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Coordinator: John Bellamy, Executive Assistant BRAC RTF Work: (910) 436-1344 Cell: (910) 364-1779 RELOCATION FAIR 2009 Wednesday, September 23, 2009 The.

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Presentation on theme: "Coordinator: John Bellamy, Executive Assistant BRAC RTF Work: (910) 436-1344 Cell: (910) 364-1779 RELOCATION FAIR 2009 Wednesday, September 23, 2009 The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coordinator: John Bellamy, Executive Assistant BRAC RTF Work: (910) 436-1344 Cell: (910) 364-1779 RELOCATION FAIR 2009 Wednesday, September 23, 2009 The Commons Club Address: Building 499 1761 West Miller Drive Fort McPherson, GA. 30330

2 FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE OVERVIEW PURPOSE To welcome families who are relocating from FORSCOM and USARC to Fort Bragg and the 11 County Region and to provide pertinent information to help assist in a smooth transition to North Carolina Location: The Commons Club: Building 499 1761 West Miller Drive Fort McPherson, GA. 30330 DATES AND TIMES: September 22, 2009 : North Carolina Exhibitors & BRAC Reps arrive. Check in to Hotel, if necessary. Begin booth set up at Fort McPherson at 4:00 pm September 23, 2009 : 8:00am-9:30am Registration/Booth setup 10:00am-6:00pm: Relocation Fair Booth breakdown immediately following the Fair

3 FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE HOTEL: Renaissance Concourse Hotel (Atlanta Airport) Address: One Hartsfield Centre Parkway, Atlanta, GA 30354. A block of 35 rooms have been reserved for “BRAC RTF” for 22 – 23 September 2009 at the standard room rate of $141.00 per night Call the hotel directly at (404) 209-9999. Reservations must be made by Tuesday, September 1, 2009. View hotel details at the web link below: Each person is responsible for paying for their own hotel rooms, and transportation to and from the Atlanta area. Please remember to mention that the rooms are reserved under: BRAC RTF. For those who desire to stay elsewhere, there are several other accommodations within the immediate vicinity of the Atlanta Airport and nearby Ft. McPherson. Exhibitors are not required to remain overnight – hotel rooms are blocked for your convenience only. Please notify John Bellamy if you will not stay at the Renaissance Hotel. FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE ACCOMMODATIONS

4 FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE NC Exhibitors & What to Bring REPRESENTATION (recommended): Up to (3) Representatives from each BRAC RTF County Knowledgeable in areas of your county such as: economic development, education, schools, quality of life, housing, aging programs, and job opportunities, etc. Additional Representatives Fort Bragg/Pope AFB reps as necessary (Tricare/Base Housing, Services) Local, State and Regional Representatives as necessary (VA, Visitors Bureaus, etc.) What to Bring: (At your discretion) Tradeshow/County Displays with items and handouts and attractive “give-away” items County and Organizational Statistics (Laptops & DVD presentations authorized) Entertainment booklets, coupons and giveaway items - not to exceed $50 Important County information, brochures, business cards, keychains, pens, mugs, etc 4

5 FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE What to Bring (continued). Laptops, Power Cords, Long Extension Cords, Wireless Internet Cards and similar devices. Ship (or bring) display materials to: The Commons Club Building 499 1761 West Miller Drive Fort McPherson, GA. 30330. Note: If mailing, clearly mark on your boxes: “BRAC RTF Relocation Fair” and include your County Name or Name of Organization/Exhibitor. Allow plenty of time for shipments to arrive prior to 23 September 2009. The BRAC RTF, FORSCOM, USARC, or the Commons Club staff cannot be responsible for shipments that do not arrive in time for the Fair. ABSOLUTELY NO MATERIALS WILL BE LEFT AT FT. MCPHERSON OR THE COMMONS CLUB AFTER THE RELOCATION FAIR – LEFTOVER ITEMS MUST BE RETURNED TO YOUR ORGANIZATION OR DISPOSED OF.

6 FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE EXHIBIT SPACES EXHIBIT SPACES: Limitations: We will have thirteen to fifteen 6-8 foot tables for all exhibitors. Tables will be provided by the Commons Club staff. Representatives from Georgia will have exhibits also. Layout: The following slide depicts a general layout of the space. The mobile unit will be provided by the George representatives. Parking instructions, directions and maps will be provided at a later date. 6

7 FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE 7 Exhibit Rooms and the Commons Courtesy of U.S. Army Forces Command

8 FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE SECURITY AND GATE PASS INFORMATION IMPORTANT – SECURITY AND GATE PASS INFO: The guards at the Gate entrance to Fort McPherson will have our Access Roster (Excel Spreadsheet) of all attendees. You will be required to show Identification and Driver’s license at the gate. Rental car drivers, please have your car rental documents readily available. Please inform the gate guards that you are with the NC Relocation Fair party and they will direct you to the Commons Club. All attendees must complete the attached Excel Spreadsheet Access Roster with Transportation Info (provided in the e-mail submitted along with this update by John Bellamy) Access Roster must be completely filled in. Note: there are two tabs on the spreadsheet. Enter the following information: First & Last Name, Official Title, County/Organization represented, a current mailing address, e-mail address and cell phone number or other contact number to be used while you are at the Relocation Fair and transportation info Sample entries are provided for your convenience.

9 FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE Transportation & Meals North Carolina Exhibitors can either drive or fly to the Atlanta/Fort McPherson area. Government Transportation is not available due to liability issues. NC representatives will provide their own transportation on and off post and are responsible for shipment of items and lodging. Food will be provided throughout the day of the Fair for all exhibitors. The Commons Club staff will provide a wide assortment of hors D'Ouevres, finger foods and drinks 9

10 FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE Entertainment Entertainment will be provided by: The Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra String Quartet The U.S. Army Forces Command Band 10

11 FORT BRAGG AND POPE AFB BRAC REGIONAL TASK FORCE Air Transportation SUMMARY Further Information and updates will be provided as needed. Please forward all inquiries to John Bellamy at : (910) 436-1344 Do not call USARC or FORSCOM directly Remember to fill out the Transportation section of the Access Roster indicating your mode of travel Please make your hotel reservations soonest and send your Access Roster and listing of attendees asap to:

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