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PHOBIAS More than just fears By Karis Wang. WHAT IS A PHOBIA? Anxiety disorder Mental disorders with constant feelings of anxiety and fear. A continuous.

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Presentation on theme: "PHOBIAS More than just fears By Karis Wang. WHAT IS A PHOBIA? Anxiety disorder Mental disorders with constant feelings of anxiety and fear. A continuous."— Presentation transcript:

1 PHOBIAS More than just fears By Karis Wang

2 WHAT IS A PHOBIA? Anxiety disorder Mental disorders with constant feelings of anxiety and fear. A continuous fear of a certain thing or situation. These things of situations are usually harmless. “Victim” will go through great lengths to try to avoid these situations, but if encountered, the victim may go through great deals of distress.

3 CAUSE & DEVELOPMENT Normally develop during teenage years or childhood Genetic or Cultural Not inherited, but rather learned. Debates about genetics Life Experience Real life events Victims or Witness Before “X” happened I was fine.. After “X” happened I had a phobia.. Therefore “X” caused the phobia.

4 SPECIFIC PHOBIAS 4 Types of Phobias

5 CHARACTERISTICS  Simple phobias  Lasting fears of objects that usually do little to no harm.  Exposure to these objects/situations will give the victim anxiety  They will feel powerless due to the fact that they can’t stop it.  Will disrupt daily activities and everyday life.

6 ANIMAL PHOBIA  Constant fears of animals or insects that may or may not do any harm.  Examples  Fear of spiders – Arachnophobia  Fear of dogs – Cynophobia  Fear of bees – Apiphobia  Fear of cats – Gatophobia  Fear or horses – Hippophobia

7 SITUATIONAL PHOBIAS  Fears of situations (normally triggered by experience)  Examples  Fear of the dark – Nyctophobia  Fear of enclosed spaces – Claustrophobia  Fear of flying – Pteromerhanophobia  Fear of traveling – Hodophobia

8 NATURAL ENVIRONMENT PHOBIAS  Fears of natural environments that they can’t control  Examples  Fear of heights – Acrophobia  Fear of storms – Astraphobia  Fear of water – Aquaphobia  Fear of wind - Anemophobia

9 BLOOD/INJURY PHOBIA  Fear of injuries, blood, or medical procedures  Examples  Fear of being injured – Traumatophobia  Fear of blood – Hemophobia  Fear of injections – Tryphanophobia  Fear of needles - Belomophobia

10 OTHER PHOBIAS  Phobias that don’t fit into other categories but are still considered specific phobias are put into this category.  They don’t belong in the other categories, but they’re specific enough to be classified as specific phobias  Fear of clowns – Coulrophobia  Fear of loud noises – Phonophobia  Fear of long words – Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia


12 CHARACTERISTICS  Much more disabling than specific phobias  Connected with deep-rooted fears  Anxiety with certain situations  Usually develops during adulthood

13 SOCIAL PHOBIA  Now called social-anxiety disorder  Abundant amounts of self-consciousness  Fear of embarrassment  Fears of being rejected, out of place, excluded  Afraid that they will offend or harm someone constantly  Can only fear one social situation, or can fear all  Things victims will have difficulty with  Meeting people  Being stared at  Public speaking  Attending gatherings  Talking with authority figures

14 FEAR OF OPEN SPACES (AGORAPHOBIA)  Fears of open spaces  Feelings of isolation and no gateway to escape; trapped  Someone with extreme agoraphobia may never leave the house  Includes  Enclosed spaces  Public transportation  Feeling helpless  Overdependence on others

15 REACTIONS  The effects of specific, social, and open space phobias are very similar for they include  Uncontrollable panic  Do everything they can to avoid the source  Can’t function normally  Sweating  Rapid heartbeat  Difficulty breathing  Feeling powerless because they know they can’t control the fears  Children: tantrums and crying

16 EFFECTS  Phobias have many social and mental effects.  Social Isolation  May have trouble developing good social skills  Cannot communicate which can lead to academic issues.  Depression  Substance Abuse  Suicide


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