse say that God is revealing to humanity because of sin? Read Romans 1:21-32. Write down the long list of sins in this passage. Circle those you think you struggle with or are exposed to. The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME THREE

5 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED Group time The greatest problem: SIN Read Romans 3:23. What does this verse say about humanity? Then read Romans 6:23a. What is the consequence? Why is sin man’s greatest problem? The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME THREE My notes from group discussion time on sin:

6 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED Group time: Summary & Application Paul writes that all have ____________ and _____ __________ of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) The consequence of sin is _______________. That is, ________________ death (Romans 6:23) This consequence is from God, who is revealing His _____________ from heaven to humanity for their ____________________ and _____________________ (Rom 1:18) Some of the sins listed in Romans 1:21-32 which I struggle with or exposed to are __________________________________________________________. Paul says in verse 32 that I deserve ________________ because of my sin. What is my response today? The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME THREE

7 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED MONDAY Read over your notes from GROUP TIME THREE. Write down any other additional reflections you have from the session. Memory Verse for week three Romans 3:23 (NIV) For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God DJ WEEK THREE The Book of ROMANS

8 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED TUESDAY Read through Romans 1:18-32. 1.What struck you about these verses? 2.What frightens you most in this verses?  Respond to the Lord in prayer. Ask Him to start dealing with you in a deep and real away regarding sin in your life. WEDNESDAY DJ WEEK THREE Read through Romans 3:23 & 6:23a What is the worth or cost of your sin? Pause and think. Is the sin in your life worth it? Reflect on the way you live your Christian life. Are you living in Christ or living in sin. Write down your reflections. The Book of ROMANS

9 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED THURSDAY Read over your notes for this week, starting from the group time and each day of your Dj entry. Write down key lessons you have learnt about the New Testament, Christianity, and about yourself. FRIDAY Today, spend some time praying. Write down your thanksgivings, your requests, your youth group friends you want to pray for, and five non- Christian friends to pray for. 1.Thanksgiving points: 2.Personal requests: 3.Youth group friends: 4.Non-Christian friends: DJ WEEK THREE The Book of ROMANS

10 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED Group time The greatest solution: Jesus Christ Read over the stories from “MY VOICE: Breaking Free” (2 nd Edition). These are writings by Singaporean youth about their inner world. After reading these stories, take time to reflect and write your responses. The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME FOUR Which story struck you the most and why? Were there any stories or thoughts that you could relate with in any way?

11 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED Group time The greatest solution: Jesus Christ A BIBLE EXERCISE: Romans 5:1-11. In your Bible, using a pen or pencil, circle all the VERBS you see in this passage UNDERLINE all the actions of Jesus Christ Put a RECTANGLE around all the words or phrases you think are key words The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME FOUR 1.What is the main message in this passage? 2.Why did Christ do this?

12 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED Group time The greatest solution: Jesus Christ The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME FOUR 3.Read Romans 6:23. What is the cost and what is the free gift? 4.Read Romans 6:11-14. Now that a believer has received this free gift, how are we meant to live? 5.Read Romans 6:18. What does this verse mean?

13 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED Group time: Summary & Application We have been __________________ through ________________ in _____________ _______________ (Romans 5:1) Even though we are _________________, Christ __________ for us. This was a demonstration of God’s ____________ (Romans 5:8). The punishment we deserved was ______________ which is God’s _______________, but instead God gave us the free gift of __________ (Romans 5:9-11, 6:23) As a Christian, I am to live as a ____________ to ______________________ (Romans 6:18). I am to put _________ to _________________ and come ______________ in Christ (Romans 6:11-12) What is my personal response today? The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME FOUR

14 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED MONDAY Read over your notes from GROUP TIME FOUR. Write down any other additional reflections you have from the session. Memory Verse for week four Romans 5:8 (NIV) But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were sinners, Christ died for us. DJ WEEK FOUR The Book of ROMANS

15 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED TUESDAY Read through Romans 6:8-14 1.Why is Jesus Christ the greatest solution? 2.What should have master over us as Christians?  Respond to the Lord in prayer. Dying to your sin is a process of coming to God each day, and asking Him to be your Master. Ask Him to help you master your sin, so that He can become your Master. WEDNESDAY DJ WEEK FOUR Read through Romans 6:15-23, 8:1-2 What have you been freed from? How will you live? The Book of ROMANS

16 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED THURSDAY Read over your notes for this week, starting from the group time and each day of your Dj entry. Write down key lessons you have learnt about the New Testament, Christianity, and about yourself. FRIDAY Today, spend some time praying. Write down your thanksgivings, your requests, your youth group friends you want to pray for, and five non- Christian friends to pray for. 1.Thanksgiving points: 2.Personal requests: 3.Youth group friends: 4.Non-Christian friends: DJ WEEK FOUR The Book of ROMANS

17 Group time The believer’s greatest responsibility: TRANSFORMATION Watch the short Christian MTV of the “Passion of Christ”. After that, spend some time reflecting. Use the space below to write down your deep reflections. The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME FIVE After you have written your reflections, pair up with someone else, and spend time in prayer: Thank God for His love and grace Pray for one another that God would speak to you today. HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED

18 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED Group time The believer’s greatest responsibility: TRANSFORMATION Read Romans 12:1-2 The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME FIVE 1.What is the main message in this passage? 2.Think a bit deeper. A sacrifice is something that is dead. That is, if an animal is offered as a sacrifice, it must be dead before it is sacrificed. So how can a believer be a living sacrifice? What does “living sacrifice” mean? 3.What does it mean to “be transformed by the renewing of your mind”?

19 Group time The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME FIVE 4.Read Romans 12:9-13. List down some key ways to live a transformed life that are mentioned in this passage. 5.Brainstorm some practical ways you can show love to your school friends, how you can help people in need, and practice hospitality in youth fellowship: The believer’s greatest responsibility: TRANSFORMATION HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED

20 Group time: Summary & Application We are live as ________________ _________________________, by __________________ our minds, to be _______________________ to be more and more like _________________ (Romans 12:1-2) We are called to ______________ God and others, ______________ others, and to ________________ (Romans 12:9-14)  Pray in your groups over the ideas you wrote down how to love to friends, and how to show hospitality in youth fellowship. The Book of ROMANS GROUP TIME FIVE HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED

21 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED MONDAY Read over your notes from GROUP TIME FOUR. Write down any other additional reflections you have from the session. Memory Verse for week four Romans 12:1-2 (NIV) Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God--this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will. DJ WEEK FIVE The Book of ROMANS

22 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED TUESDAY Read through Romans 13:1-5 1.Who are the people of authority over your life? 2.What does it mean to submit to these people? How do you do that?  Reflect on your attitude towards those who have authority over you. Part of living a transformed life is to submit to these ones, as you submit to God. Ask God to help you in this. WEDNESDAY DJ WEEK FIVE Read through Romans 13:8-14 What is Romans 13:12b-14 saying? How will you live? The Book of ROMANS

23 HOPE BE RADICALLY TRANSFORMED THURSDAY Read over your notes for this week, starting from the group time and each day of your Dj entry. Write down key lessons you have learnt about the New Testament, Christianity, and about yourself. FRIDAY Today, spend some time praying. Write down your thanksgivings, your requests, your youth group friends you want to pray for, and five non- Christian friends to pray for. 1.Thanksgiving points: 2.Personal requests: 3.Youth group friends: 4.Non-Christian friends: DJ WEEK FIVE The Book of ROMANS

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