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Macbeth Summary The play opens with the three witches, who speak in riddles, and say they will soon meet Macbeth. A wounded soldier on the battlefield tells King Duncan of Macbeth’s bravery and success in battle. He also tells him that the Thane of Cawdor has betrayed him. King Duncan decides to reward Macbeth’s bravery by making him the new Thane of Cawdor.
Macbeth Summary Macbeth and his good friend Banquo meet the witches.
They tell Macbeth he will become Thane of Cawdor and king of Scotland. They tell Banquo he will be the father of future kings of Scotland. Banquo doesn’t take them seriously but Macbeth is desperate to hear more about their prophecy.
Macbeth Summary Macbeth and Banquo discuss what the witches have said when a soldier arrives with the news that Macbeth had been made the new Thane of Cawdor. One of the witches prophecies has come true and so Macbeth believes he will also become king of Scotland. Banquo does not trust the witches so easily and warns Macbeth that “instruments of darkness” often try to win people over with something small, only to betray them later.
Macbeth Summary In spite of Banquo’s warning, ambitious Macbeth is excited at the idea of becoming king and his mind turns to murdering King Duncan. At the King’s castle we witness the old Thane of Cawdor being executed for his betrayal and King Duncan calls Macbeth one of his most trusted friends. He does not suspect the plan Macbeth is forming to kill him.
Macbeth Summary Macbeth sends his wife Lady Macbeth a letter explaining what has happened with the witches and asking for her advice on what he should do. Lady Macbeth immediately decides that King Duncan must die and she will do everything she can to help Macbeth become king. She knows Macbeth wants to be king but she is afraid he is too nice to go through with the plan so she aims to convince him.
Macbeth Summary Macbeth can’t decide what he should do. He says that King Duncan is a good man and a good king, he has no reason to kill him other than his own ambition. He decides to abandon the plan until Lady Macbeth calls him a coward and tells him he is not a man if he doesn’t go through with the murder. Macbeth kills Duncan but is so horrified by what he has done he flees the scene with the daggers he was meant to plant on Duncan’s guards, framing them for the murder.
Macbeth Summary Even though she is disturbed by the thought of it, Lady Macbeth realises she will have to go back and do it herself. When King Duncan’s body is found, Macbeth kills the two guards so they cannot defend themselves when blamed with the murder. King Duncan’s two sons both fear for their lives and so run away. However, this makes them look as if they were behind their father’s death.
Macbeth Summary Macbeth is named the new king and decides to blame Duncan’s death on his two sons who have fled Scotland. Although he is generally accepted as king, Banquo suspects Macbeth may be guilty of murder. Macduff also seems slightly suspicious of Macbeth. Macbeth is scared of how much Banquo knows about the witches and is nervous because the witches said Banquo’s sons would be kings. Macbeth decides to kill Banquo and his son Fleance.
Macbeth summary Lady Macbeth admits that they have gained nothing from killing Duncan because they are both so unhappy. Macbeth says their plan is not complete because they are still in danger. He describes how he envies Duncan because he is at peace, while Macbeth cannot sleep.
Macbeth summary Macbeth admits he is worried about Banquo but does not tell his wife he plans to kill him. He has begun excluding her from his plans. The murderers Macbeth has hired kill Banquo but Fleance escapes. Macbeth is disturbed to realise Fleance is still alive but is happy Banquo has been taken care of.
Macbeth summary Macbeth returns to the feast in his castle but imagines he can see the ghost of Banquo. Lady Macbeth makes excuses for Macbeth and accuses him of being a coward until he recovers himself. However, Macbeth again sees the ghost of Banquo and cannot get a grip on himself. Lady Macbeth has to tell all of the guests to leave.
Macbeth summary Macbeth decides he is going to visit the witches to find out more information. The witches tell Macbeth to beware Macduff, that none of woman born can harm him and that he will be King until Birnam Wood moves to Dunsinane. The witches prophecies give Macbeth huge confidence because he trusts them unthinkingly.
Macbeth summary Macbeth discovers that Macduff has fled Scotland.
Macbeth is furious that he has not already killed Macduff and in his rage decides to kill Macduff’s family. Macduff’s innocent wife and children are brutally slaughtered by Macbeth’s men. Macbeth has become a cruel tyrant.
Macbeth summary Malcolm (Duncan’s son) and Macduff meet in England to discuss the terrible state Scotland is in and to plan an attack. A soldier arrives and tells Macduff that Macbeth has killed his entire family. Macduff is heartbroken, he asks over and over again if it is true. His determination to kill Macbeth is now personal, as well as political.
Macbeth summary Lady Macbeth has finally given into the horror and guilt of her crime and she loses her mind from the strain of it. She sleep walks, re-enacting the horror of the murder and of trying to cover up for Macbeth. Her strong will power early in the play is now gone and she is helpless and scared.
Macbeth summary Macbeth is shaken when he discovers the English army is coming for him. He thinks of what is missing from his life – love, friendship and honour. Lady Macbeth dies and Macbeth’s cold reaction is a huge contrast to Macduff’s devastation at his family’s deaths.
Macbeth Summary The English soldiers each take a branch from Birnam Wood to disguise their approach and so one of the witches’ prophecies has come true. Macbeth’s people desert him and he is left alone to fight. He is confident because he cannot be killed by someone ‘of woman born’ until Macduff reveals he was prematurely taken from his mother’s body so didn’t have a natural birth.
Macbeth summary Macbeth finally realises the evil power of the witches and although he has no hope he faces Macduff with courage and determination. Macduff kills Macbeth and presents his head to Malcolm. Malcolm is announced King and order is returned to Scotland.
MACBETH SUMMARY Key Characters Macbeth Lady Macbeth Banquo Duncan
Malcolm Macduff
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