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Assistive Technology Bo Hartley Warren. What is Assistive Technology? A variety of tools used to help people with learning disabilities reach their full.

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Presentation on theme: "Assistive Technology Bo Hartley Warren. What is Assistive Technology? A variety of tools used to help people with learning disabilities reach their full."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assistive Technology Bo Hartley Warren

2 What is Assistive Technology? A variety of tools used to help people with learning disabilities reach their full potential. These tools are not made to fix specific deficit but help people work around them. These tools can range from something as simple as a tape to recorder to computers that read certain text out loud.

3 Laws about Assistive Technology IDEA requires that related services be provided when necessary to assist a student with a disability to benefit from special education. Schools may be required to provide assistive technology devices and services under related services. Related services include transportation, and such developmental, corrective, and other supported services as are required to assist a child with a disability to benefit from special education, and include speech-language pathology and audiology services, interpreting services, psychological services, physical and occupational therapy, recreation, including therapeutic recreation, early identification and assessment of disabilities in children, counseling services, including rehabilitation counseling, orientation and mobility services, and medical services for diagnostic or evaluation purposes. Related services also include school health services and school nurse services, social work services in schools, and parent counseling and training. While the list of related services is long, it is not exhaustive and may include other developmental, corrective, or support services. Related services, however, do not include a medical device that is surgically implanted, or the maintenance or replacement of such a device. In situations where assistive technology may fall under the general category of related services, school districts are expected to provide the assistive technology. All related services must be provided to a student with a disability at no cost to the parent or guardian.

4 Assistive Technology for Vision Impaired Eyeglasses Large-Print Books Books on Tape Magnifying Glass Braille Stylus Stencil Tape Recorder Headphones Lighting Contrast Adapted Paper (Various Sizes, Shapes, Colors) Pen Lights Calculator with Large Keys Talking Calculators Post-it Notes Highlighters Color Blind Aids Braille Writer Braille Printer Braille Translation Software Computer with speech Closed Circuit TV Letter or Word Magnifiers Computer Screen Magnifiers Glare Reduction Screens Talking Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Spell Checker Video Magnifiers Voice Output Screen Reading Software Screen Readers

5 Talking Calculator A talking calculator has a built-in speech synthesizer that reads aloud each number, symbol, or operation key a user presses; it also vocalizes the answer to the problem. This auditory feedback may help a student check the accuracy of the keys he presses and verify the answer before he transfers it to paper.

6 Assistive Technology For Hearing Impaired Hearing Aids Signaling Devices Pictures, Photographs, Object Lessons Communication Board Assistive Listening Devices (Amplified Sound Systems Phonic Ear Headphones FM Amplification Systems TDD/TYY For Phone Services Closed-Captioning TV Real-Time Captioning CD-Based Books Audio Voice Amplification Telecaption Decoders Vibrotactile Systems

7 FM System The microphone picks up the Teachers voice, and the transmitter sends it right to the child’s receiver for amplification in their hearing aid. This is such a great example of assistive technology because it enables the student to pay attention to what is being taught instead of straining and trying to focus on if they can hear the teacher.

8 Assistive Technology for Learning Disabilities Highlighting Tape Post-It Notes Picture and Written Schedule Social Stories Written of Pictorial Supported Directions Labeling Aids Editing Devices: White Out, Correction Tape, Correction Pen, Etc. Sentence Windows Graphic Organizers Single-Word Scanners or Reading Pens Portable Word Processor Talking Word Processors Hand Held Computers Voice-Recognition Software Software for Organizing or Reminding Electronic Organizers or Reminders Word-Prediction Software Multimedia Software for Idea Production Talking Electronic Devices or Software to Pronounce Words Graphic Organizer Software Text-Reading Software Voice Output Measuring Devices Portable Word Processors

9 Example of Assistive Technology for Learning Disabilities For the most part computers, tablets and handheld devices when paired with headphones can be very useful for students with disabilities because they cut out distractions, decrease the stress of stimuli and leave more of a student’s brain for thinking. When using various forms of technology it is always good to have preapproved learning tools available. It is also good to teach children those with or without learning disabilities how to search the web. KidRex is a version of Google but it is Kid friendly. KidRex is a great tool for students with major or minor learning disabilities because it allows them to explore the internet world without an abundance of supervision.

10 Assistive Technology for Physical Disabilities Big Pencils, Pens, Crayons, Etc. A Roller-Ball Adapted Handles Scotch Tape Velcro Adapted Book Turners Adapted Paper Built-Up Stylus T-Bar to Assist with Typing Switches Head Pointers Joysticks Adapted Mouse Typewriter Adaptive Switches Alternative Keyboards A Mouth Stick Foot Pedals Arm Supports Slant Board Tilt Board Book Holders Key Guards On Screen Keyboards Touch Sensitive Colored Lights Voice Input and Output Devices Voice Recognition Software Eye Controlled Computer Devices Touch Windows Portable Word Processor Word Completion Utilities

11 Example of Assistive Technology for Physical Disabilities EyeGaze is a portable camera like computer component that is compatible with all models computers. EyeGaze allows students to control the mouse, keyboard, and computer system with their eyes, and if chosen in settings with their speech. EyeGaze includes lessons, games, learning activities, and more. There is also an option to upload your own games and worksheets!

12 References An Overview of Assistive Technology | Assistive Technology | At School. (n.d.). Retrieved August 27, 2014. Definitions and Legal Requirements. (n.d.). Retrieved August 27, 2014. Lisa Nielsen: The Innovative Educator: 25 Incredible Assistive Technologies. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2014. Spectronics-Word Prediction Software Comparison Chart. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2014. HelpKidzLearn EyeGaze. (n.d.). Retrieved August 28, 2014.

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