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The Fonlabour Campus 1. Agricultural education 2.

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Presentation on theme: "The Fonlabour Campus 1. Agricultural education 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Fonlabour Campus 1

2 Agricultural education 2

3 A general, technical and vocational highschool (From 15 to 22 years old – 600 pupils and students) An adult education center and an apprenticeship center A farm with dairy cows A technological hall (specialised in water managment and biogaz) Fonlabour Campus 3

4 The highschool campus 1 Boarding school 1 gymnasium 1 amphitheater 1 ressources center A natural park with 17 ha 2 technological halls (landscape and water managment) 1 school restaurant 4

5 Agriculture Landscape managment Water and waste managment Energy (new topic) Specialities 5

6 Fonlabour Highschool and Renewable Energy A new Licence (L3) called Energy Management : Agriculture and territory with the Albi University and an other vocational school (solar and wind energy) Scientific research (Biogaz) and student projects in the technological hall GH2O Special modules and projects in link with Biogaz and renewable energy for BTS ACSE (L2 – agriculture managment) Teachers specialised in different technologies (biomass, biogaz, biofuel, energy diagnosis…) RE projects in the campus and in the farm (solar plant – biogaz plant) 6

7 Fonlabour Highschool and Renewable Energy 7 Farms InputOutput Electricity Oil Fuel Natural Gaz Other energies Imported Energie (Fertilizer, Steel, …) Re GHG Sales Uses Productions Agricultural Farm Energy diagnostic

8 Fonlabour Highschool and Renewable Energy 8 Farm Energy diagnostic : Diaterre®

9 Fonlabour Highschool and Renewable Energy 9 Farm Energy diagnostic : Diaterre®

10 25 Professional partners 10

11 International projects 11

12 European programs 12

13 Merci ! 13

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