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Advancing Recovery in West Virginia – A case study in change for Substance Abuse Providers and Funders Peer Recovery Network.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing Recovery in West Virginia – A case study in change for Substance Abuse Providers and Funders Peer Recovery Network."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing Recovery in West Virginia – A case study in change for Substance Abuse Providers and Funders Peer Recovery Network

2 The ARWV Team Of Change Kelly Ceilensky -State of WV Jo Ann Powell- Westbrook Karen Schimmel- Westbrook Bob Hansen- Prestera Center Genise Lálos- Prestera Center Tina Hensley- Prestera Center Gerry Schmidt- Valley Nancy Deming- Valley Jon Kemper- Seneca Guy Hensley- Seneca Linda Pauley- Peer Recovery Network

3 Advancing Recovery in WV serves:

4 AIM Improve access to Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in order to improve client retention and overall treatment outcomes.

5 WALK THROUGH…A picture says a thousand words

6 ARWV Measures Success Dashboard 08-31-08 DATA REPORTED AS OF 4-08 8-08 # Clients receiving MAT (suboxone) 30 184 % who maintain a minimum of 4 treat- ment contacts per month 51% 55% Average Time from first face to face to first dose of medication 4 days 17days

7 WHAT DOES THE DATA SAY? # of new clients receiving MAT has increased from a 1 st quarter of 30 to a 2 nd quarter of 184 Client retention in treatment has improved 35%.

8 DATA STILL TALKING… Partner admissions to addictions treatment have improved 50% over the first quarter. ARWV partners have sustained 40% of the new client growth.

9 PEER RECOVERY NETWORK Medication Assisted Recovery Support A 12-step based support system for individuals using medication in the treatment of opiate addiction PRN has provided education to 11 staff at 2 partner agencies about the MARS groups. 1 of 2 partner agencies has implemented these client groups. 10-24-08 PRN intro group with Prestera 11-04-08 PRN introduction group with Valley

10 DATA COLLECTION….will never be the same

11 PDSA NEXT STEPS Increase physician time Decrease time between first appointment and first dose of suboxone

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