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Town of Chapel Hill Fleet Best Practices and Idle Reduction Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Town of Chapel Hill Fleet Best Practices and Idle Reduction Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Town of Chapel Hill Fleet Best Practices and Idle Reduction Strategies

2 Successes – Fleet Management SuccessPerformance Measures (data supporting the successes) Lessons Learned Fleet Services Environmental Stewardship Triangle Clean Cities Coalition ‘s NC Smart Fleet Championship Award GHG Emission Goal 1642 Metric Tons 1475 Metric Tons Current Status Policy Leadership Support

3 Trends – Fleet Management TrendsTrend Description (provide data if possible) Implication – why is this an issue? Increase Vehicle Downtime and Repair Cost Fleet downtime: Target 85% Fire: 66% Police: 78% Solid Waste: %72 Fire Engine Tower # 73 – Fiscal YTD expenditure - $47,000 M&R Cost Beyond Budget Negative Impact on Services Differed Replacements FY09 – FY14 Decline in Fuel Cost Current Savings Estimate – $50,000 Avg. Per Gallon Budgeted -$2.93 Avg. Per Gallon 1 st qtr FY15 - $2.67 Current Cost $2.50 Per Gallon

4 Priorities – Internal Service Fund Priority Program(s) Priority IssuePerformance Measures that demonstrate or support priority (include data) Resource needs: Is this a new resource issue or is a restructuring of existing resources? Fleet Services Increase M&R Funding Adhere to Vehicle Replacement Schedule Current Est. Budget Shortfall – $150,000 Increase Downtime and M&R Cost Fill Vacant Positions Shortfall Budget Adjustment

5 FY16 Fleet Budget Considerations Fleet Management Fuel Scheduled Fleet Replacement M & R Vehicles Potential Savings ~$50,000 Supplemental $200,000 Supplemental Funding - $150,000

6 What does a Good Idle Reduction Program Look Like?!  You need commitment from the “Top Down”!  In 2005 The Town of Chapel Hill adopted a Green Fleets Policy that called for the reduction of Green House Gas Emissions to below 1600 Metric Tons by 2016. The Town achieved that goal by 2011 and currently average 1475 metric tons/GHG per year

7 Idle Reduction Program  You need to effectively promote and enforce the concept of idle reduction. “How do I get the supervisors, laborers and mechanics to buy in to the program.  Fleet management created a manual that is placed in every vehicle outlining the processes and guidelines for vehicle operations. Included among those are regulations on idling times.

8 Excerpt of Town Idling Policy Idling  Purpose The purpose of this policy is to reduce the fuel consumed and pollution emitted by the Town’s fleet vehicles to protect public health and reduce costs to Chapel Hill taxpayers.  Guidance  Except as listed below in the Exemptions section, no Town vehicle shall be permitted to idle for prolonged periods of time. In general, once a vehicle becomes stationary for longer than 2 minutes, the engine is to be turned-off.  Exemptions  Town vehicles may idle for the following reasons:  To assist in emergency response operations  When auxiliary power is required for the vehicle or equipment to perform its function  To ensure that the vehicle is safe to drive (e.g., defrosting or defogging a windshield and windows)  To ensure that the vehicle is properly disengaged (e.g., cool down of turbo-charged diesel engines)  For getting cool, warm or dry if indoor accommodations are not available to people or K-9 units  When the outdoor temperature is below 32 degrees or above 86 degrees (Fahrenheit)  For vehicle inspection or servicing when safety could be compromised by not idling  Violations Employees that violate this policy are subject to disciplinary action. Departmental supervisors are expected to conduct periodic roadside and jobsite inspections to ensure compliance. Violation notices will be forwarded to the respective Department Director for appropriate action.

9 Making Concepts Practical  How do we show the benefits of idle reduction on our fleet?  Vehicles with higher idle times have a huge impact on the overall condition of our fleet.

10 Well Trained Personnel  The technology used in vehicles has increased dramatically over the last 10 years.  One manufacturer stated recently that the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) is running at almost 99% efficiency. In other words, there is only 1% modifications that can be made to make the engine as efficient as possible.  Mechanics now use laptops to perform 85% of all diagnostic and repairs to vehicles.  Equipping our personnel with the right hand tools is no longer enough. They must be trained to understand multiple data formats and schematics.

11 Alternative Fuels  In 2014, Town of Chapel Hill Police Department used more E-85 than Unleaded fuel for the first time. As we add more flex fuel vehicles to our fleet, the number of unleaded gallons used is expected to continue to decrease. We have set a goal to become a 100% green fleet by 2020.

12 Town of Chapel Hill Key Facts  1 hour of idle time= 25 miles driven  Since the economic downturn in 2008-09 the average age of the Town’s Fleet has increased from 5.5 years to 7.2 years.  During that same time frame, our average annual maintenance expenditure has increased by approximately 30%  The Town’s GHG emissions have reduced by an average of 50 metric tons per year during that same time.

13 Conclusion  The success or failure of an idle reduction program depends on commitment from decision makers and, equally important, from those who will be supervising, operating and maintaining the equipment. Having sound policies and procedures in place is crucial for creating a level of understanding.

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