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Service Learning for Communicators and Other Fields with a Mission Pamela Morris, John Goheen Loyola University Chicago FOTL January 12, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Service Learning for Communicators and Other Fields with a Mission Pamela Morris, John Goheen Loyola University Chicago FOTL January 12, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Service Learning for Communicators and Other Fields with a Mission Pamela Morris, John Goheen Loyola University Chicago FOTL January 12, 2015

2 Learning Outcomes  Gain/increase familiarity for how ad/PR courses offer service learning opportunities/ support for social justice issues  Learn innovative assignment ideas and see examples for a service learning project focusing on social justice  Hear reflections for how the IPP was part of the teaching process

3 Challenges  Advertising and public relations often criticized for exploitive/commercialization of culture  How can teaching of these practices fulfill Loyola’ social justice mission?

4 Objectives  Offer courses that integrate creative, design, and broadcast production skills with specialty of ad/PR process  Create courses that are student- centered, encourage independent thinking and foster active experiential learning  Incorporate LUC and SOC missions into learning goals – ethics, social justice, and service learning

5 Experiential Learning Benefits  Ad education favors learning through practical application (Stuhlfaut & Berman 2009)  Student-centered process (Champman, McPhee & Proudman 2008)  Real-life assignments can motivate, engage learners (Egol 2006; Greene 2010; Rhodes & Roessner 2009), increase retention (Hawtrey 2007)  Mirrors teamwork practiced in industry (Beard & Tarpening 2001)

6 COMM 337 Multimedia Commercial Production for Ad/PR  3 advertising/video short-term projects  1 service learning semester-long project

7 Service Learning Assignment  Work in teams  Find a nonprofit to collaborate with  Develop 2 pieces:  30- or 60-second Public Service Announcement (PSA)  2 to 5 minute video

8 Service Learning Assignment  Work through advertising process  Meet with client as needed  Research and understand organization’s mission, business, needs, constituents, and audiences

9 Service Learning Assignment  Develop creative brief  Create storyboard/script  Find and schedule talent, voiceovers, wardrobe, props, etc.  Film and edit  Present rough and fine cuts in critiques  Screen final cut and submit written business-style memo

10 Service Learning Assignment  Present 2 pieces to client and secure delivery confirmation  Write reflection paper

11 Organizations  Chicago Women’s AIDS Project  Vocalo  Chicago Pet Rescue  Imagination Theater  Asian American Advancing Justice  United Way  Inspiration Corporation/Café  Flashes of Hope  Everybody Dance Now! Chicago  Action NOW

12 Examples

13 Student Reflections (n=10) Professional development  Learned to collaborate, identify group members’ strengths, value others’ time  Time/relationship management  Learned the process is involved/complex/creative  Required to act professionally – reliable and prompt, stepped outside role of a student  Largest area of growth, benefits my career more than any other course  Helped direct career path  Made a portfolio for interviewing

14 Student Reflections Civic development  Rare opportunity to work with real clients/community organizations, need more  Learned a lot about business and how to find the best approach for communication  Chance to meet and help people with passion, faith and working for a cause they believe in  Can help spread awareness of organizations’ missions and where community can go for help  Learned we need to acknowledge and help out the poor, homeless, and marginalized

15 Student Reflections Intellectual development  Expanded knowledge outside of campus  Learned tools and skills for the real world  Learned how to ask questions  Pushed myself, learned just how far I could go  Failures can be opportunities to learn  Learned it’s important to see multiple perspectives  Practiced problem solving skills  Learned to embrace ambiguity, to think differently  Learned to be convincing

16 Student Reflections Personal development  Learned to overcome obstacles, negotiate differences, listen  Need to have a strong connection to those you’re working with to do the best  Learned they wanted to help others  More aware of social issues  Learned how it would be to work in an agency  Got confidence to tackle any project and work in the community  Can help small nonprofits, make a difference

17 Instructor reflections –  Reflection papers a way to help students learn, one element of IPP  Incorporating additional elements of IPP could benefit awareness, understanding and learning of social justice issues  Can also encourage independent and life long learning  Helps to prepare students for industry jobs

18 Implications  Ad/PR practices can help support social justice  Student led ad agency/production group can help students and organizations across disciplines get their messages across  Continue research in area to better understand effective student learning

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