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Islam: The Sword of the Prophet The al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, holds the holiest shrine of Islam, the Kaaba. play.

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Presentation on theme: "Islam: The Sword of the Prophet The al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, holds the holiest shrine of Islam, the Kaaba. play."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam: The Sword of the Prophet The al-Haram Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, holds the holiest shrine of Islam, the Kaaba. play

2 Islamic Art and Culture Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem Masjid-i-Shaha-adresah Mosque in Esfahân, Iran Mosque LampMuslim Design

3 Mohammed: 570?-632AD

4 Mohammed Marries Khadijah

5 Mohammed has a Vision

6 The Qur’an

7 Mecca and the Kaaba Stone Modern Mecca

8 The Hijrah or Escape from Mecca

9 Muslims Raid Caravans

10 The Fearfully Fanatic Islamic Warriors

11 The Hashashin or Assasins

12 Relics from Mohammed’s Tomb Soil from Mohammed’s Tomb Mohammed’s Tooth Lock of Mohammed’s Hair

13 The Spread of Islam

14 Abraham and Isaac on Mt. Moriah

15 The Nature of God IslamChristianity Only one God-Allah Monotheism = Singular Person Only one God Monotheism = Trinity Creator Above and far away from the creation Above the creation, but near the creation Allah is the righteous, judge of the universe God is loving Father or righteous judge

16 The Nature of Man IslamChristianity Creature created in need of Allah’s Law Creature created in the Image of God Not sinful by natureFallen, sinful by nature Able to obey Allah’s law by choice Able to obey the law of Christ by Faith May posses personal righteousness May posses Christ’s righteousness

17 The Nature Authority IslamChristianity The Qur’an The Bible Imans, Mullahs, Ayatollahs, scholars

18 The Way of Salvation IslamChristianity Believe “Articles of Faith,” Follow “Five Pillars” God’s Plan: Peace & Life - John10:10 Death in a Jihad, or Holy War Man’s Problem: Separation - Rom 3:23 Pilgrimage to Mecca God’s Remedy: Come to The Cross - Rom 5:8 Good deeds must outweigh bad on the day of judgment Man’s Response: Receive Christ – Rev 3:20

19 Summary IslamChristianity ReligionRelationship Sura 101:1-11John 3:16

20 Muhammed Ali

21 Why the Muslim Rage? Celebration of 9/11 Palestinian youths burn Israeli flag Pakistan Mosque at prayer

22 What Makes a bin Laden? 14 years old at Oxford 47 years old in Afghanistan

23 Lawrence, King Fiesel, Bedouins

24 Cultural Differences EastWest

25 Islam: Peace? or War?

26 War? Sura 8:39 “Make war on them until idolatry is no more and Allah’s religion reigns supreme.” Peace? Sura 4:94 “ O you who believe! when you go to war in Allah's way, make investigation, and do not say to any one who offers you peace: You are not a believer.”

27 Islam: The Sword of the Prophet Mohammed’s Swords

28 Misc

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