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A Framework for Web and Mobile Volunteered Geographic Information Applications Clodoveu Davis, Hugo Vellozo, Michele Pinheiro Departamento de Ciência da.

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Presentation on theme: "A Framework for Web and Mobile Volunteered Geographic Information Applications Clodoveu Davis, Hugo Vellozo, Michele Pinheiro Departamento de Ciência da."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Framework for Web and Mobile Volunteered Geographic Information Applications Clodoveu Davis, Hugo Vellozo, Michele Pinheiro Departamento de Ciência da Computação Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

2 Introduction VGI Volunteered Geographic Information New Data from local knowledge Updating with local knowledge Social interaction Web 2.0

3 Motivation Each VGI project tends to be unique as to Theme Geographic representation alternatives Attributes User identification style Validation / confirmation / curation / moderation mechanism User interaction style As a consequence, it is difficult to implement reusable VGI solutions

4 A VGI Framework Although there are VGI applications require many parameters, a generic structure can be designed Each parameter is handled by a module in the framework Modules can be included or left out of an implementation New modules can be included in the future Common management and monitoring functions are included by default Custom adaptations can be handled

5 A VGI Framework Presentation layer Business layer Data layer

6 Data Layer

7 Framework Architecture – Data Layer The conceptual schema is divided into three groups: Users Contributions Contribution assessment Users group contains the classes called: User: manager users accounts LogUser: register users activity UserType: used to set roles like moderators, newbie or experienced users

8 Framework Architecture – Data Layer The contribution group has a set of five classes named: ContributionVersion: store all versions of contributions (old, proposed, rejected) Each contribution also has: Information provided by the users like: Text, Image, Audio, Video Geometry Contribution: actual version which can be visualized by all users Entity: allow multi-themes in the same application (noise, traffic, etc.) ContributionType: each theme has also subtypes (high, moderate or low traffic) Feature: context data collected in the time of contribution like O.S. and Connection types, e.g.

9 Framework Architecture – Data Layer Contribution assessment group is designed to assists validation strategies and moderation actions This group brings together two classes: Feeling records user evaluation (ratings) Comment: Allow users to add comments that can help moderators to review or remove the contribution

10 Business Layer The business layer contains a set of services that mediate communications between the Data layer and the Presentation layer Each service follows a specific pattern, containing: Protocol Insertion and retrieval services Access drivers

11 Business Layer Protocol defines the standards used by components on the business layer for communication: Format of message (XML, JSON, and respective standard schemas) Web protocol (HTTP and others) Insertion and Retrieval Services define the group of operations that interact with specific targets on the data layer Access Drivers vary according to the technology used in the Data and Business layers The data layer defines which DBMS will be connected The services on the Business layer define the context of the implementation, such as programming language

12 Presentation Layer The Presentation layer is described using the Model- View-Controller design pattern Model Includes data transfer operations between applications and the business layer Controller Processes data that are sent to the model and view components Includes hardware operations such as collecting GPS data, etc. Includes different components depending on the environment View Comprehends the user interface Includes base map alternatives and forms to receive contributions

13 Presentation Layer These groups correspond to parts of the generic conceptual database schema

14 Case Study: Strepitus Strepitus was implemented in order to apply the framework concepts Many VGI applications are useful on urban management In general they can help to discover city areas that need governmental assistance Strepitus application was developed with the aim of offering: Users a way to register noise pollution Government a tool that can provide evidences of areas with this type of conflict

15 Strepitus - Architecture Some features of the framework were adapted to be used on Strepitus As defined previously, the application is designed in three layers

16 Strepitus – Data Layer Data layer implemented over PostgreSQL/PostGIS A subset of the generic schema was implemented, since the application is simple


18 Strepitus – Data Layer Contribution class: limited to three classes Contribution ContributionVersion Feature This approach considers that contributions cannot be edited or removed Noise level typically captured by hardware (mobile app), so not editable Registers an instantaneous event

19 Strepitus – Data Layer Three classes have not been used Entity: Strepitus covers a single theme Comment and Feeling: decision to capture instantaneous events based on user-provided measurements The remaining classes were implemented as in the framework definition User LogUser ContributionType

20 Strepitus – Data Layer The ContributionType includes a reference table on typical noise sources for the non-measuring Web application

21 Strepitus – Business Layer Includes two services Custom Web service Implemented in PHP Uses JSON and HTTP Access database using a default PHP library Used by the mobile applications to retrieve and insert data Used by the Web application to insert data Geoserver An open source application Builds catalogs of geographic data from various spatial formats Publishes data over interoperable OGC standards Used by the Web application to retrieve data

22 Strepitus – Presentation Layer Mobile and Web applications follow the MVC pattern iOS Android Web The views implemented are Login Register Contribution Map New Contribution

23 Strepitus – Presentation Layer Mobile apps Implemented using Objective-C and Android SDK Collect noise level and GPS location from the hardware Web application Implemented using PHP and Javascript (Openlayers, Geoext, Extjs) The location is indicated interactively by the user over a basemap and converted by Openlayers The noise level is approximated by the user using a reference noise scale

24 Strepitus – Presentation Layer Android version iOS version

25 Strepitus – Presentation Layer

26 Conclusions and Future Work The proposed framework has been fully defined, but alternative components must still be developed Focus on a variety of generic and reusable components Extensibility Integration of VGI applications for Web and Mobile environments, to be released simultaneously Priority extensions Social network integration Validation functions Visualization (feedback) functions

27 Conclusions and Future Work Strepitus is a first application that allows us to test the ideas behind the framework, and to assess the power of mobile implementations for VGI Without any publicity campaign, most of the contributions were provided by mobile devices But smartphones are still scarce in Brazil Mobile capabilities are required as part of user motivation for VGI applications

28 Availability iOS and Android versions of Strepitus are all available on respective app stores They can be downloaded forfree Online application is hosted at: More information about new versions: Facebook: Twitter: @StrepitusApp

29 A Framework for Web and Mobile Volunteered Geographic Information Applications

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