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TELESOL Kick-off Conference Bishkek, Kirgizstan 7 June, 2002, Dr. Tofig A. Babayev 15 years of BSTC and its participation in.

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Presentation on theme: "TELESOL Kick-off Conference Bishkek, Kirgizstan 7 June, 2002, Dr. Tofig A. Babayev 15 years of BSTC and its participation in."— Presentation transcript:

1 TELESOL Kick-off Conference Bishkek, Kirgizstan 7 June, 2002, Dr. Tofig A. Babayev e-mail: 15 years of BSTC and its participation in telematics projects

2 Baku Scientific and Training Centre Unesco/UNDP e-mail: Regional Networking Academy

3 Baku Scientific and Training Centre

4 Baku Scientific and Training Centre e-mail: Baku Scientific and Training Centre e-mail: BSTC Training department Telecommu- nications department Software department WEB department Scientific department Institute of CIT Department of CIT for children Information Resourses and Inter. Relations department EDNES Azerbaijan branch Cisco Regional Academy PROMETRIC Testing Centre BSTC branches

5 AZRENA (2000) BSTC (one of the founders) Azerbaijan Internet society (2000) BSTC (one of the founders) BSTC is a member of ACCESS (Association of Computer Centres BSTC (one of the founders) for Exploring Sustainable Support in Asia & Eastern Europe ) (2000) ADADAT (Association for Digitally Advanced Technology Assessment and Dissemination ) EDNES ( Earth Data Network for Education and Scientific Exchange) Azerbaijan branch since (1999) EDNES Assembly

6 Telematics projects

7 STACCIS Support for Telematics Application Cooperation with the Commonwealth of Independent States (1996-1999) EU/UNESCO/EDNES Information Demonstration Centre (IDC) Equipment for IDC Baku, Sumgait and Nakhchivan Computer Centres Telematics projects

8 WISTCIS New Methods of Working for Information Society Technologies Programme Promotion to Commonwealth of Independent States (2000-2002) EC/EDNES -Dedicated Web-site was created -Workshop “E-working, Distant Training and Environmental Monitoring: New Opportunities” was held in 13-14 December, 2001 in Baku, Azerbaijan Telematics projects

9 Telematics projects TELESOL Telework Solutions for Promotion of EU Cooperation in Business and Research with the Commonwealth of Independent States” (2002-2005) EC/EDNES TRISTAN-EAST Training of IST Multipliers and Awareness Nurturingin the 3 rd Countries of EAST Europe (NIS) (2002-2004) EC/EDNES

10 Creating of MULTIMEDIA Courses on CD in Russian and Azeri (2000) UNESCO/BSTC Subcontractor - Russian EDNES branch MULTIMEDIA Courses include INTERNET Basics and 5 courses on Microsoft Office 2000: Projects & Organizers Word Excel Access PowerPoint OutlookExpress

11 Projects & Organizers Internet Training (since 1995) UNESCO/UNIDO/British Council IAS (1998-1999) TACIS/SOFREGAS(France) AAS (1996-1997) TACIS/SOFREGAS (France) BSTC (1995-1997) UNESCO/UNDP INCO-COPERNICUS : EIS-CCE/NIS Establishment of Electronic Information Services in Central and Eastern European Countries/New Independent States (1999-2001) EC/IST Azerbaijan Development Gateway (2001) World Bank/ Azerbaijan IT organizations/ BSTC (member of initiative group)

12 Creating Digital Image System Centre in Baku is intended by UNESCO/HITACHI/BSTC (2003) Projects & Organizers Baku Scientific and Training Centre hosted the “Regional Workshop for IT Applications for Digital Silk Roads” under the auspices of UNESCO Information Society Division 19 - 21 November 2001 The workshop was dedicated to applying Digital Image System to preservation of cultural heritage of Silk Road Countries.

13 Free Software Catalogue (since 2000) UNESCO /BSTC on the base of CDS/ISIS including more than 1300 free and shareware software was translated into Azeri This is the first Database in Azeri IDAMS ( Internationally Developed Data Analysis and Management System ) programme (since 2000) UNESCO /BSTC CDS/ISIS (Information Storage and Retrieval System) programme (since 2000) UNESCO /BSTC Projects & Organizers BSTC is distributor of

14 BSTC branches


16 SOROS – IREX- Network

17 Project of UNDP AZRENA Creation of Internet Data Exchange for scientific and research institutions of Azerbaijan Republic Duration:24 month Project Site:Baku, Azerbaijan Government ImplementationAzerbaijan Academy Agency: of Science Estimated Starting Date: September 2002

18 Project of UNDP AZRENA

19 Regions: Eastern Europe and Central Asia Sectors:CI Divisions: CI/INF Project budget:US$ 257,000 Project period:Three years (2001-2003) Starting and ending date:July 2001 – December 2003 Project site:Baku, Azerbaijan Regional co-operating agency:Baku Scientific and Training Centre (BSTC) Co-financing agencies:UNESCO and donor (AzEurotel) U N E S C O Regional Academy for Online Network Governance and System Administration (RAONGSA)

20 RAONGSA Regional CISCO Academy Authorized Prometric Testing Centre Microsoft CTEC IT Governance Courses Structure of Regional Academy Distance Learning Centre

21 NICTS National Information Communication Technology Strategy development and its implementation at the initial stage in the Azerbaijan Republic. (2002-2011) Total budget USD 1 200 000 Azerbaijan Government Contribution USD 600 000 UNDP USD 600 000 Baku Scientific and Training Centre is one of the leading executors of NICTS

22 NICTS National Information Communication Technology Strategy development and its implementation at the initial stage in the Azerbaijan Republic. (2002-2011) The Targets of National Strategy  Assistance to Country's democratic development  Formation of unified information space in country  Provision of country informational security  Strengthening the economic, social and intellectual potential

23 NICTS National Information Communication Technology Strategy development and its implementation at the initial stage in the Azerbaijan Republic. (2002-2011) The Targets of National Strategy  Creation of required organizational, technological and legal environments.  Creation of equal conditions for all spheres despite the property form  Implementation of country integration to International community  Creation of favorite conditions for transition to civil society until year 2011.

24  Evaluation of status. Monitoring;  Development of information-communication infrastructure; infrastructure;  Creation and development of legal base related to informatization; to informatization;  Wide use of Azerbaijan language and ABC in national information space; national information space;  Establishment of national information recourses;  Development of internet and information services; Main directions NICTS

25  Creation and development of regional and local information centers  Application and development of information- communication technologies in Governmental organizations. Training of state servants  Development of ICT fundamental and applied sciences  Informatization of the education. Distant education Main directions NICTS

26 Creation remote ICT Centres The locations for creating Computer Centres were chosen as a result of agreement with the heads of some remote areas of Azerbaijan; A choice of 2-3 local specialists per each Centre was realized During 1.5-2 months BSTC provided free-of- charge training for the specialists from remote areas Owning to internal founds BSTC provided with 2-3 PCs for the Centres

27 The training-methodical materials were provided by BSTC to the ICT Centres And sustainability of that Centres should be the main goal in its creating BSTC organized training process in mentioned areas and carried out examinations for Certification The seminars were organized in mentioned above areas of Azerbaijan in order of expansion of access to information technologies Creation remote ICT Centres


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