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A tour around the Czech Republic. In this picture you can see the map of the Czech Republic. It isn’t a very large state, it has only 78 867 square kilometers.

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Presentation on theme: "A tour around the Czech Republic. In this picture you can see the map of the Czech Republic. It isn’t a very large state, it has only 78 867 square kilometers."— Presentation transcript:

1 A tour around the Czech Republic

2 In this picture you can see the map of the Czech Republic. It isn’t a very large state, it has only 78 867 square kilometers and about 10 549 000 inhabitants. Our national language is Czech. We have borders with Poland, Slovakia, Austria and Germany. The Czech Republic has three parts: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesian. You can see them all on the map. Bohemia Moravia Silesian

3 Our president’s name’s Václav Klaus. Our anthem is Kde domov můj. Mb1fs&feature=related In the past our state was connected with Slovakia. The name of our republic was Czechoslovakia. The highest mountain in our country is Sněžka. It has 1602 meters above the sea level. You can find it in mountains called Krkonoše. Many tourists visit it every year.

4 Now I’ll tell you something about Czech rivers and cities. The capital and the largest city of the Czech Republic is Prague. The second largest city is Brno and the third largest is Ostrava. The longest river in our country is Vltava (it is number 5 in this picture). Vltava flows through Prague too. The largest river is Labe (The Elbe). It flows to Germany (it is number 8 in this picture). Number 10 is the Morava river.

5 There is our state flag. It is in blue, red and white color. On the right is our Large National Emblem. Two red parts are for Bohemia, the blue part is for Moravia and the yellow is for Silesian. On the left is our national tree. It is Linden.

6 The Regions of the Czech Republic…

7 Now I’d love to introduce you the best Czech places...

8 Prague Prague is a global city. It is one of the most beautiful cities in the world!

9 Crown jewels were made for Charles IV. in 1346. They are saved in St. Vitus Cathedral. They are really nice, aren’t they? In Prague you can visit Prague Castle, National Museum, National Theatre, the Charles Bridge (tourists love it!), Old Town Square with Staroměstský orloj (it is the best preserved astronomical clock in the world!), Lesser Town Square, Bethlehem Chapel and so on.

10 Charles Bridge Wenceslas Square Bethlehem Chapel Old Town Square with its famous astronomical clock

11 Středočeský region In this region people like Antonín Dvořák were born (he was a very popular composer lived in 19th century), Josef Lada (he was a great painter), T. G. Masaryk (the first president of the Czechoslovakia) or J. K. Tyl (he wrote the text to our national anthem). Antonín Dvořák

12 In this region you can find a beautiful place – the Czech Karst. There are a lot of stalactite and stalagmite caves here. Here you can see a spa in Poděbrady. In this spa the specialists can help you with a circulatory system problems.

13 This is Karlštejn castle near the Beroun river. Charles IV built it. In the past no woman could get there! There are more beautiful palaces and castles in this region such as Konopiště Křivoklát Kutná hora Okoř

14 Královéhradecký region In this region Božena Němcová was born. She lived in 19th century. She was a writer and she wrote the best Czech books like Divá Bára or Babička. You can find here our highest mountains called Krkonoše with the highest mountain top of the Czech Republic Sněžka. Police nad Metují Sněžka

15 The river Labe springs in Krkonoše. Ratibořice is a very nice town. It is famous because of Božena Němcová. She lived there and in this town the story described in her book Babička takes place. It is great to see it! There is a palace, an old bleach, a Ludr’s mill, old houses, and many other interesting things.

16 Now you see one of the best preserved castles in our country. It´s called Kost. It is near Jičín. Jičín is a town which is called The town of fairy tales. The Czech author, Václav Čtvrtek, wrote some fairy tales about a robber family – their names are Rumcajs, Manka and Cipísek. They ’’lived“ in Řáholec forest near Jičín.

17 Police nad Metují Now, I’d love to show you some interesting places in my town! You can find there a swimming pool, one hill with a ski lift, Mercur museum, a church, Kolár’s theatre and many other interesting places. Such a great scenery! Near Police you can find some nice hills such as Hvězda or Ostaš. A church Our square with a town hall Hvězda Swimming pools OstašMercur museum

18 Liberecký region In this region you can find Ještěd. It is near Liberec. It is 1012 meters above the sea level. There is a hotel and a transceiver. In the picture on the left is a beautiful Liberec town hall. Do you like it?

19 Český ráj is very popular place in our country. There are many castles and beautiful scenery! Trosky – one of the castles in Český ráj. Bezděz. It is a castle, which was established by king Přemysl Otakar 2nd in 13th century. Mácha´s lake is our deepest lake. It was named after K. H. Mácha, our famous poet. Here you can see Panská skála. This rock is made of basalt.

20 Ústecký region In this region there are one of our four national parks – České Švýcarsko (Czech Switzerland), Krušné mountains, the largest larboard in Děčín and many other interesting things to see.

21 Děčín is situated on the north-west of our country. It is our largest larboard. It is on the Elbe. In České Švýcarsko you can find the biggest Europian rock bridge – Pravčická brána! This town called Terezín was a Jewish ghetto in the Second World War.

22 Pardubický region In this region Bedřich Smetana, our famous 19 th century composer, was born. You can find there a beautiful Litomyšl palace and a castle called Kunětická hora.

23 In Pardubice the second hard steeplechase cross-country ride in the world takes place! It helds every second Sunday in October. Pardubice is known because of its delicious gingerbreads!

24 Karlovarský region This region is full of spa towns. The most popular are Karlovy Vary (Carlsbad), Mariánské Lázně, Františkovy Lázně, Jáchymov and Kynžvart. In Karlovy Vary you can find the hottest mineral spring in our country! It´s called Vřídlo. Vřídlo Karlovy Vary Mariánské Lázně Františkovy Lázně

25 In the north-west of Karlovarský region there are mountains called Krušné hory. The top is called Klínovec. It is 1244 meters above the sea level. At the top of Klínovec you can find a telecom tower and a sightseeng tower. Klínovec Krušné hory There is one castle over the Ohře river. It´s called Loket. And one palace too – it´s called Kynžvart. Kynžvart Loket

26 Plzeňský region In this region a theatre for kids started up. It is called Divadlo Spejbla a Hurvínka. It is a puppet theatre. Mr Josef Skupa invented a few characters which play stories for kids. Hurvínek is Spejbl´s son. They have a dog and two friends – Mánička and Mr Kateřina.

27 Švihov is a Gothic castle with a moat around the whole castle. On the right you can see a castle ruin. It is called Rabí. It is the largest castle ruin in our country! The lake called Černé jezero was made by a glacier activity. It is the largest and the deepest lake in the Czech Republic! Chodsko is a small part of this region. People have their own dialect, folclor and customs. In the past they were working as peasants.

28 Jihočeský region The Český Krumlov caslte is regirested in UNESCO. It was built in a town with the same name. This is a medieval town. On the right you can see a palace called Hluboká nad Vltavou. This is a nuclear power plant. It´s called Temelín.

29 In these two photos you can see Lužnice river. Canoeists like this river and go canoeing here very often! Ther are a lot of lakes in this region. The most popular are Lipno, Orlík (and a palace with the same name) and Rožmberk (with a palace too). Orlík Rožmberk Lipno On the left there is a spring of Vltava. Vltava spring is in Šumava mountains which are situated in the south-west of the Czech Republic.

30 Vysočina In this region there are highlands called Českomoravská vrchovina. Such a beautiful scenery is there! This is a Gothic castle Pernštejn. It fortified for about 700 years!

31 Jihomoravský region This is an area called Moravian Karst. There are a lot of stalactite and stalagmite caves here. It is so beautiful! There is a chasm called Macocha in this area. Macocha is about 138 meters deep. It´s the deepest chasm in Central Europe!

32 On the left photo is one of the most beautiful palaces in Czech Republic. It is in UNESCO list of heritage too. In this region wine production is very popular. A monument on the right was built in remembrance for the Napoleonic Wars. The Battle of Three Emperors took place there. Russian and Austrian armies fought against the Napoleonic army there! This is a very popular dam called Nové Mlýny.

33 Zlínský region This is a baroque palace. It really has a beautiful garden! Mr Baťa was born there. He started up Baťa brand and they make boots. It is known all around the world!

34 Rožnov pod Radhoštěm is the second oldest folklore outdoor museum! It´s really nice! On the left is a photo of the largest Moravian spa. It´s called Luhačovice. You can stay there if you have some problems with the respiratory tract, digestive tract or with obesity. Under this text you can see a baroque Kroměříž palace. It is registered at UNESCO heritage list. There are a lot of nice gardens here.

35 Olomoucký region This is a palace called Velké Losiny. There is the only handmade paper factory in our country. A museum of paper is near here too. This hill´s called Praděd. It is the highest top of the Moravia. It is about 1 491 meters above the sea level.

36 Moravskoslezský region Kopřivnice is known for a Tatra car factory. On the left you can see the first car was made here. It was made in 1897. The castle on the left is called Sovinec and the second one is Hukvaldy. Both castles are from the 13 th century!

37 This is the end of our tour around the Czech Republic. We hope you enjoyed it! See you!

38 The presentation has been made by Anna Kollertová and Petra Prouzová Police nad Metují June 2012

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