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A New Look At Leadership Lamar Vest.  Effective Church Leadership - Kennon L. Callahan  Leadership Without Easy Answers - Ronald A. Heifetz  In the.

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Presentation on theme: "A New Look At Leadership Lamar Vest.  Effective Church Leadership - Kennon L. Callahan  Leadership Without Easy Answers - Ronald A. Heifetz  In the."— Presentation transcript:

1 A New Look At Leadership Lamar Vest

2  Effective Church Leadership - Kennon L. Callahan  Leadership Without Easy Answers - Ronald A. Heifetz  In the Name of Jesus - Henri J. Nouwen  Creative Ministry - Henri J. Nouwen  The Wounded Healer - Henri J. Nouwen  Leadership That Works - Leith Anderson  Why Leaders Can’t Lead - Warren Bennis  The Top Ten Mistakes Leaders Make - Hans Finzel Bibliography A New Look At Leadership

3 Leadership is constantly being redefined by society and the church. A New Look At Leadership

4 Leadership Myths u Leaders must have all the right traits. u Leadership is all about leaders. u All leaders are heroes. u Ministers must have the the gift of leadership. A New Look At Leadership

5 The Meaning of Leadership * Influence * Out Front * Success * Authority A New Look At Leadership

6 Understanding the Urgency X Without a general climate of urgency, the danger is that we may do nothing until it is too late. A New Look At Leadership

7 Adaptive: Does making progress on this problem require changes in people’s values, attitudes, or habits of behavior? A New Look At Leadership

8 ASSUMPTIONS è The day of the churched- culture is over. è The day of the mission field has come. è The day of the professional minister has passed. è The day of a new leadership paradigm has arrived. A New Look At Leadership

9 The Unchurched-Culture  The value of church is not a major one.  A substantial number of persons are not seeking out churches on their own initiative.  Persons live as though the church does not substantially matter. A New Look At Leadership

10 The Day of the Mission Field Has Come  God has placed us in one of the greatest mission fields in the world. A New Look At Leadership

11 The Mission Outpost  Focus on relational characteristics  Living on the edge of resources  In the world  Fulfillment of foundational life searches  Value of leadership post: external and missional  God’s missionaries A New Look At Leadership

12 Church-Cultured Churches  Focus on the functional characteristics.  Conserving resources.  In the church.  Pleasant programs & activities.  Value of leadership posts: internal and institutional.  A caste system of professionals. A New Look At Leadership

13 The Day of the Professional Minister Has Passed uThe professional minister movement has ceased to be functional in the mission field of the present day. A New Look At Leadership

14 It’s one thing to say, “the church is my parish.” It’s another thing to say, “the world is my parish It’s another thing to say, “the world is my parish.” A New Look At Leadership

15 PRIORITIES PRIORITIES Yesterday Today Institutionalism Individual Church Family Duty Opportunity Showing-up Significance Faithfulness Effectiveness A New Look At Leadership

16 Nature of Leadership Nature of Leadership Philosophy of Life Philosophy of Life Theology of Church Theology of Church Cultural Trends Cultural Trends A New Look At Leadership

17 Leadership Style Manager Leadership Style Manager Philosophy of Life Materialism Philosophy of Life Materialism Theology of Church Institutionalism Theology of Church Institutionalism Cultural Trends Economic Cultural Trends Economic A New Look At Leadership

18 Leadership Style Boss Leadership Style Boss Philosophy of Life Hierarchicalism Philosophy of Life Hierarchicalism Theology of Church Hierarchy Theology of Church Hierarchy Cultural Trends Historic & Destiny Cultural Trends Historic & Destiny A New Look At Leadership

19 Leadership Style Enabler Leadership Style Enabler Philosophy of Life Developmentalism Philosophy of Life Developmentalism Theology of Church Process Theology of Church Process Cultural Trends Developmental Stages Cultural Trends Developmental Stages A New Look At Leadership

20 Leadership Style Charismatic Inspirer Leadership Style Charismatic Inspirer Philosophy of Life Apocalypticism Philosophy of Life Apocalypticism Theology of Church Covenant Community Theology of Church Covenant Community Cultural Trends Fallen Culture Cultural Trends Fallen Culture A New Look At Leadership

21 Leadership Style Discovery & Fulfillment Leadership Style Discovery & Fulfillment Philosophy of Life Pilgrimage Philosophy of Life Pilgrimage Theology of Church Mission Theology of Church Mission Cultural Trends Dynamic Cultural Trends Dynamic The Missionary/Leader A New Look At Leadership

22 A Foundational View  Materialism: “You only go around once.”  Hierarchical: “Everyone in their place.”  Apocalyptic: “I’ll be your savior.”  Developmental: “I’ll walk with you through your passages.” A New Look At Leadership

23 For the Missionary Leader ò Style: Discovery and fulfillment. ò Philosophy: Pilgrimage ò Theology: Mission ò Culture: Dynamic and emerging A New Look At Leadership


25 Four Foundational Searches Individuality Meaning Community Hope A New Look At Leadership

26 The Missionary Leader is The Missionary Leader is...  Proactive not Reactive  Relational not Responsive  Missional not Organizational  Intentional not Institutional A New Look At Leadership

27 The Major Resources For The Missionary Leader Are: u Wisdom u Judgment u Vision u Common Sense u Prayer A New Look At Leadership

28 Five Strategic Principles Five Strategic Principles: 1. Identify the adaptive challenge. 2. Keep the level of distress within a tolerable range. 3. Focus attention on issues and not on stress-reducing distractions. 4. Give the work back to the people. 5. Protect voices of leadership with authority. A New Look At Leadership

29 Practical Suggestions  Get on the balcony.  Distinguish self from the role.  Externalize the conflict.  Use partners.  Listen, using oneself as data.  Find a sanctuary.  Preserve a sense of purpose. A New Look At Leadership

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