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G RADUATE PROJECT IT Policy and Audit FA13-900 D’Mico Johnson.

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1 G RADUATE PROJECT IT Policy and Audit FA13-900 D’Mico Johnson

2 I NTRODUCTION During this presentation we will look at the current and future rules and the policies that regulate new technology implementations at Silgan Containers. We will also examine and compare Silgan to the industry standards.

3 A BOUT S ILGAN C ONTAINERS o Established in 1987 o Largest provider of metal food packaging o More than 3500 Employees o More than 2500 PC’s o More than 350 Servers (Physical and Virtual) o More than 75 different applications ran o IT Staff of 30 employees (7 programmers, 1 database admin, 6 network engineers, 5 help desk personnel, 3 operations support specialist, 8 ERP developers and 6 management personnel). o Annual IT budget of 2.5 million dollars.

4 S ILGAN ’ S CURRENT POLICY AND REGULATION New Technology Implementation New technology under 5K, less than 40 IT man hrs. IT Director approves or denies these proposals. New technology under 100k, more than 40 IT hrs. Approval from the CFO Approval from IT steering committee New technology over 100K Approval from CEO Approval from IT steering committee

5 S ILGAN ’ S CURRENT POLICY AND REGULATION SOX Testing Technology that affects Financial/ Security aspects Test new technology Analysis reviews testing data End user evaluation SOX Auditing Non SOX Testing Technology that doesn’t affect Financial/Security Test new technology End user evaluation

6 C URRENT I NDUSTRY P OLICY AND R EGULATIONS New Technology Implementation Internal IT control frameworks SDLC COBIT Regulatory Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX)

7 I NTERNAL F RAMEWORK SDLC Process for planning, creating, testing and deploying an information system. Phases Design Implementation Maintenance Planning Analysis

8 I NTERNAL F RAMEWORK COBiT It is a supporting toolset that allows managers to bridge the gap between control requirements, technical issues and business risks. Domains Plan and Organize Acquire and Implementation Deliver and Support Monitor and Evaluate

9 S ILGAN C ONTAINERS VS. I NDUSTRY Custom Internal Framework Cost Dependent IT Steering Committee SOX regulated Internal Framework SDLC COBIT IT Steering Committee Sox Regulated

10 F UTURE Silgan’s Future Silgan has no immediate plans to change their current implementation policies. There is also no foreseeable regulation changes in the future that will alter Silgan’s current implementation plan. Industry Future More regulatory audits Internal and external More Internal frameworks

11 R ECOMMENDATIONS Future Recommendations Utilize Internal Frameworks Initial phase implement SDLC Second phase implement COBiT Add more IT personnel on steering committee Utilize internal auditing Utilize external auditing

12 D EFINITION OF T ERMS SOX- Sarbanes Oxley (SOX audit) is an audit on a publicly-held company's financial information and internal controls SDLC- System Design Life Cycle is the process for planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system COBiT- Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology is a framework created by ISACA for information technology management and IT governance. It is a supporting toolset that allows managers to bridge the gap between control requirements, technical issues and business risks

13 C ONCLUSION Silgan’s current implementation and regulatory plans work. However, I do believe that if Silgan was to implement SDLC and COBiT in stages it would stream line a lot of the current processes and make things easier by supplying a. I also believe that with the use of internal and external audits, Silgan would guarantee compliance with SOX and any other regulatory policies they may see in the future.

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