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Health Promotion Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi

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1 Health Promotion Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi
Najah National University Faculty of Nursing Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

2 Unit 1. Foundations of Health Promotion
1.1     Health Defined: Objectives for Promotion and Prevention Define the term health Examine the healthy people 2010 comitiment to a single, overarching purpose: to promote health and prevent illness, disabilities, and premature death Explain the differences between health, illness, disease, disability and premature death Compare the three levels of prevention (primary, secondary and tertiary) with the levels of service provision available across the lifespan Describe the importance of research and the nurse´s role in the research process to the promotion of health for individuals and populations Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

3 Unit 1. Foundations of Health Promotion
1.2. Changing Populations and Health Define the terms ethnicity, process of ethnicization, ethnic group, minority group, race and culture Explain the functions of ethnicity, values, and value orientation Identify prevalent health problems of Palestinian people compared to Americans Describe selected health-related aspects of the culture of Palestinian people compared to Americans Describe culturally competent approaches for HIV and AIDS prevention Identify global, national, and nurses work meeting the challenges of the twenty-first century Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

4 Unit 1. Foundations of Health Promotion
1.3.         Health Policy and the Delivery system Discuss key developments in the history of health care that influenced the philosophical basis of American health care and separated preventive from curative measures. Compared to Palestinians Differentiate between private and public sector functions and responsibilities in the delivery of health care Describe the mechanisms by which health care in the United State is financed in both private and public sectors. Compare to Palestinians Discuss the nurse’s role in influencing health policy Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

5 Unit 1. Foundations of Health Promotion
1.4. The Therapeutic Relationship Describe the process of values clarification Examine the elements and process of communication Analyse differences between functional and dysfunctional communication Apply knowledge of values clarification and communication to the development of the helping relationship Develop strategies to promote the therapeutic relationships with a diverse population across clinical settings, contexts, and nursing roles Understand the significance of the therapeutic relationship in all aspects of clinical practice    Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

6 1.5. Ethical Issues Relevant to Health Promotion
Discuss ethics as humanizing that is pertaining to the development of the whole person Describe the relationship of norm to value Describe three traditional theoretic approaches in philosophical ethics: egoism, Kantianism, and utilitarianism Describe five traditional theoretic approaches in theological ethics: Jewish, Catholic, Protestant Describe three contemporary theoretic approaches in philosophical ethics: Frankena´s theory of obligation, Firth’s ideal observer theology, Rawls´justice as fairness, care ethics, and feminist ethics Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

7 1.5. Ethical Issues Relevant to Health Promotion
Define the nature of the discipline of health care ethics today Describe the role and limitations of professional codes of ethics in nursing today Identify the principles of ethics stressed in professional codes of ethics for nursing today Contrast the influences of ethics versus laws in the nursing profession and health promotion today Discuss factors to consider in moral decision making Describe the concept of integrity-preserving compromise and its relationship to moral agency of the nurse Delineate a method for analysing ethical dilemmas in health promotion Discuss paradigmatic cases of ethical dilemmas in health promotion Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

8 Unit 2. Assessment for Health Promotion
2.1 Health Promotion and the Individual What is health promotion Define the framework of functional health patterns as described by Gordon Describe the use of the functional health pattern framework in assessing the individual throughout the lifespan Give examples of the following categories of behaviours within the health patterns: functional, potentially dysfunctional, and actually dysfunctional Describe aspects to consider while diagnosing the risk factors or the contributing etiological factors of actually or potentially dysfunctional health patterns Discuss planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing interventions in health promotion with the individual Develop a specific health promotion plan based on an assessment of an individual Unit 2. Assessment for Health Promotion Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

9 2.2. Health Promotion and the Family
Describe the use of the functional health-pattern framework in assessing families throughout the lifespan Give examples of the clinical data to be collected in each health pattern during the different family developmental phases Give examples of the following behavioural changes within the health pattern of families: functional, potentially dysfunctional, and actually dysfunctional Describe developmental and cultural characteristics of the family to consider while identifying risk factors or etiological factors of potentially or actually dysfunctional health patterns Discuss planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing interventions in health promotion with families Develop a specific healthy-promotion plan based on a family assessment; nursing diagnosis, and contributing risks or etiological factors Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

10 2.3. Health Promotion and the Community
Describe the 11 functional health patterns and explain how they are used as a basis of data collection in assessment of the community Identify characteristics of the community to consider for risk factors and developmental aggregates of potential or actual dysfunction health patterns Identify methods of community data collection and sources of information Describe a method of planned change for the community Describe planning, implementing, and evaluating nursing interventions in health promotion with communities Develop a specific health-promotion plan based on community assessment, nursing diagnosis, and contributing factors Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

11 Unit 3 Intervention for health promotion
 3.1 Screening Define screening and its relationship to preventive health care intervention   Identify the advantages and disadvantages of the screening process Define the specific criteria that determine a screen able disease Discuss the health care and economic issues related to the screening process that result in ethical implications Explain sensitivity and specificity as they relate to the efficacy of screening Identify the broad range of community resources included in and affected by the screening process Describe the nursing role in the screening process Identify critical questions pertaining to culture and ethics within the health care system Discuss how a collaborative partnership may assist a community in the attainment of healthy people 2010 goals Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

12 3.2. Health education Define health education
Describe the aims of health education Discuss learning principles that affect health education Apply teaching and learning concepts to teaching the family Describe the health belief model and behaviour-change process Describe the use of social marketing in planning health education programs Describe a system for planning health education programs Identify the steps in a administering health education programs Identify the steps in preparing a health-teaching plan Select content and learning strategies appropriate to the health learning needs of a target audience List ways to evaluate a person’s progress State personal plans for developing teaching skills Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

13 3.3 Nutrition counselling
Recognize healthy people 2010 nutrition objectives List the leading nutrition-related causes of death in the united state and identify the dietary factors associated with each cause- Compare to Palestinians Summarize the nutrition recommendations contained in the dietary guidelines for American- Compare to Palestinians List the number of servings and serving sizes recommended in the Food Guide Pyramid Discuss U.S. food aid programs for the poor and older adults- compare to Palestinians Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

14 3.4 Exercise Explain the physical activity and fitness goals of Healthy People 2000 and the progress made toward these goals Describe how physical activity positively influences physical and psychological health Identify the benefits of physical activity throughout the aging process Describe the prescriptions for and benefits of daily physical activity, aerobic exercise, and resistance training Discuss how exercise can be combined with mindfulness to facilitate body awareness and self-inquiry Explain the interventions to promote exercise adherence and compliance Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

15 3.5. Stress management Differenciate stress and stressor
Differentiate eustress and distress Evaluate potential physical, psychological, social, and behavioral stressors Identify pathophysiology of the stress response and effects on health and illness Analyze primary and secondary appraisals of stress Discuss the nurses´s role in stress management Propose stress-management interventions that can be used in clinical practice Develop a nursing care plan for stress management Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

16 3.6. Holistic Health Strategies
·  Define holistic health Explain how holistic health care differs from conventional health care Describe the philosophical base of energy medicine Describe the origin and practice of selected holistic health strategies Explain the importance of self-exploration for individuals and healthy care professionals Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

17 Unit 4 planning health promotion at local level
To understand the need for planning To know what information is needed to plan activities To be able to set aims and objectives for health promotion activities To identify target groups To identify and select options for health promotion activities To plan evaluation Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

18 Unit 5. Evaluation of health promotion
To understan how evaluation is used to improve health promotion To appreciate the managerial context of evaluation To understand the difference between outcome and process evaluation To choose appropriate outcomes for evaluation To understand the difference between monitoring and evaluation To recognise costs involved in evaluation To be willing to act on results of evaluation Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

19 6. challenges as we enter the new millennium 4. 1
6.challenges as we enter the new millennium 4.1. Health promotion in the twenty-first century: throughout the lifespan and throughout the world ·        Identify global trends and directions for health promotions and disease prevention Discuss the values, goals, and targets of Health for All in the twenty-first century Describe major health-promotion priorities 2000 through 2010 that influence nursing practice, research, and health care policy Summarize activities across public and private sectors that reflect the Healthy People 2010 objectives Dr. Aidah Abu Elsoud Alkaissi Devision of Intensive Care & Anaesthesiology University of Linkoping Sweden

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