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1 ENGG 1203 Tutorial Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering – 2013 Spring Semester Time and Venue  Class: 1430 – 1520 CPD-LG.08, every.

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Presentation on theme: "1 ENGG 1203 Tutorial Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering – 2013 Spring Semester Time and Venue  Class: 1430 – 1520 CPD-LG.08, every."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 ENGG 1203 Tutorial Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering – 2013 Spring Semester Time and Venue  Class: 1430 – 1520 CPD-LG.08, every Friday Tutor  Leon LEI (me): CB 806  Michael CHAN: CB 515  Contact TAs and me via Piazza Tutorial materials 

2 Tutorial Schedule (Tentative) 1/25 Introduction+System 2/1 Digital Logic 2/8 Digital Logic 2/15 Lunar New Year 2/22 Digital Logic 3/1 Circuit 3/8 Circuit 3/15 Reading Week 3/22 ** Mid Term ** 3/29 Good Friday 4/5 Signal 4/12 Signal 4/19 Signal 4/26 N/A 5/3 N/A 5/X Computer+Revision 2

3 3 ENGG 1203 Tutorial Each class: 40 min. tutorial + 10 min. Q/A Tutorial materials  Regular tutorials  Project facilitation tutorial after lab sessions  Revision tutorial before examination (Tentatively)  Question banks (* : may be obsolete) Homework 2012, 2011*, 2010* Past paper 2012, 2011*, 2010*

4 ENGG 1203 Admin Q&A Lecture/Lab materials, announcements  Course site  Moodle  HKU Computer Center  Prompt helping, finding groupmates, asking lecture/tutorial/homework questions  Piazza  Admin help  Piazza (Private post) Extra lab check-off session  TA office hour (CB LG205)  Thu 1530 – 1730, Fri 1530 – 1730 (Tentative) Textbook  No textbook 4

5 5 ENGG 1203 Tutorial ENGG1203 and Systems 25 Jan Learning Objectives  Outline the course, the tutorial and the project  Identify concepts of systems News  Start to have laboratory sessions next week Sign up by tonight (25 Jan)

6 IPhone 4S ↔ ENGG1203 / Project “Too broad and no focus for lectures/tutorials…”  “No connection between topics…”  “Too many topics are covered…” In this course, we teach  Digital circuit  Analog circuit  Signal and Control  Digital system

7 IPhone 4S ↔ EEE … 8 megapixel camera Linear oscillating vibrator Battery Light sensor and IR LED for the proximity sensor 960 x 640 pixel Retina display

8 IPhone 4S ↔ EEE … - Touchscreen controller - Gyroscope - Three-axis accelerometer - Audio codec chip - Dual-core Processor - RF Transceiver (Analog) - Power Amplifier - Surface acoustic wave filter Dual-core processor with RAM Siri / iCloud Source:

9 IPhone 4S ↔ ENGG1203 … Sensors, Actuators  Measure and manipulate the physical environment Computer Systems  Compute, control and decide Digital Logic  Assemble a computer system Electrical Circuit  Assemble digital logic, convert signals

10 IPhone 4S ↔ Rube Goldberg Machine … Vibration/Motion Light sensor and proximity sensor IPhone 4S = Rube Goldberg Machine? Control circuit (microcontroller)

11 Topics in ENGG1203 Topics are linked together We learn some modules first  Learn more (but not all) in EEE UG

12 Electrical Safety 5-10 ma can cause death Skin resistance can range from 1kΩ for wet skin to 500kΩ for dry skin. Death can result from as low as 50 volts Body can sense 9 volts under the right conditions NO Slippers and NO Sandals in the Lab Report TAs or technicians for any emergency case

13 Electrical Units * Voltage (V): volts (μv → kv) * Current (I): amperes (amps), milliampere (ma 10 -3 ) * Resistance (R): ohms Ω, k-ohms (k 10 3 ), meg ohms (m 10 6 ) Capacitance (C): farad, microfarad (µf 10 -6 ), nanofarad (nf 10 -9 ), picofarad (pf 10 -12 ) Inductance (H): henry, millihenry, microhenry Frequency (freq.): Hertz, MHz, GHz 10 9

14 Digital Multi-meter (DMM) Important diagnosis tool Voltage DC: 2mv-1000v  24m, 240m, 2.4, 24, 240 Voltage AC: 2vac-750vac Current: 2ua-10a Resistance: 2Ω-2MΩ Turn off the DMM if you are not using

15 Electrical Symbols

16 Resistor V = IR Resistor parameters: resistance and tolerance  Resistors are color coded  Common tolerance: ±5%, ±1% Variable resistors: pots

17 Resistor Color Code (Optional) To distinguish left from right there is a gap between the C and D bands.  band A is first significant figure of component value (left side)  band B is the second significant figure  band C is the decimal multiplier  band D if present, indicates tolerance of value in percent (no color means 20%)

18 Resistor Color Code (Optional)

19 A resistor with bands of yellow, violet, red, and gold  First digit 4 (yellow), second digit 7 (violet), followed by 2 (red) zeros: 4,700 ohms.  Gold signifies that the tolerance is ±5%  The real resistance could lie anywhere between 4,465 and 4,935 ohms

20 Power Requirements Power (voltage) supplies that used in analog and digital circuits  +3.3v, +5v for digital circuits  +15v, -15v for analog circuits  -5v, +12v, -12v are also used In this course  0v, +3.3v for digital circuits  -15v, +15v, for analog circuits

21 Project Videos FA12 FA11 More videos in the course FB page (FA12) and FA11/256345307719029 (FA11) FA11/256345307719029 Extra: LEGO Great Ball Contraption 21

22 Lab Session (Tentative) Ball counting  Simple Boolean Logic  Advanced Boolean Logic + Adder  Flip Flop + Ball counting (software)  Ball counting (hardware) Sensors + Actuators Tracking  Uni-directional motor driving  Light sensing  Light tracking 22

23 Lab Check-off Extra TA office hours for lab check-off  Thu 1530 – 1730  Fri 1530 – 1730 To speed up lab check-off process  Read the instruction sheet before lab session  Log in the lab check-off system before calling TAs  If you have multiple check-off, log in different HKU Portal accounts via different internet browsers (IE, Firefox, Chrome, 360, Sogou, Liebao, Maxthon…) 23

24 Probing Questions Big questions  How to design an (complicated) electrical system?  How do you (as a team) build a multi-stage Rube Goldberg Machine that is functional and creative? Small questions  How do you describe the stages that are involved in the machine?  How do you describe the electrical components in the machine?  How do you demonstrate your skills of technical design and implementation?  How do you demonstrate your ability to work effectively with diverse teams?  How do you demonstrate your originality and inventiveness? 24

25 Systems that You Will Build in Lab Sessions 25 Ball tracker  Lab 1 – Lab 4  The tunnel increments its internal counter every time a ball rolls through the tunnel.  When three balls have rolled through the tunnel, it raises a digital DONE signal.

26 Systems that You Will Build in Lab Sessions Light tracking (Tentative)  Lab 6 – Lab 8  The head can follow the direction of a light source 26

27 Sensors and Actuators in the Project 27

28 Learning Objectives in the Project After taking this course, you can  Describe stages that are involved in a basic system  Identify electrical components and instruments  Demonstrate technical design and implementation skills of a basic electronic system  Construct circuits with sensors, actuators and microcontrollers  Identify, formulate and solve basic engineering problems  Design and conduct technical experiments, as well as analyze and interpret the obtained data  Work effectively with diverse teams 28

29 Project Checklist Checklist: Collaboration, Creativity, Problem Solving, Project Planning, Project Implementation Students can identify goals, design strategies and schedules to meet goals, and define group criteria in the design process You can also monitor how general engineering skills and thinking can be applied in the design process. 29

30 Question: Top-down vs Bottom-up ItemTop-downBottom-up Driven by system requirement Driven by component integration Construct system by composing smaller parts Construct system by decomposing Generate new ideas from system requirements Synthesize new ideas from existing components Must work with unknown system components as black-boxes 30 Yes

31 Question: Procedures in top-down and bottom-up Making a dinner (Top-down)  Decide the types of dishes according to the location, number of people, time and purpose of dinner  Design dishes according to the types of dishes, diet requirements, kitchen equipment  Find out required ingredients and sauces for each decided dishes  Get all things ready (e.g. buy and clean ingredients, prepare sauces)  Cook every dishes  Bring dishes to the table 31

32 Question: Procedures in top-down and bottom-up Making a dinner (Bottom-up)  Find out the ingredients available  Clean and cut the ingredients according to your own skill and available kitchen equipment  Mix and match available ingredients as different dishes to meet the dinner requirements, such as dietary requirements, location, number of people, time and purpose of dinner, etc.  Cook every dishes by the given kitchen equipment  Bring dishes to the table Making a Rube Goldberg Machine? 32

33 Question: Procedures in top-down and bottom-up Making a Rube Goldberg Machine (Top-down)  Decide the types of stages according to the location, number of stages, and interface of each stage  Design stages according to the types of stages, input and output requirements  Find out the required components for each stage  Get all things ready (e.g. acquire from the technician)  Prepare and assemble each stage  Combine each stage together  Fine-tune the connection between stages 33

34 Question: Procedures in top-down and bottom-up Making a Rube Goldberg Machine (Bottom-up)  Find out the components available  Mix and match available components as different stages to meet the project requirements such as types of stages according to the location, number of stages, and interface of each stage etc.  Prepare and assemble each stage by the given equipment  Combine each stage together  Fine-tune the connection between stages 34

35 (Appendix) What is a Rube Goldberg Machine (in this course)? General: Rube Goldberg Machine can be defined as “a machine designed to perform a very simple task in an overly complex way” or “a comically involved, complicated invention, laboriously contrived to perform a simple operation”. Technical: Rube Goldberg Machine can be defined as an intuitive and loosely defined engineering system. In particular, the Rube Goldberg Machine is a machine that has at least four distinct stages with its own triggering mechanisms. In addition, the machine is started with pushing a button/switch, and is ended by popping a balloon. In a stage, an electrical sensor is triggered by an external mechanical input, the sensor then switches on the electrical actuator(s) through relay buffers. Electrical actuator then moves mechanical parts, which finally trigger the electrical sensor in the next stage. 35

36 (Appendix) What is a Rube Goldberg Machine (in this course)? Pedagogical: Rube Goldberg Machine design project can be used to trigger and maintain students’ motivations in learning because of its innovative, humorous and unconventional nature. Furthermore, Rube Goldberg Machines are usually constituted of daily life objects, and thus the design project creates a friendly environment that encourages intellectual engagement of students. Moreover, the Rube Goldberg Machine project contributes to two primary learning events: i) to gain students’ attention, and ii) to stimulate students’ recall of prior learning. According to Gagne’s instructional theory, for learning to take place (i.e. learning to design their machines efficiently), primary learning events must be accomplished first. 36

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