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Coastal Environmental Systems The world leader in cutting edge reliable monitoring systems. Mobile and Portable MILITARY Weather Stations.

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Presentation on theme: "Coastal Environmental Systems The world leader in cutting edge reliable monitoring systems. Mobile and Portable MILITARY Weather Stations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coastal Environmental Systems The world leader in cutting edge reliable monitoring systems. Mobile and Portable MILITARY Weather Stations

2 Coastal Environmental Systems l Founded in 1981 l Goal: To collect and telemeter high quality environmental data l Began with cutting edge instrumentation for Military and University research l Evolved to large production projects l New Goal: Integrate high quality environmental data into DB’s, Networks, Lan’s, Wan’s, www.

3 Coastal Environmental Systems l Major Aviation weather customers: Air Force, Navy, Marines, FAA, NWS l Aviation Stations from small 60 second set- up portable to complete Airport systems l Best Customer Support in the Industry (and the references to back that up) l ALL of our station are built with the FUTURE in mind!

4 Coastal’s Beginning(1981) Coastal’s Beginning(1981) Arctic Stations l First contracts – US Navy – Polar Ice l REQUIRED: –Must survive cold/salt/ice –Completely unattended –Automatic re-start –NO MAINTENANCE

5 Major Contracts Won in Last 5 Years l US Marines - METMF(R) - 40+ stations l US Air Force - Thule Greenland 7+ stations l NWS - PDB-1 -- 240+ stations l US Navy Antarctic/McMurdo - 12 stations l US Air Force - Patrick and Vandenberg - 50+ stations l FAA - SAWS - 275 stations l NWS - RSOIS - 100+ stations l US Navy - SMOOS - 150 stations l Israeli Military Forces - 285 Stations l NWS - Fischer Porter - 2,700 Stations l US Air Force - OS-21 FBS - 200 stations

6 Who relies on Coastal’s Weather Stations? In a joint Air Force NASA program they had Coastal create a “SUPER” Aviation weather station which has a completely redundant back- up system operating in tandem with the primary system to assist in guiding the Space Shuttle in for a safe landing. NASA: The Space Shuttle

7 Who relies on Coastal’s Weather Stations? Coastal build and installed an aviation weather station at Andrews Air Base – home base for the President and all the White House staff. White House: The US President

8 Who relies on Coastal’s Weather Stations? US NAVY: The South Pole Working with the U.S. Navy and the NSF (National Science Foundation) Coastal was able to modify our aviation system to be the first ever to survive and operate at THE South Pole station. (it gets as cold as -90 degrees!).

9 Who relies on Coastal’s Weather Stations? The US Air Force purchased over 110 Aviation stations for almost every US Air Force Base and Army Base in the US and around the world. US Air Force: Every world-wide Base

10 Next – Military Land Based Next – Military Land Based Military Weather Stations l Hostile environment l Easy to employ l Automatic re-start l Automatic North l Low Power l Small size and intuitive set-up Weatherpak®

11 NOW: Fixed, Tactical, Vehicle, Portable l Portable Stations –Auto aligning - compass –Stands up to rough handling –Many telemetry types –Self – powered (battery_ –Set-up < 60 seconds –One person operation –Can be de-contaminated –Over 500 sold ! Weatherpak® - Air Force

12 Tech Escort Tech Escort Army l Used for Fire control l Quick set-up l Small compact tranport size Weatherpak® - Army

13 METMF(R) - US Marines METMF(R) - US Marines Deployable Complete Weather for Air Operations l Network of Stations l Meteorburst Communications l Base, All met, Ceilometer, Viz, Present weather l Expandable to Lightning, Freezing Rain

14 NBC Station NBC Station In - Field Use l Very compact –Small case and canvas bag –Case is: 16 x 20 x 9 in Bag is 4 ft long l Easy to set-up l Self aligning l 5 Meter height l Calculates –Winds –Pasquell/Gifford Stability Class –Air Temp

15 Navy - Field Station Navy - Field Station Support Air Operations l Runs on AC power l Very accurate l Basic Data l Fits on any 1.5 inch pole l Calculates average wind, temperature, humidity and stability Shown in carry case

16 Tactical Portable Aviation Tactical Portable Aviation Weatherpak®


18 l Self Contained - –Winds –Compass - self aligning –Pressure –AT, Rh, Dew Point l Expansion –Visibility –Cloud height –Other Tactical Portable Aviation Tactical Portable Aviation Weatherpak®

19 l Set - up –Basic model < 60 seconds l Robust –Double O-ring Seal –-40 to +60 C l High Accuracy l Multiple types of communication l Over 2000 in use Tactical Portable Aviation Tactical Portable Aviation Weatherpak®

20 Zeno® Weather Station Zeno® Weather Station Back-Pack size for Navy l Basic Meteorology Sensors –Winds, Air Temperature Pressure, Relative humidity l Add on sensors Cloud height, visibility l Communications Radio, dial-up, cell phone, Iridium, GOES, INMARSAT, Basic Station fits in this Backpack

21 Antarctica - Navy Antarctica - Navy Zeno® Weather Station l Includes cloud height, visibility, Network UHF Radio l LOW POWER –Sensor selection –Intelligent station –Self - diagnostics l Auto re-start in Spring l Can be Upgraded for more sensors

22 International Militaries l French Air Force l French Navy l Swedish Armed Forces l Chilean Navy l Mexican Air Force l Singapore Civil Defense l Armada de Ecuador l German Air Force l Taiwan Military l Army of Poland l Mexican Navy l Indonesian Air Force l NATO Sweden Military Forces new Tactical System

23 Air Force, Army, Navy Bases Air Force, Army, Navy Bases (with a Coastal Environmental Weather Station) l 1st Infantry Div, Chem. Section l 7th CES/CEX, Dyess AFB l 8th CES/CEF, Kunsan AB, Korea l 16th CES/CEX, Hurlburt Field l 18th CES/CEX, Kadena AB, Japan l 45th CES/CEX, Patrick AFB, FL l 55th CES/CEX, Offutt AFB, NE l 778th CES/CEF, Robins AFB, GA l 60th CES/CEX, Travis AFB, CA l 61st CELS, Los Angeles AFB, CA l 62nd CES/CEX, McChord AFB, WA l 75th CES/CEX, Hill AFB, UT l 81st CES/CEF, Keesler AFB, MS (MTR) l 82nd CES/CEF, Ramstein, Germany l 88th ABW/CECMX, Wright Patterson AFB l 89th CES/CEX, Andrews AFB l 90 CES/CEX, FL ANG l 94th MSG/CEF, Dobbins ARB, GA (MTR) l 95th CEG/CEF, Edwards AFB l 96th CES/CEX, Eglin AFB, FL l 100th SPTG/CEF l 103rd CES/CEX. CT ANG l 104 FW/CE, MA ANG l 105th CES/ABO Stewart NGB 106th CF/SCX, NY ANG l 107th CES/Niagara Falls ANG l 110th CES/Michigan ANGB l 111 FW/CES, Willow Grove ARS, PA l 113th CEX/CES, Andrews AFB l 119th CES/ND ANG l 120th DEAO/Montana ANG l 127th CES/CEX, Selfridge ANG, MI l 128th CES/AO Wisconsin ANG l 129th CES/CEX CA ANG l 136th CES/DE, TX ANG l 139th CES/MOANG l 138th FW/ CES/CEX, Tulsa, OK l 144TH FW/CES/CEX, CA ANG l 162 FW/CES, AZ ANG l 163rd Air Res. Wing, March ARB, CA l 164th CES/CEX, TN ANG l 166th CES, DE ANG l 167th AW/CEX-WV ANG l 174th FW, Syracuse NY l 180th CES/OHIO ANG l 181st CES/Indiana ANG l 182nd CES/CEX, Peoria, IL l 183rd FW, Springfield IL l 184th CES/AO Kansas ANG l 187th CES CEX, Montgomery, AL l 188th CEX, AR ANG l 209th CEX/CEF, Gulfport, MS (MTR) l 254 CES CEX, ANG, Guam l 301st CES CEX, NAS Fort Worth, TX l 305th CES/CEX McGuire AFB,NJ l 320th AEG/FMFC, Saudi Arabia l 325th CES/CEF, Tyndall AFB, FL l 341 CES/CERF, Malmstrom AFB, MT l 363 ECES/CEOL, Prince Sultan AB l 403rd CES/CEX l 407 AEG, Tallil, AB Iraq l 440th Airlift Wing l 452 MSG/CEX, March AFB, CA l 510th CES/CEX, USAF Academy l 554th Red Horse, Osan AB Korea l 778Th CES/CEF, Robins AFB, GA l 819th Red Horse, Malmstrom AFB, MT l 910th Air Reserve, Vienna, OH l 911th Airlift Wing l 913th AW CE, Willow Grove, PA l 928th Airlift Wing

24 Air Force l 928th Airlift Wing l 51st CST (WMD) l 6th CST (WMD) l 7th CST (WMD) l 10th CST (WMD) l 14th CST (WMD) l 31st CST (WMD) (MTR) l 32nd CST (WMD) l 41st CST (WMD) l 43rd CST (WMD) l 44th CST (WMD) l 45th CST (WMD) l 51st CST (WMD) l 52nd CST (WMD) l 53rd CST (WMD) (MTR) l 61st CST (WMD) l 63rd CST (WMD) l 71st CST (WMD) l 73rd CST (WMD) l 85th CST (WMD) (MTR) l 91st CST (WMD) l 92nd CST (WMD) (MTR) l 93rd CST (WMD) l 95th CST (WMD) l 101st CST (WMD) l 103rd CST (WMD) l Aberdeen Proving Grounds, MD l Albany MC Logistics Base, NY l Ali Al Salam AB, Kuwait l Altus AFB l Andrews AFB l Arnold AFB l Aviano AFB l Baghdad Intr’nl Airport CEX l Barksdale AFB l Barstow MC Logistics Base l Beale AFB l Bolling AFB, DC l Buckley AFB, CO l Brooks AFB l Brunswick Naval Air Station l Camp Pendleton MC l Cannon AFB l CENTCOM l Charleston AFB, SC l Charleston NWS, SC l Cherry Point FD l China Lake NAWC l Clear, AK AF Station l Coastal Systems Sta., USN l Columbus AFB l Concord Naval Weapons Station l Cheyenne Mountain, AFB l Dahlgren NSWC l Davis-Monthan AFB l Detroit Tank Arsenal, MI l Diego Garcia l Dobbins ARB, GA (MTR) l DOD Fire Training Academy l Dover AFB l Dugway Proving Grounds l Dyess AFB l Edwards AFB, CA l Eglin AFB l Eielson AFB l Eielson 354th CES/CEX AFB l Ellsworth AFB l Elmendorf AFB l F.E. Warren AFB l Fairchild AFB l Fort AP Hill l Fort Benning, GA l Fort Bliss l Fort Bragg l Fort Detrick, MD l Fort Dix l Fort Drum l Fort Eustis, VA l Fort Gordon l Fort Greely l Fort Jackson l Fort Hood l Fort Lee (MTR) l Fort McCoy l Fort McClellan l Fort Monmouth FD l Fort Reilly, KS l Fort Rucker Fort Sam Houston FD l Fort Shaffer, HI l Fort Stewart l Fort Wainwright l Goodfellow AFB l Grand Forks AFB, ND l Grissom ARB l Guantanamo Bay Naval Base l Hanscom AFB l Hawthorne Army Munitions l Hickam AFB l Hill AFB l Holloman AFB l HQ Air Force Special Ops l HQ USAFE/RSIXO l Hunter AFB, GA l Hurlburt Field l Incirlik AB, Turkey l Indianapolis NAWC l Indian Springs USAF DTWC l Kadena AB l Kirtland AFB l Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base

25 Air Force and ANG l Keesler AFB, MS (MTR) l Kunsan AB, Korea l Kuwait 9 AEG/LGC l Lackland AFB, TX l Lajes AB, Azores l Langley AFB l Laughlin AFB l Lejeune/ New River FD l Little Rock AFB, AR l Long Beach Naval Station l Los Angeles AFB, CA (MTR) l Luke AFB l MacDill AFB l Malmstrom AFB l March AFB l Maxwell AFB FD l Mayport Naval Air Station l MCAS, Beaufort, SC l McChord AFB l McConnell AFB l McDill, AFB l McGuire AFB, NJ l RAF Mildenhall, England l Minnesota ANG, CEX l Minot AFB l Misawa AB l Misawa 35th CES/CEX AB l Moody AFB l Mountain Home AFB l NATO l NAS Alameda, CA l NAS Atsugi, Japan l Wright-Patterson AFB l California ANG l Indiana ANG l Kansas ANG l Missouri l NS Bangor, WA l NAS Brunswick, ME l NAWS China Lake, CA l NAB Coronado, CA l NAS Corpus Christi (MTR) l NS Dahlgren l NS Guam l NS Ingleside, TX l NS Jacksonville, FL l NAS Keflavik, Iceland l NS Naples, Italy l NAS Oceana, VA l NS San Diego, CA l Nevada ANG CES/CEX l NCTS Puget Sound l Nellis AFB l New London Naval Base, CT l Offutt AFB l Okinawa MC l Osan AB l Patrick AFB l Patterson AFB, OH l Pearl Harbor, HI l Pope AFB, NC l Port Hueneme Naval CBC l Pt. Mugu NAWS l RAF Mildenhall l Ramstein AB l Randolph AFB l Redstone Arsenal l Reese AFB l Rock Island Arsenal, IL l Saudi Arabia 363rd CES/CEX l Schofield Barracks, HI l Schriever AFB, CO l Scott AFB l Seymour Johnson AFB l Shaw AFB l Sheppard AFBNebraska AN l Niagara Falls ANGB l North Dakota ANG l Ohio ANG l South Dakota ANG l Stewart ANGB l West Virginia ANG l Wisconsin ANG l Sierra Army Depot l Submarine Base Bangor l Thule AFB Greenland l Tinker AFB l Tooele Army Depot l Travis AFB l Twenty-Nine Palms MC AGCC l Tyndall AFB l U.S.A.F. 1 MDG/SGSL l U.S.A.F. Academy l U.S. Army Auto/Tank CMD l U.S. Army Tech Escort l U.S. Army - Uijonbu, Korea l U.S. Naval Fleet Acty SASEBO l USCG 2nd District l USCG Atlantic Strike Team l USCG Pacific Strike Team (MTR) l USCG Gulf Strike Team l USMC Albany Logistics Base l Vance AFB l Vandenberg AFB l Westover AFB, MA l Washington Navy Yard, DC l White Sands Missile Range l Whiteman AFB l Wisconsin ANG l Wright Patterson AFB FD (MTR) l Yokota AB l Youngstown AFRES Base

26 Communication options Communication options For Zeno and Weatherpak l Variety of Telemetry –Ethernet –Cell/GMS/GPRS –Radio UHF/VHF/HF –Iridium (satellite) –Meteorburst –ARGOS (satellite) –Orb-Comm (satellite) –Inmarsat C (satellite)

27 Power Options Power Options Zeno and Weatherpak l Solar Panels –Sized for any site on the Earth l Battery –12 Volt –Special batteries for hot and cold environments –Self - diagnostics l Vehicle Power l Generator or Inverter

28 Special Features Special Features Flexibility l Electronic Compass – Weatherpak –Self – aligning; continuous auto-alignment l GPS – Weatherpak; Zeno –position or –true wind and speed and direction on moving platform –GPS time synchronization l Universal Serial Interface – Zeno –Connect to any serial sensor for future expansion (NO new firmware or hardware needed! l Hermitically Sealed - Weatherpak –Can be used ANYWHERE on Earth

29 Special Applications Special Applications Flexibility l Variety of Sensors for special needs –Non - moving part wind sensors –GPS for position or true wind and speed on moving platform –Lightning Sensors

30 Displays Displays Field deployable stations l Field –LCD –Vacuum Fluorescent –LED –Full color –Detachable –Palm top –PALM l Indoor –PC –Hardware (all above) Stand Alone Displays

31 Display of Data PC Displays 31

32 l Networks l Databases - all types l Web Enabled Systems l Easy installation, configuration, and operation with integrated context help Software

33 Coastal Environmental Systems America’s world leader in cutting edge reliable monitoring systems. Mobile and Portable Weather Stations

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