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SOCIAL STUDIES FAIR. PURPOSE The student will: demonstrate the use of analytical scientific procedures in a visual and verbal presentation by: –Selecting.

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Presentation on theme: "SOCIAL STUDIES FAIR. PURPOSE The student will: demonstrate the use of analytical scientific procedures in a visual and verbal presentation by: –Selecting."— Presentation transcript:



3 The student will: demonstrate the use of analytical scientific procedures in a visual and verbal presentation by: –Selecting a significant topic of study –Gathering and analyzing data –Interpreting findings –Reporting conclusions –Using appropriate social studies methods and skills

4 The teacher will: use varied instructional techniques for guiding students in understanding social studies concepts and research methodology.

5 The fair will: improve students’ skills in social studies through –evaluation of student work according to established criteria, and –communication with judges, fair officials, and their teachers.

6 The fair will: create public awareness of social studies through - publicity; -displays of exhibits in public venues and business places following the fair; -encourage public attendance at the fair.

7 The fair will: give recognition and reward students’ academic competence in social studies through -ribbons -certificates -other appropriate recognition.


9 Information Processing QCC’s: u Formulates questions related to topic. u Analyzes artifacts u Analyze interpretations of the same event from multiple types of sources. u Make predictions and comparisons based on factual information u Analyzes information from two or more sources for agreements, contradictions, facts and opinions. u Determines adequacy, relevancy and consistency of information for justifying conclusions or generalizations.

10 Problem Solving QCC’s: u Identifies and defines a problem u Formulates possible alternatives or solutions to a given problem. u Collects evidence using appropriate, reliable data. u Chooses a reasonable solution from among the various alternatives u Identifies areas for further study

11 8 th Grade additions: u Locates ideas in multiple types of sources- (8) u Takes notes and develops outlines through reading, listening or viewing -(8) u Develops and interprets charts, tables, timelines, graphs, diagrams, and other graphic aids- (8)

12 REQUIRED PARTS OF PROJECT u Research paper u Visual Presentation of project (Backboard) u 3-D visual/model

13 Samples of completed project:



16 State Social Studies Fair Competition


18 STEPS TO COMPLETE: u Choose a topic u Formulate question(s) u Determine purpose u Complete research –Find resources –Take notes –Write down resources to use in bibliography –Keep a log of what you do u Organize research –Write an outline

19 u Write rough draft summary research paper –Introduction –Thesis Statement/ Purpose –Proofread and Revise –Draw a conclusion u Write final draft u Visual Presentation –Backboard –Create model



22 ANTHROPOLOGY a Anthropology is the study of human beings from prehistory to the present. a It includes physical development and cultural heritage. ~

23 ECONOMICS \ Economics is the study of the production, consumption, and exchange of goods and services. \ The way people make and sell products, conduct business, organize labor, and finance these activities. \ Almost anything to do with business is economics. ~

24 GEOGRAPHY T Geography is the study of places on earth, man’s utilization of raw materials and resources. T This includes countries, cities..., rivers, oceans and seas..., mountains and valleys, deserts, etc. ~

25 HISTORY è History is all that happened to man and is a record of the past. è It tells the story of man from early beginnings. è It tells how countries were formed and perhaps defeated...changes. ~

26 POLITICAL SCIENCE Political science is the study of government. The different ways cultures... ] rule and govern themselves. ] defend themselves ] solve environmental problems

27 SOCIOLOGY a Sociology is the study of man’s interaction and relationship with his environment. a It emphasizes man’s attitudes, motivation, social needs, and behaviors. ~

28 CHOOSING A TOPIC... è Pick a topic that interests you. (There may be several ideas that appeal to you. Research these topics and pick the one that will hold your interest for several months.) è Pick a topic that has enough information for the report requirements. è Your goal is to decide on a topic that you find exciting and pass along the information in the form of the report.

29 WHERE TO LOOK... a Use a variety of sources: apamphlets a magazines a the internet a videos a newspapers a atlases asurveys ainterviews a Topics related to history may be found in encyclopedias or other reference books. a The topic may decide where you look for information. For example, if the topic is a baseball strike, then magazines, internet, or newspapers may be the best choices since it is more of a current events topic.

30 NARROWING A TOPIC : Choose a topic that is not too broad. For example, World War II is too large. A more specific choice may be the Battle of the Bulge, General George Patton, or Pearl Harbor, etc. : Instead of sports, someone may choose a specific idea about a sport. For example, ticket sales, profit/loss, players/team(s), salaries, or management would narrow the topic somewhat. ~

31 THE RESEARCH PAPER F The report has very specific requirements. F The body of the report can be no more than 600 words. F 4-5 double-space typed pages F There must be a bibliography page where sources are cited.


33 ORGANIZATION X Keep all Fair information in a folder... packet, notes, log of time spent (diary/methodology), and everything associated with this project. X Use notecards or a spiral to keep notes that you take. X Write all bibliographic information for each source. (The bibliography is title, author, etc. of the material you are using. This is required.) ~

34 TAKING NOTES u Write down only information that is related to the topic u Write down the source –include information needed to complete bibliography, for example: » author » publisher and date of publication » Internet address

35 TAKING NOTES... è Write any information you find on the topic on notecards (or spiral). Include all bibliographic information. è Do not write exactly what is printed in a book. You must paraphrase (put in your own words). If you choose to write exactly, you will need to give credit to the author and the page found. Don’t forget to put this on your notecard. è You might not use all the notes taken or there may be too little information. ~

36 OUTLINING o WEBBING, FLOW CHART, STANDARD OUTLINE o You may choose any one of these outlining techniques to organize the data for the report. o This gives you a “path” to follow to make the report flow. o An outline shows main idea, subtopics, and supporting details. ~


38 INTERVIEW optional è You may interview someone who has knowledge of your topic. For example, a student may contact a store manager to discuss profit and loss or some other aspect of economics. è You may interview family members for a topic about family history. è Be sure to cite this in the report on the credit page. ~

39 SURVEYS optional 4 The survey is questions you have written concerning your topic. 4 You may survey your classmates in order to gather data about their opinions on your subject. (What is your favorite...? How many_do you own...? When...? Who...?Why...?) 4 It may be wise to offer A...B...C...D...choices to narrow the variety of some answers. 4 You will want to graph this information (and put it on the backboard, if you choose to do one). ~

40 BIBLIOGRAPHY 4 Credit must be given to all sources used in the report. 4 Each type of resource has its own format but generally contain the same information such as title, author, place of publication, publisher’s name, date of publication. 4 Sort by author’s last name in ABC order. Underline titles of books; place quotes around chapters. End each source with a period. 4 Use the information given in the packet for the different ways to cite resources. ~

41 Bibliography Sample u Author’s last name, first name. Title of Book. Place of publication: Publisher’s name, date of publication. Fradin, Dennis B. Georgia in Words and Pictures. Chicago: Children’s Press, 1981.

42 WRITING A RESEARCH PAPER W Prewriting...what interests me? How can I make it interesting to others? W First draft...write. (Editing comes later.) W Revising...make changes in first draft. Be sure sentences are not too short or too long. Ask someone else to read your report. Sometimes others find things we don’t see. W Proofreading...find and edit mistakes in spelling, grammar, and punctuation. W Final copy...may be typed or hand written in ink. If someone else types it, a verification page is necessary. ~

43 FORMAT for the RESEARCH PAPER Ý Bound in a folder, notebook Ý Title page - name, school, etc. Ý Verification page (Use this if someone else types the research paper.) Ý Purpose page - why you selected the topic –What knowledge is the viewer to gain? Ý Methodology page - steps taken to complete report Ý Research - information on your topic (600 words) Ý Conclusion page - short summary of findings in report Ý Credit page (optional) - recognizing those who helped with the report Ý Bibliography - list of titles, authors, etc. (in ABC order by author’s last name)

44 Abstract On a 3x5 card provide an overview of your project to include: –Project title –Student’s name(s) –Statement of the problem –Methodology –Conclusion(s)

45 BACKBOARD è The backboard displays the data in the report. è Some information of the report will be duplicated è Purpose è Methodology è Visuals to illustrate the topic èPictures, charts, graphs, maps, etc. è Conclusion è Abstract è Charts/graphs, results of surveys, methodology (log), conclusion, purpose, è Three dimensional objects (MUST BE MADE) è Objects that are bought (horses, toy soldiers, dolls...) are not permitted

46 Backboard Layout Statement of Purpose Methodology (Also graphs, charts, illustrations related to the project question/purpose) Question or Problem Statement (Also graphs, charts, illustrations related to the project question/purpose) Abstract Conclusion (Also graphs, charts, illustrations related to the project question/purpose)

47 MODELS (must be created by YOU!!!) u Models u Murals u Dioramas u Recordings u Artifacts u Graphs u Charts u Photographs u Diagrams u Filmstrips u Historical collections u Video tapes u Maps u Slides u Films

48 DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE! ¤ K¤ Keep on schedule. Be aware of DUE dates. ¤W¤Work at a reasonable pace. ¤A¤Avoid panic by not waiting until the last minute. ~

49 In Conclusion...  The social studies report is probably your first experience with writing a formal term paper.  You will learn so much about the topic as well as about yourself.  When all is finished, you will be proud of yourself for the hard work, the long hours, and the good job you have done!  Congratulations!

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