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International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome.

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Presentation on theme: "International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Welcome

2 International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education Crowne Plaza Hotel, Glasgow 9-11 June 2015 Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland

3 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Agenda Context and some academic underpinning Method Analytical framework Findings and Conclusions Actions Questions and Discussion

4 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Context MBA programmes are under scrutiny “Managers, not MBAs” Mintzberg (2004) Effectiveness? Required level of knowledge and skills delivered on return to the workplace? Challenges o Substitutes such as specialised Masters programmes o Alternatives such as executive and corporate development o The value proposition of MBA programmes is in need of review Course Design Intensive (CDI) (Dempster et al 2012)

5 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland RGU MBA ‘Four Pillars’ Framework

6 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland We know the transitions that we put students through, but do we know the transitions that they are going through ?

7 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Definition of Liminality “a fluid and largely unstructured space where normal order is suspended and which is experienced as both unsettling and creative” Sturdy et al 2006

8 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Transitions for FT MBA participants Method 10 former FT students – Graduating in years 2012, 2013, 2014 Sample population characteristics Structured interviews

9 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Analytical Framework Bridges (2009) model – Ending – Neutral Zone – New Beginning TRANSITIONS

10 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Eight Stages to Career Change (Caprino, 2012) disengagement from an unsatisfactory work environment dis-identification − reduced identity with career, questioning of past efforts, low self-esteem disorientation − confusion and uncertainty resulting from the decision to change career identity letting go − psychological freedom associated with embracing career change re-engagement − increasing confidence, excitement of novel environment, future-oriented discovery − identification of new career identity, consolidation of the past with the future clarity − fully transformed and ready to apply new knowledge, skills and abilities integration − self-actualisation, developing new career identity through work experience.

11 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Overview Timeline“BRIDGES MODEL” Category Transition Phases and Elements of primary data gathering Exploratory Themes End of previous job ENDING Between Job and MBA Preparing for the MBA Aspiration Identity (dissatisfaction) Preparedness for MBA MBA Course NEUTRAL ZONE Studying on the MBA MBA Ending Between MBA and Job Liminality Aspiration (adjustment) Identity (formulation) Preparedness for Job Start of new job NEW BEGINNING New beginning, New Job Aspiration (realisation) Identity (manifestation) Stabilisation

12 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Findings (1of 2) PG transitions are relatively under-researched compared with UG transitions FT MBA students have made a significant, high stakes choice The ‘Four Pillars’ framework is an effective (and essential) alignment device in course design and can inform and support transitions Contingency – Individual paths (but these can be categorised) – Paths may change Phases – Some level of interdependence – Discontinuities and distinctiveness, however… – …not a simple sequential three-stage model, but a useful starting point

13 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Findings (2 of 2) Key valued elements within the RGU MBA Consultancy Project Behavioural training Others o Strategic Management o Leadership Week o Networking opportunities

14 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland RGU MBA ‘Four Pillars’ Framework

15 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Conclusions Bridges model has provided an overarching framework Each individual is on their own journey The centrality of the consultancy project as a transitional device

16 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Possible Actions and Follow-Up Rebalance the ‘conceptual’ and the ‘practical’ where appropriate Emphasise and enhance situative pedagogical practice via the ‘Four Pillars’ Framework, for example… some initial ideas… – Highlight ‘networking’ and network creation as the important element in effective transition to work – Introduce summative authentic assessment around network creation and network maintenance – Consider formal mentoring, with MBA alumni acting as mentors, to assist with effective transition into work Introduce formal ‘Transition Planning’ into the course (consider implications for FT particularly) Build on this exploratory study. Continue with data gathering on transitions to inform and guide course design and transition management and thereby inform ‘Transition Planning’ via future CDIs

17 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland Questions and Discussion Selected References BRIDGES, W. 2009. Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. 3 rd ed. London: Nicholas Brealey Publishing CAPRINO, K. 2012. The 8 stages of career transformation. Forbes online. available at: (last accessed 28 April 2015) DEMPSTER, J. A., BENFIELD, G. and FRANCIS, R. 2012. An academic development model for fostering innovation and sharing in curriculum design. Innovations in Education and Teaching International 49(2) pp 135-147 IBARRA, H. 2007. Identity Transitions: Possible Selves, Liminality and the Dynamics of Voluntary Career Change. Fontainbleau: Insead Working Paper Series MINTZBERG, H. 2004. Managers Not MBAs: A Hard Look at the Soft Practice of Managing and Management Development. London: FT Prentice Hall STURDY, A., SCHWARZ, M. and SPICER, A. 2006. Guess who’s coming to dinner? Structures and uses of liminality in strategic management consultancy. Human Relations 59(7) pp 929- 960

18 Bill Sutherland Post-experience MBAs: The transition back into the workplace for FT students William Sutherland, Ken Russell and Allan Scott Aberdeen Business School, Robert Gordon University, Scotland

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