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 Do we teach Like we would like to be taught So they can learn.

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Presentation on theme: " Do we teach Like we would like to be taught So they can learn."— Presentation transcript:

1  Do we teach Like we would like to be taught So they can learn

2 Is the survey by Felder complete ? Do we need to consider Gregoric mind styles? What about personality types? What about past experiences? Safe environment? And trust? And___?

3  ACT REF 11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11  SEN INT 11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11  VIS VRB 11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11  SEQ GLO 11 9 7 5 3 1 1 3 5 7 9 11

4 I need time to think through some stuff  If placed in a group of dominant active learners I would tend to sit back and let the active learners dominate  Sometimes rewrite notes  Consciously give students time to answer “R”  Change up group pairings “R” and “A”  Give marks on notes “R”  Make active learners the group leaders “A”

5  I need to see how the information connects to the real world as a technician or teacher  I am ok with one way to problem solve if it works  I am ok to memorize facts that I need to know  I put things in prospective for my students “S”  I typically teach one way for certain things like gear ratio calculation to keep it simple “S”  Must memorize some facts “S”  Teach performance “I”

6  I MUST see the big picture. EG transmission type  Need a wiring diagram not just a flow chart  Teach big picture and explain it “VI &VE”  Teach students how to read a diagram and hydraulic flow chart “VI&VE”

7  I have difficulty following and remembering if the teaching is not sequential  Prefer if teacher makes difficult connection  I teach in a sequential manner but reference the big picture “S&G”  Encourage the students to skim the chapter “G”

8 Is the survey by Felder complete ? Do we need to consider Gregoric mind styles? What about personality types? What about past experiences? Can they trust you? Safe environment? And___?



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