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Let the Adventures Begin. 2014 Popcorn Kickoff WELCOME NEW KERNELS!

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Presentation on theme: "Let the Adventures Begin. 2014 Popcorn Kickoff WELCOME NEW KERNELS!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let the Adventures Begin. 2014 Popcorn Kickoff WELCOME NEW KERNELS!

2 2014 Bucks County Council Popcorn Sale 101

3 Popcorn Basics for New Kernels Why Sell Popcorn? Having a Successful Sale Goal-Setting Three Ways to Sell –Take Order Sales –Show & Sells –Online Sales –Which Method is Best? Questions Points of Contact

4 Why Sell Popcorn? A very effective fundraiser for local scouting 70% back to units and Council Little or no risk to the unit: Order what you think you can sell or have already sold. Return what you don’t. Great learning opportunity for Scouts Learn confidence and presentation skills Learn to set goals and reach them Take responsibility for success of their units Salesmanship Merit Badge

5 Why Sell Popcorn? Fun incentives for Scouts Prize program Fill A Sheet rewards Trail’s End Scholarship Program This is really good popcorn! Many repeat sales because of product quality Yes, it is expensive, but that is because so much is a fundraiser!

6 Three Steps to A Successful Sale Step 1: Plan Ahead! Step 2: Be Prepared! Step 3: Stay Organized!

7 Three Steps to A Successful Sale Step 1: Plan Ahead! Know when you are training your scouts, how you will incentivize them and how you will encourage parents. Review your orders from last year and order product accordingly. Determine whether you will accept credit cards (Square, PayPal, etc.) Publish dates well in advance – and give yourself wiggle room! Good planning helps parents support the sale!

8 Three Steps to A Successful Sale Step 2: Be Prepared! Know the products Know how you will handle sales: Take Order, Show & Deliver, Show & Sells, Online Ordering and various combinations Have written instructions for parents and scouts

9 Three Steps to A Successful Sale Step 3: Stay Organized! Schedule Show & Sells well in advance Coordinate Take Order neighborhoods, especially if more than one unit is selling Make it easy for the parents & scouts: clear instructions, Take Order street listings, Show & Sell signups, order placement & fulfillment Distribute envelopes so that scouts can collect all money in advance Regularly communicate with scouts and parents

10 Having a Successful Sale Planning Know when you are training your scouts, how you will incentivize them and how you will encourage parents. Review your orders from last year and order product accordingly. Determine whether you will accept credit cards (Square, PayPal, etc.) Publish dates well in advance – and give yourself wiggle room! Good planning helps parents support the sale! Be Prepared! Know the products Know how you will handle sales: Take Order, Show & Deliver, Show & Sells, Online Ordering and various combinations Have instructions for parents and scouts

11 Having a Successful Sale Planning Know when you are training your scouts, how you will incentivize them and how you will encourage parents. Review your orders from last year and order product accordingly. Determine whether you will accept credit cards (Square, PayPal, etc.) Publish dates well in advance – and give yourself wiggle room! Good planning helps parents support the sale! Be Prepared! Know the products Know how you will handle sales: Take Order, Show & Deliver, Show & Sells, Online Ordering and various combinations Have instructions for parents and scouts

12 Having a Successful Sale Organization Schedule Show & Sells well in advance Coordinate Take Order neighborhoods, especially if more than one unit is selling Make it easy for the parents & scouts: clear instructions, Take Order street listings, Show & Sell signups, order placement & fulfillment Envelopes so that scouts can collect all money in advance Regular communication with scouts and parents Use Technology to your advantage! Find resources and training at Use the Popcorn System for ordering, also at Use sites like and for Show & Sell sign-ups Use Excel for order tracking & calculations


14 NEED TO GET YOUR INITIAL LOGIN INFORMATION? FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD? Contact Antoinette Layton at the Scout Service Center 215 348 7205

15 Why are goals important? Key to success – in scouting and in life Give us clear direction Drive us forward Make us accountable – to ourselves and others In scouting: Advance in rank Complete service projects Earn belt loops Learn skills Teaching Goal-Setting

16 And in popcorn: Scouts who set goals: Average sale of $626 Scouts with no goal: Average sale of $304 Units that set sales goals sell twice as much as units without goals Only 44% of parents said their sons set sales goals Teaching Goal-Setting

17 Determine your budget for the year & what will come from popcorn sales Simple equation: Fundraising Dollars You Need  % Commission = Popcorn Sales Goal $8,000  40% = $20,000 Determine Your Per Scout Goal: Popcorn Sales Goal  # Scouts = Per Scout Sales Goal $20,000  70 = $286 Your Unit Goal

18 Use Unit Goal as an example Help scouts set individual goals Dollars sold (Prizes desired) # customers # hours # houses/asks Help them plan to reach their goals # bags of popcorn # houses to visit # Show & Sell hours Celebrate milestones along the way Teaching Goal-Setting To Scouts

19 Three Ways to Sell Take Order Scouts go door-to-door, take orders and collect money Scouts submit order sheets to Unit Kernel Kernel submits order to Council Unit collects popcorn, distributes to scouts and scouts deliver Show & Sell Kernel arranges for locations and submits order to Council Kernel opens up time slots for scouts to staff Scouts arrive and sell popcorn Online Ordering Scouts create account at Scouts email friends and family Orders are shipped directly to purchasers

20 Take Order Sales Establish your dates Scouts may begin when they have the order forms in August Most start after Unit kick-offs Require forms and money in at least one week prior to Council deadline Set up sales territories Keeps scouts and parents coordinated, within your unit and with other units Allows you to reassign neighborhoods Very effective for sales totals Two out of three people will buy when asked. Less than 20% of households have been contacted to purchase popcorn to support Scouting.

21 Scheduling Show & Sells Many stores will allow scouts to sell popcorn… but many will not. Local stores are often best! Contact the store manager to make arrangements. ShopRite, Wal-Mart & Sam’s Club all coordinate their schedules internally. Contact at least 2-3 weeks ahead; some months ahead If a store is not in your hometown: Ask the manager if any other scout groups are scheduled. Check with that troop/pack to ensure you are not double- booked. This is particularly important for big stores in big shopping areas that draw shoppers from many towns.

22 Scheduling Show & Sells Wawa schedules Show & Sells over ONE SINGLE Weekend. They have specific requirements, which we will disseminate. You may not contact your local Wawa to schedule a Show & Sell independently.

23 Show & Sell Logistics When assigning: No more than 2-3 scouts per shift Parents need to attend 1- or 2- hour shifts Publish the schedule to the parents Make sure they have what they need Popcorn! Do not open microwave boxes You can split Cheese Lovers and Sweet & Savory Collections Use past experience to estimate product needed Change, Square/PayPal (if accepting credit cards) Table, tablecloth, flyers, signs, bucket for Military donations

24 After Show & Sells Leave No Trace: leave it better than you found it Apply donations received towards Operation Popcorn Divide up sales equally among scouts Use total sales for the day, including military donations Scout A’s hours  Total Scout Hours = Scout A’s % of the sales 4 Scouts: 2 worked 1 hour each, 2 worked 2 hours each = 6 Scout-Hours Those who worked 2 hours get: 2 hours  6 hours = 1/3 Those who worked 1 hour get: 1 hour  6 hours = 1/6

25 Online Sales Scout parents need to be involved in email sending Can send using templates or cut & paste links into emails Watch out for missing elements, like scout # if sending outside of system Online sales receive same commission and are reflected in invoices Need to download online sales totals to include in prize calculations

26 Sale Timing More consumer “yes”Higher $ per containerMore sales per hour Which Method Is Best?

27 Units who do both Show & Sell and Take Order average 56% HIGHER sales than Units that just use one method of face- to-face selling. Consumers buy more $25-$50 items during Take Order. Take Order is actually PREFERRED by Scouts and their families over Show & Sell due to higher profits. Online ordering is easier for scouts and families, but should only be used to supplement sales.

28 Stay Tuned for the Popcorn Kickoff Timeline Commission Structure 2014 Product Line What’s New? Growing Your Sale Scout Sales Incentives & Training Best Practices Questions

29 Important Dates June 11Popcorn Orientation August 25Show and Sell Orders Due September 5Show and Sell Sorting September 6Show and Sell Distribution September/OctoberWaWa Weekend (date TBA) October 27-31Show and Sell Return Dates October 31Final Orders Due Online November 14Popcorn Sorting November 15Popcorn Distribution November 22Prize Orders Due December 1Popcorn Payments Due December 8Popcorn Late Fees Go Into Effect

30 Questions? Adrienne Rubin Bucks County Council & Mercer Area District Popcorn Kernel Princeton Troop 43 Assistant Scoutmaster Tips and training for scouts selling popcorn are available at

31 Points of Contact Council Support: Adrienne Rubin, Council Kernel, 609-252-9129 John Erskine, Council Staff Advisor, 845-702-3332 Antoinette Layton, Council Office Support, 215-348-7205

32 Points of Contact District Kernels: Hunterdon Arrowhead – Steve & Lisa Waddell:, 908-713-6322 Lenape – Barry Sokolowski, 215-518-4243 Mercer Area – Adrienne Rubin:, 609-252-9129 Pennsbury – Joel Perkins:, 215-348-7205 Playwicki – Tyler Yankey:, 215-348-7205 Tophendel – AJ Esposito:, 215-348-7205

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