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____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October.

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Presentation on theme: "____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October."— Presentation transcript:

1 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Geographic information - Imagery and gridded data Wolfgang Kresse

2 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Imagery Data taken by IRS-1C and LandsatTM Eftas, Münster, Germany

3 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Gridded data

4 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Coverages

5 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 ISO 19101-2 “Reference model for imagery“ ISO 19115-2 “Metadata – Part 2: Extensions for imagery …“ ISO 19118-2 “Encoding for imagery“ (*) ISO 19xxx “Calibration/Validation for imagery” (*) ISO 19129 “Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework“ ISO 19130 “Sensor and data models for imagery and gridded data“ (*) Title still unofficial ISO-Standards

6 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Extension of existing ISO 19101 “Reference model”, Based upon models of information science Computational Viewpoint: Functional decomposition Information Viewpoint: Semantics of information Engineering Viewpoint: Interaction between sensor and platform Outline for typical applications Example: photogrammetric project according to DIN 18740-x ISO 19101-2 “Reference model - imagery“

7 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Existing imaging systems Government– US –NASA EOSDIS Core System SEEDs –USIGS System Arch. –USGS - National Map –NOAA Government– non-US –EUMETSAT –ENVISAT PDS –China Digital Earth International –CEOS –WMO Commercial – Satellite –Spotimage Commercial – Airborne –DIN –Textbook Professional Societies –IEEE-GRSS –ISPRS

8 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Classes of operations on images Image sensing Image processing Image analysis Image interpretation Image synthesis Image presentation

9 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Data assimilation Data fusion Knowledge from imagery Identifying features from imagery Geography imaging decision Refinement of imagery information

10 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Preliminary work for imagery and gridded data standards Definition of the interaction of the imagery standards of ISO Definition of individual standardisation projects ISO 19129 “Imagery, gridded and coverage data framework“

11 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Minimum requirements for the georeference of imagery and gridded data Sensors: Laserscanning (Lidar) Radar (SAR, InSAR) Hydrographic Sonar Scan linear arrays Photogrammetric camera Paper- and filmscanners ISO 19130 “Sensor and data models for imagery and gridded data“

12 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 DEM Ländchen Friesack LGB Brandenburg (Germany) DEM of Lidar-data, Rasterwidth 5m Toposys, Ravensburg

13 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Rg Rs SAR SARInSAR

14 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Hydrographic sonar

15 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Scan mirror/telescope system Optical system Focal plane Ground track Scan direction Cross track Scan linear array

16 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Frame camera (old photogrammetry)

17 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Rigorous Model using a sensor model Functional Fit Model Polynomial Fit (Polynomial functions) Grid Interpolation Ratios of Polyomials Universal Real Time (mosaic of ratios of Polyn.) Terminology issue: Ground Control Point (GCP) Location GCP (row, column, x, y, (z)) Survey GCP (ID, x, y, (z)) Geolocation Information

18 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Scanner/Profiler Model The line-of-sight sensor (one Pixel per time) Conic scanners Line-scanners Imager Optical Camera Model Frame camera Video camera SLR camera (Single Lens Reflex cameras) Rapid Positioning Coordinate (Universal Real Time) Sensor Model Language (SensorML)

19 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Sources: FGDC (FGDC = Federal Geographic Data Committee, USA) With also some German source, such as DIN, Albertz-Kreiling, Luhmann DIN 18716-x und DIN 18740-x (Germany) ISO 19115 „Metadata“ etc. ISO 19115-2 “ Metadata – Part 2: Extensions for imagery and gridded data“

20 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Title is still unofficial Review of existing standards for encoding for imagery Filling of the gaps XML-based solution ISO 19118-2 “Encoding for imagery“

21 ____________________________________________________________________________________ Wolfgang KresseTutorial ISO/TC 211 standards, Berlin, Germany, October 31, 2003 Summary International standardization: ISO/TC 211 Convergence of the developments of standards –ISPRS and CEOS –ISO/TC 211 and ISPRS/CEOS –JTC1/SC24 –others The U.S.A. and France: leaders in standardization of Remote Sensing + China, South Korea, Thailand, Canada Standardization of Photogrammetry: German contributions

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