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Conducting Business with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Vonna Ordaz, Director Office of Small Business and Civil Rights Conducting Business with.

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Presentation on theme: "Conducting Business with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Vonna Ordaz, Director Office of Small Business and Civil Rights Conducting Business with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Conducting Business with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Vonna Ordaz, Director Office of Small Business and Civil Rights Conducting Business with the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Vonna Ordaz, Director Office of Small Business and Civil Rights

2 Agenda Who We Are Our Mission What We Regulate and Primary Functions NRC Profile What We Buy Small Business Program Roles, Customers and Tools Small Business Goals and Accomplishments 2

3 3 Who We Are The Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 established the U.S. NRC to regulate commercial uses of nuclear material Other duties of the former Atomic Energy Commission were assigned to Department of Energy

4 44 To license and regulate the nation’s civilian use of byproduct, source and special nuclear materials to ensure adequate protection of public health and safety, promote the common defense and security, and protect the environment. Our Mission

5 55 What We Regulate

6 66

7 77 NRC Profile NRC Budget  $1.053 billion for FY 2013 (contract spending = $253M)  $1.054 billion for FY 2014

8 88 What We Buy Information technology products and services Administrative support Engineering support and technical assistance Consulting support Construction and renovation Auditing & financial management Training

9 9 Small Business Program: Our Role Recommends small business set-asides, sources, and incentivized measures Ensures compliance with small business laws and business development initiatives Provides small business counseling Engages in outreach efforts Delivers training and technical assistance

10 10 Small Business Program Customers NRC technical and acquisition staff Small Businesses (SB), including those owned by : - Disadvantaged (SDBs) - includes SBA certified 8(a) firms - Women (WOSB) - Economically Disadvantaged Women (EDWOSB) - Historically Underutilized Business Zone (HUBZones) - Veterans (VOSB) - Service-Disabled Veterans (SDVOSBs) Congress, Federal agencies, chambers of commerce and business organizations

11 11 Small Business Program Tools & Services Annual Forecast of NRC Contract Opportunities: nrc/contracting/forecast.html nrc/contracting/forecast.html NRC Small Business Program Calendar of Events: business/calendar-of-events.pdf business/calendar-of-events.pdf NRC Small Business Web site: business.html business.html Facilitate capability presentations with potential agency customers:

12 Small Business Goals 31.5%NRC’s FY 2014 small business prime contract goal – 31.5% 5% - Small Disadvantaged – 5% 5% - Women-Owned – 5% 3% - Historically Underutilized Business Zone – 3% 3% - Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned – 3% 40%NRC’s FY 2014 small business subcontract goal – 40% 12

13 Small Business Accomplishments FY13 Awarded $32 million to 8(a) businesses More than doubled the small disadvantaged small business prime contract goal Awarded the largest amount of dollars to date to women-owned and serviced-disabled veterans Exceeded 4 out of 5 small business prime contract goals 13

14 14 Contact Information: NRC’s Small Business Program (301) 415-7381 (800) 903-SBCR (7227) TDD: (301) 415-5244

15 How to Identify Business Opportunities & 8(a) Contracting at the NRC Anthony Briggs Small Business Program Manager How to Identify Business Opportunities & 8(a) Contracting at the NRC Anthony Briggs Small Business Program Manager

16 Agenda How to Identify Business Opportunities Top NRC and 8(a) Commodity Areas Evaluating the 8(a) Marketplace 8(a) Contracting Process at the NRC Security Clearance Requirements Strategic Sourcing Impact and How to Adapt Marketing Tips Upcoming Opportunities 16

17 17 How to Identify Business Opportunities Forecast of Contract Opportunities - Part I, FY14 Acquisition Opportunities - Part II, Current Active Contract Listing Electronic Bulletin Board ($15,000 - $25,000) Federal Business Opportunities (FBO)

18 How to Identify Business Opportunities Unsolicited Proposals - Innovative and unique - Independently developed - Not be an advance proposal for requirement - Worthwhile and benefit mission responsibilities - Review industries where money is spent - Review when contracts expire - Review top contract vehicles, commodities & contractors 18

19 19 Top Commodity Categories Spending Analysis FY11-FY12

20 20 Top 8(a) Commodity Areas Administrative Support Multimedia Support Telecommunications Construction Renovations Transportation Information Technology

21 21 Top Five 8(a) Prime Contractors Based upon dollar value of awarded contracts 3links Technologies, Inc. Intelligent Fiscal Optimal Solutions, Inc. Qi Tech, LLC Centeva, LLC Aqiwo, Inc.

22 Evaluating the 8(a) Marketplace “INFORMAL” market research System for Award Management SBA’s Small Business Dynamic Search Database USAspending Colleague referrals Search engines: Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc. 22

23 Evaluating the 8(a) Marketplace “FORMAL” market research Market survey through a Sources Sought Notice Presolicitation conferences Capability presentations Business conference events Evaluation of published price lists, past performance and history 23

24 8(a) Contracting Process Partnership Agreement with SBA - Purpose to delegate SBA’s contract functions to NRC - Procedures for expediting 8(a) awards 8(a) Sole Source 8(a) Competitive 24

25 25 8(a) Contracting Process 8(a) Sole Source – under $4 million - Draft SOW - Responses to Capability Questions - Presentation to acquisition, technical and small business staff - Selection of most suitable 8(a) firm - Negotiate and award contract with selected firm 8(a) Competitive – over $4 million - Final SOW - Evaluate multiple 8(a) firms

26 26 Security Clearance Requirements Building Access - Escorted - Unescorted (more than 30 days) Security Clearance - Prime contractor, subcontractors and consultants - Pre-screen applicants (written record) - SF 85P, FD 258, NRC Form 187 - IT access (Level I & II) NRC Policy :

27 Strategic Sourcing Impact and How to Adapt Strategic Sourcing Impact and How to Adapt Federal strategic sourcing initiatives Purpose – cost savings and streamlining Consolidating contracts for similar commodities (services/products) Enterprisewide contracts Contract values will grow 27

28 Strategic Sourcing Impact and How to Adapt Strategic Sourcing Impact and How to Adapt Contract Bundling - Bundling Justification - SBA must approve - Rationale posted on agency public website - May challenge agency decision Limitation on Subcontracting - Leverage partnerships of similarly situated entities - Keep SBA in the loop and get approval for teaming 28

29 Strategic Sourcing Impact and How to Adapt Strategic Sourcing Impact and How to Adapt Limitation on Subcontracting - GAO Decision B-409001 - Protest claiming awardee’s proposal violated the limitation on subcontracting - NDAA 2013 amended Small Business Act - Costs incurred by similarly situated small business subcontractors shall not be considered subcontracted costs 29

30 30 Marketing Tips Focus on past performance, target similar agencies Know your customer’s agency forecast Work with the small business, project, and contracts offices Don’t discount subcontracting or simplified acquisition options Know your market and company strengths –Debriefs, win or lose

31 31 Marketing Tips Obtain copies of current NRC contracts - Forecast of Contract Opportunities Part II business/forecast.html - Identify contracts - Enter contract number into public reading room database - Instantly retrieve electronic copy of contract - Schedule a meeting with Small Business Program

32 32 Click on the public document reading room on our public Web site:

33 33 Click on Begin Web-Based ADAMS Search

34 34 Enter the contract number into the search bar under the Content Search tab

35 35

36 36 Prime Contract Opportunities Prime Contract Opportunities * Hearing Room AV Equipment Installation (FY14)Hearing Room AV Equipment Installation (FY14) - Install, configure and integrate AV equipment - Install, configure and integrate AV equipment - Proposed acquisition method 8(a) sole source - Proposed acquisition method 8(a) sole source - Acquisition range $500,000 -$1 million - Acquisition range $500,000 -$1 million (FY14)Technical Support for Part 74, "Material Control and Accounting of Special Nuclear Material (FY14) - Review and evaluate public comments and assist in revisions ( collections/cfr/part074/) - Review and evaluate public comments and assist in revisions ( collections/cfr/part074/) collections/cfr/part074/ collections/cfr/part074/ - Proposed acquisition method 8(a) sole source - Proposed acquisition method 8(a) sole source - Acquisition range $500,000 - $1 million - Acquisition range $500,000 - $1 million * Subject to change

37 37 Prime Contract Opportunities Prime Contract Opportunities * Conference Support Services (FY14)Conference Support Services (FY14) - Website development, maintenance, onsite registration support, logistical and other support for annual conference - Website development, maintenance, onsite registration support, logistical and other support for annual conference - Proposed acquisition method 8(a) sole source - Proposed acquisition method 8(a) sole source - Contract No. - Contract No. NRC-HQ-11-C-03-0062 - Acquisition range $3.5 - $4 million - Acquisition range $3.5 - $4 million Language Translation Support Services (FY14)Language Translation Support Services (FY14) - Written and verbal translation of documents and meetings - Written and verbal translation of documents and meetings - Acquisition method 8(a) sole source - Acquisition method 8(a) sole source - Contract No. - Contract No. NRC-27-08-325 - Acquisition Range $500,000 - $1 million - Acquisition Range $500,000 - $1 million * Subject to change

38 38 Prime Contract Opportunities Prime Contract Opportunities * Technical Assistance to Reactor and Environmental Programs (FY14)Technical Assistance to Reactor and Environmental Programs (FY14) - Activities aimed at ensuring adequacy of plant design, construction, operations and environmental protection - Activities aimed at ensuring adequacy of plant design, construction, operations and environmental protection - Partial small business set-aside - Partial small business set-aside - Acquisition range $150 - $200 million - Acquisition range $150 - $200 million Project Management Methodology (FY14)Project Management Methodology (FY14) - Maintenance and user support for NRC’s customization - Maintenance and user support for NRC’s customization of IBM Rational Software of IBM Rational Software - GSA small business set-aside - GSA small business set-aside - Contract No. NRC-DR-33-10-365 - Contract No. NRC-DR-33-10-365 - Acquisition range $2 - $5 million - Acquisition range $2 - $5 million * Subject to change

39 39 Prime Contract Opportunities Prime Contract Opportunities * (FY14) Diversity and Inclusion Support Services (FY14) - - Review performance measures for effectiveness, evaluate progress and recommend improvements - Proposed acquisition method EDWOSB set-aside - Proposed acquisition method EDWOSB set-aside - Contract No. NRC-27-08-322 - Contract No. NRC-27-08-322 - Acquisition range $100,000 - $200,000 - Acquisition range $100,000 - $200,000 Office Supplies (FY14)Office Supplies (FY14) - Acquisition Method TBD - Acquisition Method TBD - Contract No. NRC-DR-10-09-402 - Contract No. NRC-DR-10-09-402 - Acquisition range: $10 - $15 million - Acquisition range: $10 - $15 million * Subject to change

40 40 Prime Contract Opportunities Prime Contract Opportunities * Custodial Management Support Services (FY15)Custodial Management Support Services (FY15) - SDVOSB set-aside - SDVOSB set-aside - Contract No. NRC-10-10-373 - Contract No. NRC-10-10-373 - Acquisition range $7 - $10 million - Acquisition range $7 - $10 million Building Operations & Maintenance Support (FY15)Building Operations & Maintenance Support (FY15) - Physical infrastructure maintenance and repairs of HQ - Physical infrastructure maintenance and repairs of HQ located in Rockville, MD located in Rockville, MD - Acquisition method HUBZone set-aside - Acquisition method HUBZone set-aside - Contract No. - Contract No. NRC-HQ-11-C-10-0064 - Acquisition Range $10- $15 million - Acquisition Range $10- $15 million * Subject to change

41 41 Prime Contract Opportunities Prime Contract Opportunities * Independent Verification and Validation (FY15) - GSA small business set-aside - Contract No. NRC-DR-33-10-323 & NRC-DR-33-10-324 - Acquisition range $2 - $5 million Executive Transportation Support Services (FY16)Executive Transportation Support Services (FY16) - 24/7 transportation support to senior executives - 24/7 transportation support to senior executives - Requires top-secret clearance for drivers - Requires top-secret clearance for drivers - Contract No. NRC-10-10-373 - Contract No. NRC-10-10-373 - Acquisition range $1 - $1.5 million - Acquisition range $1 - $1.5 million * Subject to change

42 42 Contact Information: NRC’s Small Business Program (301) 415-7381 (800) 903-SBCR (7227) TDD: (301) 415-5244

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