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Slide 1 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Energizer Energizer Phase View video “In Real Life” Sequence #1“In Real Life” Sequence #1 In teams, list examples of how teams show respect for one another Form teams of 3-4 cadets each

2 Slide 2 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Reflection: What does it feel like when somebody treats you with disrespect? What does respect for others have to do with sexual harassment and assault? Energizer Phase

3 Slide 3 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Inquire Phase Student Learning Activity Review Student Learning Plan –Why is this important? –What will you learn to do? –How will you know when you are succeeding? –Knowledge and skills you will learn along the way. Take action to prevent and/or stop sexual harassment and assault

4 Slide 4 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Inquire Phase

5 Slide 5 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 How do you identify Sexual Harassment? View video “In Real Life” Sequence #2“In Real Life” Sequence #2 Inquire Phase Student Learning Activity #1

6 Slide 6 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Brainstorm what you know about “Sexual Harassment”, using a Circle Map, based on your own experiences, observations, and the video scenarios. Inquire Phase Student Learning Activity #1 (cont.) Form teams of 3-4 cadets each

7 Slide 7 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Reflection: What impact can sexual harassment have on the victim? Why do you think sexual harassment is often ignored or downplayed? Inquire Phase

8 Slide 8 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Sexual Harassment Policy An example of one school district's sexual harassment policy is the Cedar Rapids (Iowa) Community School District Regulation 064.2, which is printed in the student handbook. It states that "harassment on the basis of a student's race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sex, marital status or parental status will not be tolerated in the school district…. Sexual harassment shall include, but not be limited to, unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal and physical conduct of a sexual nature when such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with a student's educational opportunities, or creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment." Does the policy cover the situations you observed in the video? Visual #1 Sexual Harassment Policy

9 Slide 9 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Student Learning Activity #3 Jigsaw text lesson on Sexual Harassment/Assault or research the legal ramifications of sexual harassment on the Internet using the following Websites: Gather Phase

10 Slide 10 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 View video “In Real Life” Sequence #3“In Real Life” Sequence #3 Gather Phase Student Learning Activity #3 (cont.)

11 Slide 11 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 In Teams show the personal, social, physical, and legal consequences of sexual harassment on all parties Gather Phase Student Learning Activity #3 (cont.)

12 Slide 12 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 What are the potential legal consequences for sexual harassment for the offender? What are the potential personal, social, and physical consequences of sexual harassment for the victim? What is the school’s responsibility in dealing with sexual harassment between students? Reflection: Gather Phase

13 Slide 13 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 View video “In Real Life” Sequence #4“In Real Life” Sequence #4 Student Learning Activity #5 Process Phase

14 Slide 14 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Student Learning Activity #5 (cont.) List the actions that were taken in the video scenarios to stop peer harassment in the first column of the Tree Map. Process Phase Post a Tree Map with the following heading: Peer Harassment.. Form teams of 3-4 cadets each

15 Slide 15 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Student Learning Activity #5 (cont.) Review the Communication models for support and Confrontation as shown in the “In Real Life” Sequence #4: Laurie’s support of Sara and Derek confronting Sandra Display Visual #2 and #3 on next slides

16 Slide 16 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Visual #2: Supportive Communication Listen calmly, asking questions to understand the offending actions and behaviors Encourage student to confront harasser if it’s another student / peer If harassment is threatening, intimidating or coming from an adult, encourage student to report it to an appropriate adult in school (offer to accompany them) Practice / role play with student, giving feedback and allowing them to find his/her own words Have patience – it may take longer than one practice or role play to build your peer’s confidence and/or find the right words Follow up with student to make sure the appropriate actions have been taken and the harassment has stopped Supportive Communication

17 Slide 17 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Visual #3: Positive Confrontation Describe the specific situation and behaviors that offended you (“When you…”) Describe the impact on you (“I felt…”) Pause and prepare for response from person you’re confronting, who may be defensive State the specific behaviors you would prefer from them (“In the future, I would prefer…”) Positive Confrontation

18 Slide 18 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Process Phase Student Learning Activity #5 (cont.) Could their actions have ever been interpreted as sexual harassment, even if that's not their intent? How you would feel if some one acted this way toward your significant other, boyfriend/girlfriend, mother or father?

19 Slide 19 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Reflection: What role can you play in preventing sexual harassment at your school? What advice would you give to a friend who was being sexual harassed? What resources are available to assist victims of sexual harassment and assault? What question would you like to ask? Process Phase

20 Slide 20 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 View video “In Real Life” Sequence #5“In Real Life” Sequence #5 Student Learning Activity #7 Process Phase

21 Slide 21 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Student Learning Activity #7 (cont.) In small groups, conduct 2 role plays, one of Colleen’s friend/s giving her support using the skills of Supportive Communication and another of Jeff’s friend/s confronting him about his behavior toward Colleen, using the skills of Positive Confrontation. Discuss each individual’s responsibility to stop sexual harassment, particularly at school. Divide into teams Apply Phase

22 Slide 22 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 What have you learned? Create a Sexual Harassment/Assault Prevention Plan using the Sexual Harassment/Assault Prevention Plan Assessment TaskSexual Harassment/Assault Prevention Plan Assessment Task. Apply Phase

23 Slide 23 of 23Chapter 1: Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved Lesson 5: Sexual Harassment/Assault Unit Sexual Harassment/Assault Leadership Theory and Application 2 Reflection: What did you learn about sexual harassment today? Were you surprised to find out that sexual harassment and assault are such a major problem in schools? Apply Phase

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