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1 MASH: A Multimedia Architecture that Scales Across Heterogeneous Environments Steven McCanne, Randy H. Katz, Eric Brewer Computer Science Division University.

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Presentation on theme: "1 MASH: A Multimedia Architecture that Scales Across Heterogeneous Environments Steven McCanne, Randy H. Katz, Eric Brewer Computer Science Division University."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 MASH: A Multimedia Architecture that Scales Across Heterogeneous Environments Steven McCanne, Randy H. Katz, Eric Brewer Computer Science Division University of California, Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-1776 © 1997-98

2 2 Minutes Student volunteers to scribe notes?

3 3 Outline Introductions and Agenda Brief Overview & Direction of Project Accomplishments & Schedule Internet Systems Research Group

4 4 Outline Introductions and Agenda Brief Overview & Direction of Project Accomplishments & Schedule Internet Systems Research Group

5 5 Retreat Goals & Technology Transfer UC Berkeley Project TeamIndustrial Collaborators Government Sponsors Friends People Project Status Work in Progress Prototype Technology Early Access to Technology Promising Directions Reality Check Feedback

6 6 Ongoing Collaborations Semantic Multicast q Hughes & UCLA MediaNet q Cornell

7 7 MASH Design Team Core MASH Team q Yatin Chawathe (SRM Proxy & Archive) q Gene Cheung (Codec Synthesis & Optimization) q Adam Costello (Randomcast-based RM) q Todd Hodes (Service Location & Control) q Ketan Mayer-Patel (Scalable Effects Processing) q Matt Podolsky (Internet Audio & FEC)

8 8 MASH Design Team (cont’d) Core MASH Team (cont’d) q Suchitra Raman (SRM, data consistency models) q Angie Schuett (Archive & Distributed Recorders) q Andrew Swan (System Issues for Layered Media) q Tina Wong (Quasi-reliable Multicast, Infocast)

9 9 MASH Design Team (cont’d) Departures q Elan Amir (MeGA & SCUBA) –FastForward Networks q Cindy Romer (Toolkit Components Integration) –Netscape q Teck-Lee Tung (MediaBoard & Active Objects) –Singapore Government q Kristin Wright (WebCast & SRM WebCache) –Salt Lake-based E-commerce Startup

10 10 MASH Design Team (cont’d) Technical Support q Brian Shiratsuki (Room Deployment, Network Maintenance, Sys Admin) q Keith Sklower (Sys Programming, Network Maintenance) Administrative Support q Terry Lessard-Smith q Bob Miller

11 11 Project Collaborators James Landay (CSCW Course) Martin Vetterli (FEC for Internet Audio) Brian Smith (MediaNet, Cornell) Peter Kirstein (UCL) Deborah Estrin (VINT, USC/ISI) Bill Fenner (Xerox PARC) Mark Handley (VINT, USC/ISI) Kevin Fall (LBNL) Sally Floyd (LBNL)

12 12 Project Collaborations (cont’d) Son Dao (Semantic Multicast, Hughes) Richard Muntz (Semantic Multicast, UCLA) Lixia Zhang (Semantic Multicast, UCLA)

13 13 Sponsors and Guests DARPA IC&V Program q Kevin Mills, DARPA PM q Bob Ollerton, SPAWAR Industrial Sponsors q Fuji Xerox Palo Alto Labs q IBM q Intel q Microsoft q Xerox PARC

14 14 Sponsors and Guests (cont’d) Friends q Lance Berc (Compaq/Digital SRC) q Steve Casner (Cisco) q Steve Deering (Cisco) q Anoop Gupta (Microsoft Research) q Christian Maciocco (Intel) q Jean Bolot (INRIA) q Hamid Ahmadi (AT&T Research)

15 15 Retreat Schedule Monday, July 13 1200-1300 Lunch at Granlibakken 1300-1330 Introductory Session –Introductions –Brief Overview & Direction, Steven McCanne 1330-1600 Talks I: Reliable Multicast –Brief word on SRMv2, Steven McCanne –RMX: Proxy-based Reliable Multicast, Yatin Chawathe –Periodic Information Dissemination Using Quasi-reliable Multicast, Tina Wong –Search Party and Rumor Mill: Status and Future Work, Adam Costello

16 16 Retreat Schedule Monday, July 13 (cont’d) 1530-1800 Break (tennis, hiking, check-in) 1800-1930 Dinner 1930-2100 Demos, Posters, & Refreshments (In the Lake Room) –The MBone Playback and Transcoding Service: Soft-state Archive as an Active Service, Angie Schuett –The Dali Convergence: Using Dali within MASH for Scalable Effects Processing across a Cluster, Ketan Mayer-Patel

17 17 Retreat Schedule 1930-2100 Demos (cont’d) –Beyond Layered Media Formats: Systems Issues in realizing RLM and Layered Codecs in RTP/LWS, Andrew Swan –The SRMv2 Toolkit: Design, Status, and Direction, Suchitra Raman –Scaling Reliable Multicast with a Randomized Forwarding Service and Understanding the Search Party and Rumor Mill Variants with Network Visualization, Adam Costello –Control from Afar, Todd Hodes –RMX: Proxy-based Scalable Reliable Multicast, Yatin Chawathe

18 18 Retreat Schedule 1930-2100 Demos (cont’d) –PalmVideo: MeGafied Video on a Pilot PDA, Taher Taveliwala, Michael Kaminsky, Eric Mao, Benjamin Ling, Michael Chew, Andrew C. Huang, and Kevin Yen (MBA project advisor)

19 19 Retreat Schedule Tuesday, July 14 0730 - 0830 Breakfast 0830 - 1000 Talks II: A Taste of Theory –Inference of Multicast Routing Trees and Bottleneck Bandwidths from End-to-end Measurements, Sylvia Ratnaswamy –Results from a Simple Model for Delay-constrained Progressive Internet Audio, Matt Podolsky –Optimal Lookup Table Design under memory constraints for IP address lookup and Huffman decoding, Gene Cheung

20 20 Retreat Schedule Tuesday, July 14 (cont’d) 1030 - 1230 Talks III: Systems and Protocols –Media archival as a soft-state active service, Angie Schuett –Layered Media and the Session Directory Service, Andrew Swan –Scalable Video Effects Processing, Ketan Mayer-Patel –WebTP: A Receiver-driven, ALF-based Transport Framework for the Web, Rajarshi Gupta

21 21 Retreat Schedule Tuesday, July 14 (cont’d) 1230 - 1330 Lunch 1330 - Hike to Cascade Falls Rafting on the Truckee (catch the corresponding bus) 1800 - 1930 Dinner

22 22 Retreat Schedule Tuesday, July 14 (cont’d) 1930 - 2100 Guest Presentations –An Evaluation Study of MASH, Andy Greenberg, NIMA –HIPNET Requirements for Reliable Multicast, Bob Ollerton, SPAWAR –Enhancing Presence with 3D Audio, Jean Bolot, INRIA –Ubiquitous Networked PDAs, James Landay, UCB 2100 - 2300 Refreshments & Group Discussion –six month planning meeting among students

23 23 Retreat Schedule Wednesday, July 15 0730 - 0830 Breakfast 0830 - 1000 Six Month Planning, Steven McCanne 1000 - 1030 Break & Check-out 1030 - 1200 Guest Feedback Session, McCanne 1200 - 1300 Lunch 1300 - Depart Granlibakken

24 24 Outline Introductions and Agenda Brief Overview & Direction of Project Accomplishments & Schedule Internet Systems Research Group

25 25 The Challenge: Heterogeneous Collaboration Environments 326 Soda UC-Net / UC-MBone CAIRN UCLA UCB PARC LBL MIT DARPA NIMA ISDN Internet (MBone) UCL T1 OC-3c POTS ISDN Pen-Based PCs Collaboration q in the face of heterogeneity q at large scale

26 26 Approach Build on MBone Tools and LWS Create core mash software system q reusable, scripted components q Web-based “platform”

27 27 Key Tasks On top of mash platform... q Flexible coordination framework –Coordination Bus –SCUBA –Room device controllers –XML-based UIs for control –Soft-state gateways

28 28 Key Tasks (cont’d) On top of mash platform... q Active Services –MeGa Transcoding Service –Soft-state Archive –Scalable Effects Processing »Cornell’s Dali integegration –RMX Proxy Deployment q Virtual Room Testbed

29 29 Key Tasks (cont’d) Reliable multicast q ALF-based toolkit for SRMv2 q Naming for RM q Scalability analysis (SIGMETRICS 98) q Quasi-reliable Info Dissemination q Novel approaches based on Randomcast –Rumor Mill & Search Party

30 30 Key Tasks (cont’d) Novel media enhancements q Soft-ARQ for Internet audio q Systems issues for layered media q Clustering algorithms for end-to-end multicast –I.e., tree inference q Codec synthesis & optimization –side effect: solve fast route lookup problem

31 31 MASH Colab Remote participants Local Participants Details: James Landay (this afternoon)

32 32 Outline Introductions and Agenda Brief Overview & Direction of Project Accomplishments & Schedule Internet Systems Research Group

33 33 Project Plan and Status Demonstrate Seamless Operation over Local and Wide Area Collab Facilities Early Proof of Concept Implementations Establishment of CoLab Testbed(s) Stress Test the Colab “Use what you build” Demonstrate Ability to Scale to Large Communities of Heterogeneous Users Extend/Integrate with Emerging/Third-party Systems Project Start: Aug 96 (Start + 23 Months) Functionality 75% 50% 95% Scalability 66%

34 34 Key Achievements Fall 1997 q major software and tools components Spring 1998 q algorithmic work q publications q enhancements to existing software components

35 35

36 36

37 37 Achievements Spring 1998 Major progress on publications q Four papers in ACM MM98! –including Best Student Paper (Swan) q INFOCOMM-98 q SIGCOMM-98 q NOSSDAV-98 q SIGMETRICS-98 q Half dozen or so more in the pipeline...

38 38 Achievements Spring 1998 Algorithmic work q clustering algorithms q consistency issues in RM q table design for lookup algorithms Software q refined active services (MeGa, archive) q refined component APIs q release snapshots

39 39 Project Plan Aug 96Aug 97Aug 98Aug 99 Develop local tool coord arch, API, and GUI Develop proxy mgr, wide- area “coherent” objects Active object extensions to MBone tools Scalable reliable multicast “middleware”: C++ library RTP A/V storage repr, Server control protocol, Recording tools and formats Design and implement 1st collaboration room Develop global coord arch publ floor cntrl spec Develop scalable R/T proxy Exploit user focus Prototype network animator based on SRM toolkit tk/java rendering widget, deployment and feedback SRM archive tool, session recorder, playback tool; Integrate with Digital Libr Deploy second room and perform experiments Experimentation and Refinement of Coordination and Proxy architectures, IETF standardization; Extensive interoperability testing; Demonstration of ease of extension thru object architecture Deploy scaled archive & annotation architecture; Integrate feature extractors Deploy 3rd room and CHI evaluation Coord- ination Proxy Active Objects Archive Testbed

40 40 Looking Forward Next six months… q specifications and documentations q evaluation q disseminate software q … more on Wed morning

41 41 Outline Introductions and Agenda Brief Overview & Direction of Project Accomplishments & Schedule Internet Systems Research Group

42 42 Internet Systems Research Group (ISRG) Cooperative effort in network/systems research in UCB EECS q Eric Brewer q David Culler q Anthony Joseph q Randy Katz q Steven McCanne

43 43 ISRG Mission Basic research to “make the Internet work” q Unify on-going and future research projects q Facilitate technology transfer and standardization q Work closely with industrial partners in an open laboratory environment Cooperative effort in network/systems research in UCB EECS q Cultivate ties with external network researchers (LBL, PARC, USC/ISI, … others?)

44 44 Project Synergies BARWAN Wireless Overlay Networks Scalable Proxies MASH Collaboration Applications Active Services RTPGateway Service Discovery vic, vat, wb TranSend TACC Model Wireless Access MASH Toolkit Active Services Model NOW/Millennium Computing Platform NINJA Scalable, Secure Services Computation in the Network “Smart Spaces” as an app Event-Response Programmable Access

45 45 Network Infrastructure GSM BTS Millennium Cluster WLAN Pager IBM WorkPad CF788 MC-16 Motorola Pagewriter 2000 Text Speech Image/OCR 306 Soda 326 Soda “Colab” 405 Soda Ericsson Smart Spaces Personal Information Management Fax Experimental Testbed

46 46 Retreat Schedule Monday, July 13 1200-1300 Lunch at Granlibakken 1300-1330 Introductory Session –Introductions –Brief Overview & Direction, Steven McCanne 1330-1600 Talks I: Reliable Multicast –Brief word on SRMv2, Steven McCanne –RMX: Proxy-based Reliable Multicast, Yatin Chawathe –Periodic Information Dissemination Using Quasi-reliable Multicast, Tina Wong –Search Party and Rumor Mill: Status and Future Work, Adam Costello

47 47 SRMv2 Key mash deliverable q many important external applications Naming component design q MM98 paper on “SNAP” (Raman) Low-level toolkit API in place q stand-alone C API (independent of mash) q (Raman)

48 48 SRMv2 (cont’d) Need to q exercise in new apps (Tina, Ketan) q write down more formal protocol specs q document API Future work q refine the spectrum of reliability

49 49 Receiver Reliability Wb q announce/listen page state q triggers data repair requests SNAP q announce/listen name state (I.e., meta-data) q triggers name state repairs q in turn, triggers data repairs

50 50 Hybrid Reliability To scale SNAP q we summarize meta-data with “signatures” q I.e., meta-meta-data (see Raman’s paper) So we have an optimization problem q fixed bandwidth q how to divide among –announce/listen of data, meta-data, meta-meta-data and so forth… –received-driven SRM repairs

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