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“The Lottery” Shirley Jackson

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Presentation on theme: "“The Lottery” Shirley Jackson"— Presentation transcript:

1 “The Lottery” Shirley Jackson
Notes on the story

2 Focus Activity What is a lottery?
What do you think about winning a lottery? What would you expect to win? Does a lottery give everyone equal chances?

3 Families? Holding a Lottery…
Everyone selects a slip of paper from the black box. No one (except me) should see what is on the paper. The winner will receive his/her prize later. Families?

4 Answer these questions, now!
Was the lottery fair to all participants? Do you want to win the prize? Why do you want to win? What would be the best thing that you could win from this lottery? Write this on your warm-up

5 Vocabulary for the Story
Paraphernalia Boisterous Fade Shabby Inevitable Assemble Enthusiasm Exploitation Petulantly Clung Daintily Lapse Lottery Beamed Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half hot dog style. Write each word along the front side. Cut under each word. Write the definition under the word. This can help you study the vocabulary. V O C A B U L R Y

6 Warm-up (Wednesday) Create 3 categories. List items that would belong in each category under it. UNC Mountains Beaches Boone Hickory DUKE Piedmont Landforms NSCU Sand hills Valdese Mt. Airy Towns Universities

7 Warm-up (Wednesday) Landforms Universities Towns
Create 3 categories. List items that would belong in each category under it. Landforms Universities Towns UNC Hickory Beaches Sand hills NSCU Valdese Piedmont DUKE Boone Mountains Mt. Airy What is the over all topic? North Carolina

8 Outline Form Change the Warm-Up into an OUTLINE North Carolina
Landforms Beaches Sand hills Piedmont Mountains Towns Hickory Valdese Boone Universities Duke UNC NCSU Expanded II. Towns Hickory Downtown Mall area Furniture town Valdese Waldesians-founded Bakery Boone ASU Mass General Store

9 DAR Essay You need a highlighter or pen and the handout. Title:
“Young American Takes a Stand: The War of 1812” Pretend you were alive during the War of 1812 and had a friend who has become famous in history because of standing up for American during that exciting but dangerous time. Describe the perosn and how he or she stood up for America. Explain why it is important to honor such heroes when we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812. When you want to win, and I do, it is a good idea to be very creative in your approach to the topic.

10 Vocabulary for “The Lottery”
What words do you know? Vocabulary for “The Lottery” Paraphernalia Boisterous Fade Shabby Inevitable Assemble Enthusiasm Exploitation Petulantly Clung Daintily Lapse Lottery Beamed Assorted things (for specific activity) Noisy and active To lose brightness, dim Showing signs of wear and tear, worn-out Impossible to avoid Bring or call together Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause The act of employing to the greatest possible advantage With unreasonable irritation Held tightly Delicately, in a lady-like fashion End without being renewed Contest of chance drawing Smiled very happily V O C A B U L R Y

11 homework Vocabulary Activity
Paraphernalia Boisterous Fade Shabby Inevitable Assemble Enthusiasm Exploitation Petulantly Clung Daintily Lapse Lottery Beamed Create 7 sentences using one word in each sentence. (A sentence that defines the word is unacceptable. EX – Shabby means worn-out.) Underline each vocabulary word. Once everyone has completed the activity, we will play a game! Be sure you know your words. homework

12 To turn in; write on yesterday’s paper
Quick Write… Choose one of the following and write a detailed, elaborative paragraph. Some traditions my family shares are... The craziest superstition I believe in is... What does it mean to be “evil”? An “Eye for an Eye” is an ethical means of punishment for crimes committed. To turn in; write on yesterday’s paper

13 Stems List B Since this is a short week we will complete a foldable just like last week. List 26B Next week we will do something different each day.

14 Warm-Up (Wednesday) England, USA, Belgium, Canada, Mexico
Add three details to each category: Countries: States: Oceans: England, USA, Belgium, Canada, Mexico Texas, SC, NC, Virginia, NY, ND Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Take out your homework

15 Stems POS Tell the part of speech for each highlighted word.
The pompous opponents declaimed against the invaders. Sidney tried to inform Louie Manette, sotto voce, of the problem. The glass was translucent, not completely transparent. Spelling is not his forte. The orchestra played the thunderous cadenza fortissimo. Charles perambulated through the streets. Mr. Lorry deplored the scoundrel’s perfidious desertion. Another witness impugned Danny’s testimony. Mr. Stryver’s egocentric conversation became boring. Tim’s constant acerbity was demoralizing.

16 Creating Definition – B1
Evil What actions are evil? What does evil look like? What actions are evil?

17 Creating Definition – B2
Evil What actions are evil? What does evil look like? What actions are evil?

18 Monday (Warm-Up) Choose the correct word to complete the author’s words using your stems list. From Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin His life is a logical result of his opinions, and mine is a complete _______________. a. fortissimo c. cacophony b. perfidy d. non sequitur From Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The House of Seven Gables The judge’s smile seemed to operate on her _________ of heart like sunshine upon vinegar. Acerbity c. non sequitur Perfidy d. translucence From Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World 3. With closed eyes…John was softly __________ to vacancy. impugning c. declaiming perambulating d. sotto voce opposite Context clue? Cause and effect Context clues? Context clues?

19 What other story have you read by her ?
Shirley Jackson Shirley Hardie Jackson was born December 14, 1916 in San Francisco, CA. Jackson received her BA in English from Syracuse University.   She married Stanley Edgar Hyman, a staff writer and literary critic at the New Yorker in the 1940s.  She and Hyman had 4 children. Jackson's writing career flourished with publications in The New Yorker, Mademoiselle, Fantasy and Science Fiction, Charm, The Yale Review, The New Republic, The Saturday Evening Post, and Reader's Digest. She also published several collections of stories.  Jackson died of heart failure on August 8th, 1965 in Bennington, VT.  What other story have you read by her ?

20 Previewing “The Lottery”
Setting – small town America, at the end of June What is happening at the end of June? What does the word lottery bring to mind? Read the next 2 passages on the following slides and make predictions about the story. Try to guess what the prize of the Lottery might be.

21 Passage One “The morning of June 27th was clear and sunny, with the fresh warmth of a full-summer day; the flowers were blossoming profusely and the grass was richly green. The people of the village began to gather in the square, between the post office and the bank, around ten o’clock; in some towns there were so many people that the lottery took two days and had to be started on June 26th, but in this village, where there were only about 300 people, the whole lottery took less than two hours, so it could begin at ten o’clock in the morning and still be through in time to allow the villagers to get home for noon dinner.”

22 Passage Two “Soon the men began to gather, surveying their own children, speaking of planting and rain, tractors and taxes. They stood together, away from the pile of stones in the corner, and their jokes were quiet and they smiled rather than laughed. The women, wearing faded house dresses and sweaters, came shortly after their menfolk. They greeted one another and exchanged bits of gossip as they went to join their husbands. Soon the women, standing by their husbands, began to call their children, and the children came reluctantly, having to be called four or five times.”


24 5 minutes Warm-Up Create as many words as possible with the following letters. Words must be 2 or more letters.

25 What was your score? After going around the room to eliminate some of the common words…. Calculate your score using the following formula: 2 points for 2 letter words 3 points for 3 letter words 4 points for 4 letter words And so on!!!

26 “The Lottery” Voc Review
Paraphernalia Boisterous Fade Shabby Inevitable Assemble Enthusiasm Exploitation Petulantly Clung Daintily Lapse Lottery Beamed

27 Stems Expert to expert Reviewing the words: dichotomy pathological
cryptic isosceles pathogen vociferous rectify sanctimonious tortuous rectilinear metamorphosis petroglyph Expert to expert

28 Reviewing Yesterday we started “The Lottery”
What was the setting of the story? Who were some of the characters mentioned? How did you feel while we were reading the story?

29 Reading the Story Stop at “Bill Hutchinson’s got it…”
What will the winner of the lottery receive? Complete the story without comment.

30 Respond to the Reading Write your initial thoughts about the story!
DO NOT TALK – SIMPLY WRITE! Clean Sheet of paper, please!

31 Is it a horror story? What type of atmosphere does Jackson create at first, and how does that change? Why are the townspeople holding the lottery? Why don't they stop?

32 Class Discussion What do we know about Mrs. Hutchinson? Her husband? Family? Why, according to the author, does the town carry out the lottery? What foreshadows the final act? Why do the townspeople carry out the stoning? What does this reveal about their character? How does Jackson treat the idea of “equal opportunity” in the story?


34 Friday (Warm-Up) Stems Test Today Timer
Take 5 minutes to study your stems with a partner I need your completed foldables 7 sentences from “The Lottery” vocabulary

35 Library Today’s Agenda Timer Stem Test Reading Blog
You may write on the test Discussing the directions On the back of your test answer one of the following questions. Write a good paragraph with supporting details. Describe your least favorite character and explain why. If you could ask the author a question, what would you ask them? In 4-6 sentences, describe several insights you have gained from your reading. Timer Library

36 Sharing Your Sentences
Paraphernalia Boisterous Fade Shabby Inevitable Assemble Enthusiasm Exploitation Petulantly Clung Daintily Lapse Lottery Beamed The gardening paraphernalia is stored near the tiller and rakes in the basement. She spoke petulantly to her mother when accused of not completing her chores and homework. The exploitation of workers caused them to protest the long hours and demand better working conditions. His lapse of memory caused the project to remain incomplete on its due date resulting in a failing grade. The girl beamed with happiness when asked to attend the dance with Bill, the cute guy in math class. V O C A B U L R Y

37 Due Monday Imagery Task
Draw a picture of Mr. Summers, standing at the box, calling out names. This shouldn't be a quick stick-figure work of art, either: the story gives extensive detail about Mr. Summers and about the box itself. It is made of wood, and has been painted black, and repainted; it is starting to show its age. It rests on a stool. Mr. Summers has on a "clean white shirt and blue jeans," and his hand sits "carelessly" on the box. What is wrong with the picture? The fact that someone who is an executioner could wear the color of innocence (white) and act so casually while standing next to an object that is sure to bring death to someone -- even possibly him -- makes this story even more grotesque. Due Monday

38 Create this Chart Slide Title Notes Ancient Ritual Historical Context
Sociological Context First Sin Ritual without Meaning POV: 3rd person Objective Male vs. Female Women’s Roles Female vs. Female Mob Violence

39 Monday (Warm-UP) Define the word in red.
The black box was splintered badly along one side to show the original wood color. There was a great deal of fussing to be done before Mr. Summers declared the lottery open. Part of the original ritual had been allowed to lapse. Mr. Summers seemed very proper and important as he talked interminably to Mr. Graves and the Martins. Mr. Adams went hastily back to his place in the crowd, where he stood a little apart from his family. Mrs. Dunbar greeted Mr. Summers gravely and selected a slip of paper from the box.

40 “The Lottery” Symbolism
Working in groups, you will present the information. The class will complete a chart. I do NOT want you to read the information, but to tell the class how the information impacted your impression of the story.

41 Ancient Ritual Sacrifice
In ancient Athens, Greece, Athenians believed that human sacrifice promised fertile crops. Each year in ancient Athens, as one story goes, during the annual festival called Thargelia, citizens would stone to death a man and a woman selected for this purpose. Death is thought to bring prosperity to the community By transferring one's sins to persons or animals and then sacrificing them, people believed that their sins would be eliminated, a process that has been termed the "scapegoat" archetype A similar ritual sacrifice occurs with Tessie Hutchinson. This explains the village member's remark, “Lottery in June, corn be heavy soon.”

42 Ritual without meaning
Because there has "always been a lottery“, the villagers feel compelled to continue this horrifying tradition. They focus, however, on its gruesome rather than its symbolic nature, for they "still remembered to use stones" even after they have "forgotten the ritual and lost the original black box“. The story may be saying that humanity's inclination toward violence overshadows society's need for civilized traditions.

43 “Let he who is without sin, cast the first stone"
“The Lottery” certainly alludes to Gospel of St. John, 8:7, in which Jesus frees an adulterous woman, directing the scribe/Pharisee who is without sin to cast the first stone. No one throws stones at her. Unfortunately, no one in “The Lottery” rebukes the powers so forthrightly as Jesus does in John 8:7. Tessie becomes their scapegoat; she pays for their sins.

44 Male vs. Female A conflict between male authority and female resistance is subtly evident throughout “The Lottery.” Early in the story, the boys make a great pile of stones in one corner of the square, while the girls stand aside talking among themselves, looking over their shoulders at the boys. When Tessie draws the paper with the black mark on it, Tessie does not show it to the crowd; instead her husband Bill forces it from her hand and holds it up.

45 Women’s roles Tessie Hutchinson defies the concept of the passive and selfless woman. Tessie's actions are decidedly unlike the behavior expected of the ideal wife and mother in the era. Tessie is hardly self-sacrificing. She even jeopardizes her married daughter by suggesting that she join the Hutchinson family in the final lottery drawing.

46 Women vs. Women At the beginning of the story, the girls stand together watching the boys gather the stones, but as those girls become women, the involvement in marriage and childbearing that the lottery encourages pits them against one another, blinding them to the fact that all power in their community is male. A most grievous betrayal of another woman occurs when Tessie turns on her married daughter and attempts to jeopardize her safety. Jackson emphasizes women's turning against one another, too, through her pointed depiction of the brutality of Mrs. Delacroix and Mrs. Graves in setting upon Tessie.

47 Mob violence The heinous actions exhibited in groups (such as the stoning of Mrs. Hutchinson) do not take place on the individual level, for individually such action would be deemed "murder." On the group level, people classify their heinous act simply as "ritual." When Mrs. Hutchinson arrives at the ceremony late, she chats sociably with Mrs. Delacroix. Nevertheless, after Mrs. Hutchinson falls victim to the lottery selection, Mrs. Delacroix chooses a "stone so large" that she must pick it up with both hands. Whereas, on the individual level, the two women regard each other as friends, on the group level, they betray that relationship, satiating the mob mentality.

48 Symbolism Stones are a universal symbol for punishment, burial, and martyrdom: they indicate a morbid ceremony. Chips of wood: now discarded for slips of paper, suggest a preliterate/ancient origin, like the ancient sacrificial rituals for crops. The setting: no specific name/place indicates this is anytown, USA; the contrast of the town with the ritual helps build suspense Square: (village square) may represent the four corners of the earth—earthly opposed to heavenly; human-created as opposed to natural; boxed in; concealed.

49 Symbolism Black: the color for death, mourning, punishment, penitence in western civilization. The black box used to draw lots and the slip of paper with a black mark pointing out the 'winner' are mentioned too frequently to be coincidental. Black box: coffin? Evil secret hidden away? Black spot on paper: sin? A “black mark” on one’s record is negative; black mark: unclean?

50 Symbolism: Names Tessie Hutchinson: Most likely an allusion to Anne Hutchinson ( ), American religious enthusiast who founded the Puritan colony of Rhode Island. She had new theological views which opposed her to other ministers. After a local trial banished her she was tried before the Boston Church and formally excommunicated. Anne and fifteen of her children were subsequently murdered by the Indians in 1643. The parallelism between her story and Tessie's is clear: to her, excommunication meant spiritual death just as to Tessie being cast out from the group = death.

51 Symbolism: Names Tessie Hutchinson:
Anti-ritualAnn Hutchinson held that neither church nor state was needed to connect a believer to his or her God. (In the end, Tessie rejects the lottery ritual, saying “it isn’t right.”) Tessie, diminutive for Theresa, derives from the Greek theizein, meaning “to reap”, or, if the nickname is for Anastasia, it will translate literally “of the resurrection”. (sacrifice for sins; contrast with Delacroix—“of the cross.”)

52 Delacroix (“of-the-Cross”)
Symbolism: Names Delacroix (“of-the-Cross”) vulgarized to Della-croy (no longer truly of the cross) Some critics suggest that Mrs. Delacroix represents the duality of human nature: she is pleasant and friendly on the outside, but underneath she possesses a degree of savagery. Cross has many connotations crossroads (faced with 2 directions); to cross something off; to be angry; to cross over or to pass by; pass from one side of to the other; to oppose, as in crossing one’s path; a burden; combination of 2 elements; To make or put a line across; To betray or deceive, double-cross…

53 Symbolism: Names Summers: the season of summer is associated with youth, strength, growth, prime of life, warmth, leisure, prosperity, happiness, blooming, blossoming Mr. Summers is the head of the coal business, which could symbolize close contacts with the underworld, evil; lurking just beneath the surface. Coal is earthly (as opposed to heavenly); black; formed in the process of many years (long-term process); formed from compressed, decaying matter; early chemistry used a black spot to symbolize coal. Marxist critics point out how Mr. Summers, who would have been one of the wealthier citizens, leads the lottery— those with money control the people’s activities.

54 Graves : the obvious grave = place of entombment/death
Symbolism: Names Graves : the obvious grave = place of entombment/death Mr. Graves quietly assists Mr. Summers, with “Graves” hinting at a dark undertone. Grave = serious; hints that the lottery may not be a frivolous contest (“Mr. Graves said gravely”) Critics have said that Jackson creates balance by juxtaposing Mr. Summers and Mr. Graves to share in the responsibilities of the ritual: Life brings death, and death recycles life.

55 Adams : reference to the first man, the first sinner
Symbolism: Names Adams : reference to the first man, the first sinner While he seems to be one of the few who questions the lottery when he mentions that another village is thinking about giving up the ritual, he stands at the front of the crowd when the stoning of Tessie begins. Like the biblical Adam, Adams goes along with the sin; he follows others in their evil.

56 Symbolism: Names Old Man Warner: Resistant to change and representing the old social order, he warns about how important the event is to the survival of the village. Old man Warner is 77 years old the number 7 has many connotations, but one common connotation is that 7 is lucky …he has been lucky to avoid the lottery so many times.

57 Symbolism: Names Martin : associated with Mars, the Roman god of fertility and war. The following are just FYI: St. Martin: Patron of drunkards, to save them from falling into danger. (The origin came from St. Martin’s day coinciding with the feast of Bacchus, god of wine.) St. Martin’s goose. The 11th of November, St. Martin’s Day, was at one time the great goose feast of France. The legend is that St. Martin was annoyed by a goose, which he ordered to be killed and served up for dinner. He died after eating dinner, and a goose has been ever since “sacrificed” to him on the anniversary. St. Martin’s bird is the raven, long associated with death and departed spirits

58 Symbolism: Names Dunbar: breaking this name down into its 2 syllables, one can come up with: 1. dun – to treat cruelly; or a dull, brownish gray color 2. bar - Something that impedes or prevents action or progress; relatively long, straight, rigid piece of solid material used as a barrier, support, or fastener; A standard, expectation, or degree of requirement;

59 Literary Analysis

60 Historical Context After World War II America experienced a trend toward general social conformity. People tended to imitate those around them rather than follow their own separate paths. Encouraging this conformity was the spread of television, which broadcast the same set of images to Americans scattered through the country. Meanwhile, patriotic rhetoric dominated the public mood in politics. Fears about fascist dictatorships and communism, issues that had been highlighted by the war-induced paranoia and suspicion among seemingly peaceful American communities. In the story, the townspeople are swept away by the tide of conformity, and the lottery goes ahead as always.

61 Foreshadowing… Setting is a peaceful village in summer; readers expect the lottery to be a positive experience Some of the boys create a "great pile of stones in one corner of the square." The men of the village arrive they stand away from the stones, joke quietly, and smile instead of laugh. Since the lottery is to take only two hours, the villagers plan to be home in time for lunch. (how can they eat after this?) Mr. Summers, a cheerful man who conducts the lottery ceremony, sets the tone of the event with both his name and his casual behavior. The lottery takes place every year when the nature cycle peaks in midsummer, a time usually associated with joyfulness.

62 Historical Context By 1943 news of the Nazi concentration camps had finally reached America. A number of Americans responded with horror and concern that communities could have stood by and silently allowed the Holocaust to occur. Jackson hints at a similar situation in her story when the townspeople are unable to fully question or prevent the brutal lottery practice.

63 Historical/Sociological Context
During World War II, Jews and other targeted groups were torn from their communities and sent to their death while the world stood by in silence. In “The Lottery,” Tessie is similarly suddenly ostracized from and killed by members of her own community. A few of the townspeople disagree with the ritual, but they merely mutter their displeasure under their breath, afraid to speak out more boldly against the practice. Not only do humans blindly perpetrate evil, the story tells us, but they are also capable of closing their eyes to and even participating in terrors that occur in their midst.

64 POV: 3rd Person Objective
There is very little conflict in the story—only Tessie’s objections present any conflict at all. At the end of "The Lottery," the reader discovers with horror what is about to happen, but the story ends with the casting of the first stones. Jackson prefers to leave the gruesome details to the reader's imagination. The conflict occurs within the reader as the reader notes foreshadowing in the story with growing uneasiness

65 Creating a Picture Create a very detailed picture of the village square on the morning of June 27th Be sure to include Mr. Summers and the black box. Hint: Look back at the text to see what color his shirt is and the type of pants he wears that day. Make your drawing as detailed as possible. It must be colored. Double check for any details you may have missed.

66 What is irony? Review? The use of words to convey the opposite of their literal meaning; a statement or situation where the meaning is contradicted by the appearance or presentation of the idea. Three kinds of irony are commonly recognized: Verbal irony is a figure of speech in which the intended meaning of a statement differs from the meaning that the words appear to express. Situational irony involves an incongruity between what is expected or intended and what actually occurs. Dramatic irony is an effect produced by a narrative in which the audience knows more about present or future circumstances than a character in the story

67 Irony Activity Draw a vertical line down the middle of a sheet of paper, making two columns. The left column will contain examples of irony, and the right column will contain an explanation of what makes that example ironic. One of the first items in the left column might be from the setting: the flowers are "blossoming profusely and the grass [is] richly green." This is ironic because no one would expect something awful to happen on a day like this: the imagery sets the reader up to expect happy events.

68 Irony Activity Examples of Irony Why is it ironic
Setting: the flowers are "blossoming profusely and the grass [is] richly green.”. This is ironic because no one would expect something awful to happen on a day like this: the imagery sets the reader up to expect happy events.

69 Irony Examples Have students work individually, in pairs, or in small groups to identify examples of irony throughout the story. Once they are done, point out to them any examples they may have missed.

70 Discussion Questions What preparations were made for the lottery?
Cite examples of foreshadowing that hints at what is going to occur? What paraphernalia was used in the lottery? Why, according to the story, is the lottery carried on? “The Lottery” is obviously not a realistic story. So, what points are being made? Guess what the possible prize for the Lottery could be if it is held in all of the neighboring towns.

71 What do the underlined words mean?
The black box was splintered badly along one side to show the original wood color. There was a great deal of fussing to be done before Mr. Summers declared the lottery open. Part of the original ritual had been allowed to lapse. Mr. Summers seemed very proper and important as he talked interminably to Mr. Graves and the Martins. Mr. Adams went hastily back to his place in the crowd, where he stood a little apart from his family. Mrs. Dunbar greeted Mr. Summers gravely and selected a slip of paper from the box. Change these into a mimo game

72 Each group must identify the following:
Who wrote the lottery? June 27 Classroom, teacher, books and reprimands Planting and rain, tractors and taxes Faded house dresses and sweaters Mr. Summers Coal business Lottery in June Mr. Graves Original paraphernalia for the lottery Chips of wood Lists to be made A ritual salute A tuneless chant Mrs. Hutchinson 7 minutes only Have fun!

73 Tuesday Warm-UP Of the following four sentences, which gives the topic or general idea and which statements give specific details? Mark ‘G’ for general and ‘S’ for specific or supporting. Remember, there can be only one main idea. 1. ________There are practice sessions twice a day 2. ________ When the players are not practicing in the evenings, they’re watching game videos and studying playbooks. 3. ______ Attending a basketball camp requires a lot of dedication to the game. 4. ____In between practice sessions, there are drills and exercises to be done. S S G S

74 Use “The Lottery” Vocabulary to fill in the blanks.
On Friday afternoon, the ___________students left school happily. The __________ of NC is supposed to give money to schools. As the student walked across the stage at graduation, her former teacher ___________ with obvious pride and joy. He never loses his optimism, and does everything with _________. ______ of the rain forests has contributed to global warming. The frightened child __________ to the hand of its mother in the crowded village square. The adolescent spoke __________ to the hitting instructor during baseball practice and was reprimanded by the coach.. The students attending the dance left all of their ____________ including their shoes and book bags in the theater. His clothes were ___________ and he was ashamed of his poverty. boisterous lottery beamed enthusiasm Exploitation Fabulous TuesdayWarm-Up clung petulantly paraphernalia Shabby or faded Paraphernalia, Boisterous, Fade, Shabby, Inevitable, Assemble, Enthusiasm Exploitation , Petulantly, Clung, Daintily, Lapse, Lottery, Beamed

75 Video What was surprising about the video?
What details were different from the original story? How does the poor film quality add to the mood? What actions enhance the suspense?

76 Create this Chart Symbol Occurred Meaning Black Box, spot Black Box
(held lottery tickets) Black Spot

77 Themes Not all rituals are beneficial, positive or civilized
Acts of violence, hatred, murder are not acceptable just because many people participate Traditions and rituals should be questioned; group mentality can be harmful People are not all good or all evil but a mixture of both. Many more ideas/themes can be applied to “The Lottery”

78 “The Lottery”: More than you expected, right…?

79 TEST-Block One Do not answer the essay. When you have finished:
Group A - Word Within the Word Complete pages 3-7 You must write on your own paper. Group B – Classical Roots Complete the worksheet that I gave you Create a questions to review for your vocabulary. I will be making a jeopardy, or some other type of game. I will be calling you back to conference on your research project.

80 Name two symbols in “The Lottery.” [black box, black dot]
2. Give five examples from the story that show how men have the power in this society. [Male keeps box; men draw; women’s identities directly tied to their husbands; men stand in front; boys are playing; girls are standing around quietly; a woman dies in the end] 3. Give two examples of foreshadowing. [Boys picking up rocks, the color black of the box] E. Define the term situational irony. [Actual outcome of the situation is the opposite of someone’s expectations] F. Discuss the following two examples of irony from the story. 1. Refer to original brainstorming activity- lotteries are supposed to be good not deadly. 2. Old Man Warner says, “The lottery keeps us civilized. [This practice does not seem civilized at all.] G. Have students make a short list of possible themes from the story and list them on the board. [Example: some customs that we call civilized are truly

81 “The Lottery”: More than you expected, right…?
End of presentation. (Finally)

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